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DoseNation 42: War DrugsHosts Jake Kettle and James Kent discuss the use of Amphetamines in the Syrian civil war, the Trans Pacific Partnership and it's impact on copyright law, and the idea of global internet monitoring. James and Jake also discuss viewer feedback, and continue their discussion on New Age spirituality.
Download MP3 [ 35.35 MB, Duration 01:17:34 ] Posted By jamesk at 2014-01-24 11:00:29 permalink | commentsTags: podcast dosenation |
Meditation and Psychedelics. An essay on the intersection of the two tools of self and other exploration.
One of the question I toss around is: What's the difference between meditative states and trance states and hallucinations? Are they matters of degree or completely different mental states? I've noticed that depending on dose, set and setting I've had either trance like states of hallucinations and I've also had clear minded entagogenic meditative states on various substances and while soberly being mindful. Any ideas or opinions on the subject?
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