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Police seize 637 hits of acid headed for Bonnaroo

A routine traffic stop by a Murfreesboro police officer Wednesday led to the arrest of a La Vergne man for possession of 637 hits of LSD.
Posted By jamesk at 2008-06-14 17:05:04 permalink | comments
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this timeline is completely fake. : 2008-06-16 10:41:47
The very same time Timbo died, me and two other people (I had never tripped with before) "just happened" to take LSD that same time.

I hadn't even heard anything about him for what seemed like years, last stuff was probably in Psychedelic Illuminations or MONDO2000, then suddenly well into the trip one of the folks I was tripping with announced he had died. That was extremely weird.

Actually, a similar thing happened when I found out Bill Hicks had died. I didn't even know he was ill, and some anonymous e-mailer in a Psychology lab at Uni anncouned he was dead in reply to me circulating a message wondering if anyone had heard of him (I hadn't ever met anyone who'd seen what Channel 4 had shown of his standup).

McKenna too - last time I checked the internet, he was fine. I looked up Botanical Dimensions (and Dennis' research at the Hefter Institute) regularly when I could get online; then this guy comes up to do a TV bit and we arrange to meet later (his idea) and suddenly McKenna is ill this guy says.

If you think that's fucked up you should hear how I found out Kubrick was dead. Talk about a bundle of phoney co-incidences. I don't find it at all surprising that most of the world seem to be zombies now, going on all the above alone. You're all dead and they're still alive.

Nowhere Girl. : 2008-06-16 03:00:40
So I'll tell you something very weird... When I was younger - something like 14-17 years old - like many kids I used to practise the forbidden "fun" of calling up spirits. And once (summer of 1998), with a friend, we called up the ghost of Tim Leary. One of strange things he (?) said was exactly this number, 637. No, seriously I now tend to believe it was rather some unconscious pretending - you can guess, one wants to believe it's really happening, fingers are trembling, so one really thinks the saucer is moving and starts delicately "helping" it... when at least two people are involved it's easy to think it's for real. But still, why did we (?) make up (?) exactly this number??
Philately. : 2008-06-15 12:52:38
637 is a weird number / amount of anything to order or be holding.

"Hello, yes, that'll be 637 wholesale blotters please."

-"Sure you don't want 640?"

"Nope. 637 is the number for me."

-"It's just that bit easier tearing them off when the number is round, you know?"

"I only have enough for 637 exactly."


"No. No. See that just wouldn't work out for me right now."

Maybe the officers ate three of them.

Or maybe someone in the car did, and that's how the officers psychically knew they were holding anything.

Please be aware of the interdimensional doors you open when you are doing drugs; nothing throws you faster into '4D' than drugs do, excepting some random paranormal event. Your inner thoughts on upper levels will manifest as true, using anyone in the vicinity as outlets to play through. So you don't want to be tapping the back of the heads of those types of Masons that do drug busts. For they are puppeted by the forces of darkness.

Adam L. : 2008-06-15 00:28:24
Hey, guest... isn't Murfreesboro that town name Strong Bad from Homestar Runner likes to say?
Why yes it is.
guest : 2008-06-15 00:05:21
They should let him go!

But the poor bastard will rot in jail in tenn.
My heart goes out to his family.

guest : 2008-06-14 21:54:09
Think of the amount of acid that made it in.
midwest. : 2008-06-14 21:36:56
i was looking at the bonnaroo website. i see that they are playing this guys film.

"Know">[link] Your Mushrooms" (Excerpt)
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midwest. : 2008-06-14 21:30:31
geez it has to be the easiest stuff in the word to hide.
look at the penalty for failure dude.
Blix. : 2008-06-14 19:34:36
The police claimed that the LSD was valued at $11 000. That's like $15 a hit.
guest : 2008-06-14 19:01:49
The driver's last name was "Covert" - a quality that seemed to be painfully lacking among the passengers.
guest : 2008-06-14 18:56:31
Love the town's name: not Murphys-boro, but Murfrees-boro. Sounds like it was named by a drunk.
April. : 2008-06-14 18:39:31
oh come on---they don't have anything better to do ?

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