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Drug war myth #726,002: Marijuana is more addictive than caffeineIn covering the marijuana legalization debate the mainstream media is prone to comparing marijuana addictiveness to alcohol, cocaine, and heroin. A much more appropriate comparison would be to caffeine. » more at: suburra.com
Posted By oldpigeon at 2009-09-21 16:48:28 permalink | commentsTags: marijuana cannabis caffeine withdrawal addictiveness |
I experienced piloerection yesterday, when your hair stands straight up all over your body, and I was still sweating. I am starving but can't finish a medium fries. And the supply of drugs is VERY buttoned down around here lately. Plus I have been buying most of my strong stuff from one guy for the last year, in great quantities that I KNOW comes from gangs. It's possible that a lot of us are unconscious victims of this W.O.D. The gangs are fighting it like a real war while the cops LITERALLY just walk around the park. Because one has more to lose.
I've heard somewhere that 3% of people throughout history have been drug addicts; 1000 years ago, 100 years ago, in the 60's and 70's, and even today, that the number of people who are able to addict to anything (and withdraw from all things) is constant. That's WEIRD. You'd think some of us would have died off. Maybe it's just the daily exchanges of experience, information, learning, trust... things that make society work. There is a 3% "remainder"? Know what I mean?
All in all, it was easy for me to quit, and I had been a daily smoker. When I was smoking, I thought that if I stopped I'd be smarter, less forgetful, wake up earlier, and have more energy. None of these hoped-for effects manifested. Without weed, I still liked sleeping in, I still lost my keys, and I still would walk into the kitchen and say, "What did I come in here for?" For better or worse, without weed I was still the same person, and that was fine. It was an interesting year. When I started smoking again, it was awesome!
It sounds like u smoke A LOT of pot. So I don't think your experience makes this article any less accurate. Don't compare yourself with a morning coffee drinker. Think about someone who drinks it all day long for 10 years. I would imagine his symptoms would be pretty severe as well. Remember it's AS mild as coffee but occurs less often. My 2 cents
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