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'Best. Weed. EVAR.' says Ole Miss

The University of Mississippi is still measuring the THC content of marijuana and marijuana products seized by law enforcement. THC content is still rising. The ONDCP is still trying to claim this stuff is crazy dangerous, way worse than anything you might have smoked back when you did such things. Other people are still pointing out that this just means smokers take fewer tokes and do less damage to their lungs. I'm still not sure any of this counts as news, but I'm still posting it anyway.
Posted By avicenna at 2008-06-12 01:59:44 permalink | comments
Tags: marijuana potency THC ONDCP
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punkisdead. : 2008-06-17 13:49:44
keylow75 is a raging homo
hashishan. : 2008-06-16 11:02:08
btw though, if you are interested in hearing about the likes of Redneck Honky Crackers buffalo wings specials, then you probably know where to look.
hashishan. : 2008-06-16 10:58:59
Um, I didn't even think of anything to do with 'The South' at all there when I wrote that, which I stand by because it accurately describes all the types of people - in any part of timespace - who have that personality problem when it comes to being honest. In this case about marijuana.

So, the irony is all in that you accused me of being - all the things you are!

You'll probably choose not to believe me, but it's true.

Waldemar. : 2008-06-16 00:25:05
Hashishan: Gee, could it be coincidence that you referred to the words 'backwards' & 'inbred' & 'de-evolvement' while in reference to a story that involves the University of Mississippi? I think not. What you don't know is that Ole Miss has one of the last standing actual legal marijuana research farms (unfortunately VERY heavily guarded). As a Mississippian I agree with your frustration about backwards politics, but also as a Mississippian please don't go slamming ALL of us for the actions of idiots in EVERY corner of the earth...That shit just comes off as hostile, bigoted (ironic, eh?) and close-minded (ironic again, eh?). Think before you spew venom, friend. Just think.
aeonsbeyond. : 2008-06-14 21:58:58
Cannabis Shown to Help Repair and Regrow Damaged Brain Cells

So in actuality they fear on giant brained mutant reefer addicts will soon take over America.

Too, too late you fools.

Adam L. : 2008-06-14 17:07:29
"Marijuana potency reaches 30-year high"

That's right, it's so potent you will now stay high for 30 years.

Hashishan. : 2008-06-13 11:49:42
What backward inbred genetics is it that's responsible for those personality types who have a problem about whether marijuana is whatever-THC level. And what theory of evolution can account for their de-evolvement from earlier sane humans, who either just used it or did not.
ddaa. : 2008-06-13 08:43:27
"Writing in the forthcoming issue of the scientific journal Addiction, researchers at the University of New South Wales, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, examined the potency of over 100,000 pot seizures from around the word. They concluded (drum roll please), “Claims made in the public domain about a 20- or 30-fold increase in cannabis potency and about the adverse mental health effects of cannabis contamination are not supported currently by the evidence.”"

Potent Pot Myths Exposed (Again)

Nowhere Girl. : 2008-06-12 16:42:15
I just love those claims about super-potent "lethal skunkabis" since I've read this lovely piece of analysis:
"And in fact, what’s most amazing is that this scare isn’t new. In the US, in the mid 1980s, during Reagan’s “war on drugs”, it was claimed that cannabis was 14 times stronger than in 1970, which rather sets you thinking. If it was 14 times stronger in 1986 than in 1970, and it’s 25 times stronger today than the beginning of the 1990s, does that mean it is now, in fact, 350 times stronger than 1970?
That’s not even a crystal in a plant pot. That’s impossible. That would require more THC to be present in the plant than the total volume of space taken up by the plant itself. That would require matter to be condensed. If I was a physics-minded branding manager, I would suggest Quark Gluon Plasma as the most appropriate street name for this substance: and I look forward to reading about the scare in the Independent tomorrow." (Badscience blog, "Reefer Badness")
Anyway, I just laughed my ass off over "Quark Gluon Plasma".

Lately I've even seen an article about the British reclassification of cannabis in a Polish weekly and the fragment about "skunk" was quite strange... firstly, the journalist had no idea that this form of cannabis has long had its Polish name (just a slight deformation of the original name: "skun" - this name has been around for at least 10 years), and secondly, all the worst scare stories were quoted. And I finally noticed something interesting: in periods of most hysterical media panics around a certain drug - practically every such drug is claimed to induce murderous tendencies. Pure "moral panics".

jamesk : 2008-06-12 12:02:50
This press release comes out once a year to drive "reefer madness" type scare stories. If you read the studies you may be led to believe that there is a "mutant" strain of high potency marijuana coming out now. The truth is that technology has advanced to maximize natural expression of THC in the right environments -- cross-breeding, cloning, indoor, hydro, super-nutrient, soil shocking, light cycle timing, harvesting, curing... All these steps have been perfected to make strong healthy pot plants with fat trichome production that far outweigh the outdoor water-starved skag from the Mexican lowlands, or homegrown stash from some backyard dirt-patch, which is what typically passed for pot in the '60s and '70s.

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