Ontario man arrested for 'doda' poppy preparation
 | Reader George tipped us to this story from a few weeks back about a Candian arrest for 'doda' or 'dode', a tea preparation made from grinding the dried seed pods from opium poppies. From the CBC:
A popular but addictive preparation made from parts of the poppy flower has been found to contain enough illegal ingredients to sustain criminal charges against some of those accused of selling it.
Available for as little as $20 in some flea markets and smaller grocery stores in South Asian neighbourhoods, doda is made by grinding the husk and seeds of the poppy flower — the same plant that produces opium. It's often taken with tea or water and produces a quick high followed by a sense of calm.
More than $10,000 worth of opium pods were seized, as well as more than 38 kilograms of suspected doda. Fourteen samples of the substance were sent to Health Canada's drug analysis service for testing.
Doctors have warned that doda, which is used by some taxi drivers, factory workers and truck drivers in the South Asian community to help them stay awake, is as damaging as other illegal narcotics.
One teenager who lives just outside Toronto said he went from using one spoonful a day to consuming the drug morning and night.
"I don't like being normal. I like being high," the 18-year-old told CBC News, which has agreed not to use his name to protect his family's reputation.
I've known about the practice of grinding ornamental dried opium pods for some time, but I have never heard about this preparation being reproduced on a commercial scale. And in case you are tempted to do so, don't Google images for 'doda', you'll get back some interesting photos of Polish singer Doda Elektroda, who's like a genius or something.
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Recently @ DoseNation
Acohol and tobacco are legal (and taxed..) in the US. Will our precious DEA please compare vital statistics as far as fatalities from acohol, or tobacco against tea drinkers?? This "war on drugs" is in fact others taking thier own moral beliefs, and writing them into law.
This is a sad time people. don't miss the fact that yet more of our freedom has been stolen away from us. we are witnessing the criminalization of pain relief at it's worst.
Yes, some of these alkaloids can cause a mild stimulation, but once enough poppy tea is ingested, the morphine content can and will easily overpower any stimulation. The morphine will cause sedation, slowed respiration, euphoria, pin point pupils constipation and eventually, physical dependence.
I would say it's more likely truck drivers and cabbies in India drink poppy tea (Doda) because of the morphines ability to eradicate feelings of boredom and monotony caused by long hours at tedious jobs than for stimulant effects. In someone who is dependent on an opiate IE; morphine, oxycontin, even heroin, and is suffering from withdrawals, poppy tea, in sufficient amount, will totally abolish all withdrawal symptoms. This is how strong this substance can be. Strength can depend on how many pods are used to make the tea or doda. If one drinks enough of this tea to cause a high, two weeks or so of doing this daily and you will be mildly addicted to morphine. Longer, say a few months of daily use, and you will have a full blown opium addiction....exactly the same as a morphine addiction. The withdrawals too, are the same as morphine withdrawal as that is the principal opiate in the tea.
People think because this stuff is "natural" or herbal, that it's totally safe. Again, due to the morphine content, it is quite possible to overdose on this substance. Drink more than your tolerance can handle and you can die from the same respiratory failure as morphine causes. In the US there have already been cases of fatal overdoses from poppy tea.
"Ah, I see you're making a calming tea out of a millenia-old plant"
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