Video: Azmod - Prince of Purge
Trailer for an animated psychedelic project from Mark Perceval-Maxwell of PunchBot Studios. He is also responsible for Galleria Divinorum, a series of paintings influenced by psychedelics. Great job Mark!
The short story follows the main character, Daniel, as he embarks on a journey of self discovery in hopes of curing a life long condition of hyper realistic nightmares. At the suggestion of a friend he partakes in a shamanistic retreat where he is given a psychotropic brew, Yaki, in order to expel his inner demons.
What follows is a manic psychedelic romp as one of his purges gives birth to a small yet intense entity named Azmod, whose soul mission is not only to drag Daniel through an immediate awakening, but act out the role of a god on earth and expel the entire planet of its own shadow self.
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