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Kids with ADHD more likely to use drugs

Results from another study telling us things we already know.

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are up to three times more likely than other kids to use, abuse or become dependent on substances such as nicotine, cocaine and marijuana in adolescence and as young adults, new research suggests.

Adolescents with ADHD also were more likely to experiment with nicotine and illegal substances at earlier ages than those without ADHD, according to an analysis of 27 long-term studies that followed 4,100 ADHD and 6,800 non-ADHD children into young adulthood - in some cases for 10 years or more.

The study, by psychologists at the University of California-Los Angeles and the University of South Carolina-Columbia, was funded by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. It was published online in the journal Clinical Psychology Review and will appear in the journal's print edition this summer.

Posted By jamesk at 2011-04-26 10:28:45 permalink | comments
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jamesk : 2011-05-04 10:16:15
@Adam, also, serotonin syndrome is heart irregularities and high blood pressure related to too much serotonin, usually in the wake of an adverse drug reaction. It has nothing to do with the inability to produce serotonin. Perhaps if you had looked it up yourself you would not be making such ludicrous claims.
jamesk : 2011-05-04 10:13:34
@Adam, "It's the ritalin. ADHD doesn't exist until you take it."

This is a false statement. Some kids are just hyper because they are kids, they do not need ritalin, but ADHD can be identified as a genetic trait related to the inability to produce or uptake sufficient quantities of dopamine. This can be related to genetic differences in neurons that produce dopamine or receptors that bind with dopamine. These genetic traits are passed through families, and ADHD people are generally more adventurous and sexually promiscuous (thrill seeking), making this genetic trait somewhat advantageous from an evolutionary perspective.

Taking ritalin does not burn out the brain's ability to produce serotonin, this is also a false statement. You may have a serotonin deficiency that was incorrectly diagnosed as ADHD, and I agree that the improper diagnosis of ADHD and the rush to medicate is a problem. However, ADHD does exist, it is not a myth, and ADHD people that are not diagnosed or medicated as children still seek dangerous activities (such as drug use) in their teen and adult lives with higher frequency then their peers.

There is a large body of research in this area. Please do not spread myths about things just because you were inappropriately diagnosed. You are right to be angry, but you are not correct to spread false statements.

Adam. : 2011-05-04 07:38:53
It's the ritalin. ADHD doesn't exist until you take it. We are all diagnosed as ADD at first, then we start acting like crackheads (little did I know that I was one) and "Oh, well, maybe he had AD-H-D all along."

Then we get serotonin syndrome (look it up) and it's labeled as Tourette's Syndrome.

Bitching time! They took my fucking childhood away. Sure, it's not like I was raped or anything, but hell. I can't make enough of my own serotonin anymore. Those nerves atrophied a LONG time ago.
And now the American government is simply taking the child away, when the parent refuses to medicate. With SWAT teams.

Beow. : 2011-04-27 05:25:25
There's a great Simpsons moment that captures this trend pretty well. I'm paraphrasing:

Superintendent Chalmers (to Marge): We've tried everything to control your son's behavior. We've tried ritalin, prozac, seroquel, lithium, valium. Nothing worked. And now...we're afraid he's turned to drugs.

Marge: (gasps)

escapegoat. : 2011-04-26 17:37:57
it's because so many kids want to buy their amphetamine off of them... they realize it is a drug, and they think "wait a minute, if i've been taking something that gets people high all my life, maybe other things that get me high are okay too."

or something along those lines.

Potter. : 2011-04-26 16:30:38
Well once you find out how awesome amphetamines are...

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