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James Kent sheds new light on music and psychedelics

An interview I did for the blog is now available.

Q5 Neil: Are there still tribes which perform these rituals, and is it possible to find real samples of this Shamanistic tribal music?

A5 James: You can find CDs of the icaros of the Amazonian ayahuasceros or the throat signing of the Tuvan monks, and though these two cultures are displaced by vast spans of space they produce similar tones and themes in their music that are easily confused. Both of these styles at times sound like aboriginal didgeridoo, Mid-Eastern reed-pipes, and Tibetan Om chanters all combined. Some of it is much less complex, simple chanting and repetition of tones and themes that are not musically interesting but have tribal meaning. There's traditional shamanic medicine drumming, and most of it is quite monotonous because it's literally a form of hypnotic trance music. Generally there is a great deal of authenticity and preciousness ascribed to traditional shamanic music, but traditional authenticity is not really that important for good shamanism. All passionate music is shamanic in that it transports you immediately into the world of that song while your listening to it. Pearl Jam's "Evenflow" is just as shamanic as anything you can pull out of the Amazonian rainforest, it just speaks to a slightly different tribal archetype. But the key to maximizing this shamanic principal is being able to share these songs spontaneously for any occasion in a live environment, which is where music has its truest power to unite people. The ability to master the basic ritual skills and use them to channel group synchronicity in the psychedelic space is a core aspect of the shamanic archetype.

More at the link below...

Posted By jamesk at 2008-06-16 20:58:41 permalink | comments
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jamesk : 2008-06-23 11:54:06
It seems we are all stunned by the obvious or confused by the oblivious. Pick a side people.

wtf is HEID?

Anonymous. : 2008-06-20 14:29:24
Compared to the original post, these comments are truly incomprehensible. At least I can understand what James is talking about....


evidently. : 2008-06-19 14:15:19
I suppose I could measure his noggin? Or just throw some candy or sommat near the heid area, see if it goes into orbit around it
roaldgold. : 2008-06-19 00:44:14
Ok I'm too lazy to make my own post, but for christ's sake someone put up the recent cnn video they have on chronic. It's so bad. I'm mean it's so fucking bad. It's like for 1:49 you're transported back to the 80's. And then the statistics. And the ER visits. And the whole fucking thing. It's so ignorant its almost hard to comprehend. So someone, anyone, put that shit up here. Please.
Neil Hepburn. : 2008-06-18 14:24:30
Strange on the negative comments. Criticism is good, but better when supported by evidence.
Besides, it's not just _what_ it's about. More importantly it's _how_ it's about it.


it is you isn't it. : 2008-06-18 14:12:16
Giant Head Causes Pipes Of Internet To Become Even More Clogged With Unshiftable Cholesterol Than Usual
oh you're another guy.... : 2008-06-18 13:59:53
Unless you weren't advertising yonself, in which case scrap that HEID = massive comment.
By God man, that's bad even for you. : 2008-06-18 13:58:44
Jeezus, wot a massive HEID! Like, no-one's ever mentioned any of that before, you so shedded lots of new light on the topic.
DJ Velveteen. : 2008-06-17 00:09:56
One of the shaman's most important jobs is to store the tribal songs and reproduce them spontaneously when needed. These songs carry the weight of cultural memory and identity, and reproducing them sets the tone for the ritual experience. This is as true today as it was two thousand years ago, which is why the DJ or the rock band is elevated to such mystical god-like status. In the context of guiding a psychedelic trip, there is no more powerful vehicle for locking minds together than music. The shaman instinctively knows this and can use his or her own voice to soothe or excite people, bending them to his or her will and vision. Producing shamanic songs and linking group minds in a psychedelic context is one of the purest true magics that exist in this world. In a very Christ-like way, the shaman literally opens his or her heart and soul to the universe, channels the will of the world, and through their "pure vibe" alone can unite an entire tribe under one vision.

You nailed it. I've been working on this particular myth on my">[link] own blog for a while - a sort of pseudomagical perspective on the relationship between the DJ and that sort of Hofstadter-ish group-entity that's made of two hundred dancing people.

I'd love to yak sometime about your perspective on the energetic feedback loop between DJ and crowd, and the mystery of the eight-hour set during which a solid DJ can seem to feed off little more than good crowd vibes.

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