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In 1975, Chris Yandall, 1975 World Downhill Champion Skateboarder (San Diego Murphy Stadium - CBS Sports Spectacular), published an article for Skateboarder Magazine ("Cut the Jive and Jog") that described a technique using both legs to push a skateboard. Almost 40 years later, Chris has refined the technique to include switch stance riding, using both legs to push and pumping regular or goofy foot. By using all of these movements, one can go for flat land rides and alternating them for long distance aerobic and transport which all culminate into the definition of skogging.
dunno about bong hits and meth. that's for amateurs :)
endorfin highs when your tax both sides of your brain to transition from one side of your body to the next is all you really need. an occasional beer is more the call for us 55 plus year old dudes. it also helps to have a board like mine. i got 4 left in stock and will sign it with my legendary sig and throw in a few chocolate kisses if you choose to follow in my footsteps.. so to speak.
All in all, good fun starts with a good foundation and pedidextrous moves include switch stance, push, pump and carve.
josep yao. : 2009-08-20 17:36:31
cool post anyway :)
Drugist. : 2009-08-18 07:13:26
I'm waiting for the part where Chris Yandall teaches you how to 'skog' while taking bong hits or manufacturing meth.
How is this drug related..?
NoseBleed. : 2009-08-14 13:57:14
Dude is definitely not 'Goofy' footed!!
Yup yup yup.
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