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Dutch spliffs threatened by anti-tobacco goons

It's still cool to buy some weed and smoke a joint in one of Amsterdam's fine coffee houses, but the freedom-hating health nuts at the European Union have shoved their anti-tobacco agenda down that fair city's throat! This is a real problem for Amsterdam's stoners, since they enjoy the European tradition of mixing tobacco with their hash and Mary Jane.

"This city's famed marijuana bars have weathered many challenges over the years and are still smoking. But now they face an unwelcome blast of fresh air: On July 1, the Netherlands will be one of the last European countries to ban smoking in bars and restaurants in compliance with EU law.

"The Health Ministry says the ban will apply to cafes that sell marijuana, known as coffee shops. But this being Holland, which for centuries has experimented with social liberalism, there's a loophole: The ban covers tobacco but not marijuana, which is technically illegal anyway.

Posted By jamesk at 2008-06-29 14:24:33 permalink | comments
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Greatness!. : 2009-06-26 13:06:10
"You Athsmatic Freaks," is one of the best essays I have ever read! Why would I comment any more since, you have taken the words right from me. Thanks!
pencil pusher. : 2008-07-01 04:27:24
Being a life long meat eater is far more damaging to anyone's health than breathing in passive smoke. The government shouldn't be in the business of banning anything. The individual must educate him/herself and ban things on a personal level based on his/her own interpretation of the available data.
you athsmatic freaks. : 2008-06-30 06:49:00
Oh yeah and - how come my generation grew up around everyone smoking and in the midst of lead-bearing petrol fumes everywhere, but your kids now are the ones that are so fucking fat and can't breathe properly and need inhalers for everything, and they can't exist without cellphones and computers and electronic entertainment in general. It won't work you know; things like smoking exist because people need something to do to take their minds of the fact that your world sucks - nobody with intelligence is able to survive something as mind-numbing as working in the service industry for example, without having drinks and drugs and cigs to get by. You don't even know what to teach your kids at schools and in education any more, that's why so many of them turn into mad-gun-killers and the like.

What are they going to do with their lives, huh? What have you brought them here to do for the rest of their lives? You going to pretend they're clever because they splice genes across species that would never normally mix? You going to pack them off to join the military then act all suprsied when they come home in a bodybag cause an actual war took place? Gee it never occured to me that they could get hurt in a war, serving the idea behind imaginary borders that stole the land they occupy now in the first place, the terrorist fucks.

Europe is piece of shit. : 2008-06-30 06:29:26
I know this reality is pile of crap run by complete arsewipes, but how they've managed to get away with these all-encompassing smoking bans is beyond all comprehension. The people that run and own pubs, restaurants, bars, cafes and any public enclosed entertainment services must be a bunch of limp-wristed twats to let such legislation pass. Why haven't they taken it to the European court for human rights for example - nobody can deny that should you own or run a business premises, and you wish to make it all or partially smoking-ok, then that's your right. If customers don't want to be someplace with smokers in - they can go to the non-smoking premises.

It's against the law all-in for anyone to claim they have the authority to declare other people's business' smoking-free zones. I'm sure loads of people are losing loads of money because of this - and I'm sure they could get together and also afford some decent lawyers to get the ban overturned. So what's the fucking problem? We're talking about something that you won't smell anyway if you avoid places that permit lighting up. It's not like it's as bad as fuel-burning pollution, any type of noise pollution, mobile/cellphone and EM pollution, and other smell pollution such as toxic perfumes, aftershaves, and cleaning products & cosmetics that kill animals & poison the water supply when they are poured down sinks: those things are all directly intrusive even if you do not use them yourself - other people smoking, in places that permit smoking, is not directly intrusive.

Added to that, is that it's likely those types of idiots that bring kids into a world like this, and directly contribute to destroying the environment buying all the evil crap they do to raise their children, who are behind this total bs of smoking bans. They're the ones relying on factory-farmed everything, disposable this and that, and third-world-sweatshops to all exist so they can buy crap for their families, and they run wireless through their entire house & noise-pollute while they're chopping up nature doing their 'gardening', feed their kids dead animal corspes to eat, and they have the cheek to complain about smoke pollution being damaging and unhealthy.

Yeah why don't you take your stupid fucking family to some theme park that trashed ancient landscapes to get built, and queue up for hours to take them on a ride they'll cry about having gone on, that's so healthy and such a nice world - having your children interact with drop-outs dressed up in grotesque scary outfits.

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