Finns deploy green mud witches against drunk drivers hips us to a delirious new music video from K-X-P that demonstrates the dangers of drunken driving in an altogether too enticing fashion:
The song's driving vibes and playful psychedelic inclinations are well matched by the video above, which begins with a man drunkenly stumbling out onto the street from a local watering hole. He's initially swinging wildly at something only he can see, but soon we can see it too — all of it: the green-skinned mud witch that teases him, the alien camel creature that lumbers past his car, and the hitchhiking polar bear he picks up en route to nowhere in particular. The clip is fantastically surreal and even more so when you learn that it's sourced from a 1986 Finnish drunk driving PSA that was scrapped because it made the offense in question look awesome.
I don't personally know anyone who wants green-skinned mud witches backseat driving for them while they've been drinking, but then again, I have no idea what Finnish culture was like in 1986, so your mileage may vary.
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