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Biggest ever drug bust by volume

On June 9th, members of a joint team of Afghani and British commandos discovered what is claimed to be the world's largest ever drug bust: 236.8 tons of cannabis, estimated at a street value of £225 million.

The stash was buried in a series of trenches, and the team called in an air strike of RAF Harriers using 1000lb bombs to open up the site then poured gasoline on the debris and torched it.

While that's certainly a huge amount of weed and hash, what gets me about this story is the list of recent huge drug busts at the end:


5 million

Ecstasy tablets seized in Melbourne in 2005 were claimed as the largest haul of street-ready tablets in the world, worth £120 million.

9 tons

of cannabis resin was seized by Vietnamese police last month in the largest drug haul in its history. Found in 400 cartons covered by jeans, en route from Pakistan to China, it was estimated to have a street value of £45 million.


of cocaine was seized by US Coast Guard officers who boarded a 330ft ship off the Pacific coast of Panama in 2007. It was the largest single sea-based seizure of cocaine by a US agency, with an estimated street value of £250 million.

Record-breaking drug busts happen every year or so, and the drug warriors issue press releases and pat themselves on the back for another 'victory' in the War on Drugs. The reality is that the market is so huge that there are ginormous piles of drugs just lying around like this, and the price of the particular drug doesn't even flutter when such a bust happens.

Posted By NaFun at 2008-06-12 11:03:20 permalink | comments
Tags: hashish Afghanistan cannabis marijuana
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name. : 2010-12-21 21:42:19
that is alot of bud=] way to go guys but better luck next time
OpenYourMind. : 2008-06-27 15:21:42
Fuck this, this just goes to show how fucken stupid our government is in and around making decisions that effect the human population it controls.
Nick. : 2008-06-23 19:29:12
Why doesnt anyone ask how much this little operation cost? How much did the manpower, fuel and maintenance of the aircraft, and actual cost of the bombs. If youre going to have a war on drugs, be honest about things and have a war against all drugs including alcohol and tobacco. If this is not an option for the powers that be, then they should calm the he'll down, shut the fuck up, tax the drugs, get fat off the profits and leave all of the little people the fuck alone.
Satan. : 2008-06-20 01:16:12
I have to say it--God hit the nail right on the head this time. I'm with you, God! Save the people and feed me all the dirty cops and politicians! My mouth waters at the thought of all that black blood... (*hellish snorts and snarls*)
punkisdead. : 2008-06-17 13:49:18
keylow75 is a raging homo
God. : 2008-06-13 11:42:20
That's absolutely disguisting, how those scumbags are allowed to use up resources like that, all that taxpayers money and how they fund their parasitical warmachine to begin with by whoring nature and destroying the planet. They should be up for warcrimes and environmental pollution for even trying to use bombs and their evil fuel-wasting machinery against nature that way.

I guarantee that every last one of those types of cunts are going to burn in worse than hell for infinity, every piece of shit that ever went along with anything of the kind.

ddaa. : 2008-06-13 08:38:54
Check this post about the raid

"Officials believe the area - near to the Taliban stronghold of Quetta in Pakistan - was turning dried cannabis leaves into heroin."

Cheap lolz

Brainchild. : 2008-06-13 00:14:45
Ok here's the plan. Feed your seeds to the birds. When the plants sprout on public property we'll bust the government put them in jail and take all their stuff. Then sell the stuff and buy drugs. PROBLEM SOLVED! :)
midwest. : 2008-06-12 21:40:51
fighting plants with bombs. it's all about violence with these people.
the whole machine is violence. the other say i was watching cronenbergs movie " a history of violence" on spike tv. they cut out the sex scene on the stairs but left all the violence. i could not believe it, iw was such a short scene and relevant in the movie. this society doesn't hate drugs as much as it loves to be violent and bullyish. they just need a reason...any reason and a field of pot is just that...i could just imagine the hi fives and butt slapping. every time i get pulled over i can see it in the police mans eyes... "go on give me an excuse". you see it on the show cops. might equals right is the mantra. they say that drugs ruin peoples lifes, but i think they are just pushing the blame for their actions.
snixz. : 2008-06-12 18:24:53
shit, it's fuckin incredible. the drug busts are becoming larger every year. and that is in fact an indication that the total amounts of consumed drugs are also on the rise.
one day there will be a shift in the way we deal with the "drug problem" of the world. it' will probably start in one country, and spread like the wind untill we all get a sensible drug policy in our countries.
btw i'm pretty far out right now on some LSA (morning glory seeds)

yea anyway, there are lots of exelent legal drugs, at least here in norway. and well... illegal drugs are everywear anyways.
been seeing people at the place i work lining up speed in the coffee breaks. and smokin weed before workhours, so i really can't see these drug laws we have to day having any future.

we need a change.. and it's gonna happen, so why wait eh?

... damn i'm high

roaldgold. : 2008-06-12 15:45:44
I would have really liked to have seen some pictures of that before it was bombed, just to see how much space that takes up.
Adam L. : 2008-06-12 12:18:01
It took a fucking troop surge, air strike and the coalition of the "willing"/occupied to find this much marijuana, and none of it would ever make it to the US but they spent all god damn day, tons of gasoline and thousand pound bombs to destroy it just so you and I and all of america could read about this record-breaker. "Sure, the troop surge isn't working, but look at all that dope they found!" I bet they felt more useful that day than any other part of thier tour.
Point is there is thousands, millions of times as much dope hidden thoughout america, and they will NEVER find it!

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