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Homocidal sociopaths on the rise in Tokyo

It's a little off-topic, but one of my hobbies is studying advancing dehumanization in the age of technological miracles. While the internet is oft heralded as a global community, it also ushered in the age of the otaku -- people who revel in societal detachment and anomie. Anyone who has studied sociology and psychology can tell you that anomie (social maladaptivity) and technological industrialization go hand in hand, and this dynamic is most acute in the free-market techno-havens of America and Japan. In America our detached young adults pull guns and mow down their peers; in Tokyo they do it with cars and knives, thus proving that gun control can only do so much to curb homicidal sociopathology.

"I just needed to kill someone."

This is the defense of those who take part in such random bloodletting. In the US our homicidal perps typically blow one into their own skull before the police can take them down, but Tokyo's stab-happy psychopaths generally get taken down and -- gasp -- rescued by paramedics before they can ritually disembowel themselves, thanks to the slow lethality of self-inflicted knife wounds and todays top-notch trauma care.

There are those who would like to blame this kind of behavior on the internet, or video games, or metal music, or negligent parents, but I say all of these excuses are lame attempts to dodge the real issue. What motivates this kind of sociopathic horror is the feeling of impotence caused by the oppressive omnipotent control of the information state. There is no way to escape it, no way to deny it. If you are a loser everyone will know it immediately by Googling you, so why fight the grinding power of fate? You either become the machine, deny that you are part of the machine, or blow a gasket from too much machine pressure.

Welcome to the future.

Posted By jamesk at 2008-06-09 22:37:33 permalink | comments
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Waldemar. : 2008-06-16 23:47:25
Into the Mouth of Madness, baby...
Elliot Loch Ness Monster. : 2008-06-14 10:10:44
How about this for a headline - World Wakes Up To The Fact That Anti-Drugs Government Propaganda Is All Lies Made Up So The Corrupt Mafia-run Organised-crime-owned Government Officials Get More Money From The Drugs Being Illegal.

I wouldn't take a hike at Jimbo's request either - you'll end up like that Injun, shot dead in the head.

You're either on the payroll or you're not, and if you're not then you don't ever spread those propaganda lies about drugs. And if you are on that payroll then you deserve to be gunned down.

clikety-clak 007. : 2008-06-13 15:41:13
Dear dear, how all angry you get from a little spot-on critique.

=oh yeah? well if you don't like it you can go-= etc

Perhaps save that indignation to getting angry about the actual losses of freedom being inflicted upon the globe like right-now this actual reality. Instead of treating that as if it's the Big Laff that you Just Can't Take Seriously. Or haven't you realised what type of actual Matrix Big Brother world you must surely live in when it deems things like marijuana to be illegal. Still though, lie back & think of England; that'll get us all through it just fine.

'Row your boat' - that's a good one though. I take it you have seen both Premonition (original) and "Manos" the Hands of Fate. And don't worry, I didn't find those comments at all harsh.

agent_of_truth. : 2008-06-11 14:55:58
Alright, I'm sorry I was harsh. But come on fishhat, that's just what the man wants you to think. Admittedly, I don't care for these playlist postings as of late, but this site covers loads of 'head-related' material. If there's anything that you feel is missing though, type it up. I did. It's there now. No more black helicopters following me than usual.
163. : 2008-06-11 11:55:33
Ahh there is just something about societies where people are told to repress everything but competetive urge, and fake politness and noone has ever been in a real fight that inspires such greatness.
agent_of_truth. : 2008-06-11 11:44:04
Fishing Hat; What, you don't approve of the Logo of the revolution? Did somebody forget the words to that timeless classic "Row Row Row Your Boat". Did you enter the logo contest for dosenation when they had it? Or did you just stumble onto the site and make a smart-ass comment?

Tell us; who speaks for the 'real' heads?

And we were just so scared that jamesk and scotto were going to send our IPs to the feds, thanks for allaying our fears. I guess we're safe.

As far as killing the Colonel goes, I don't think anyone is taking orders here. What savage tribe would killing Colonel Dosenation liberate? Or are you the colonel, waiting for our extermination? Either way, fuck off. Like jamesk said, it's an open blog, don't like it, post something better, or take a hike.

nothing. : 2008-06-11 11:33:41
hey, i read this site quite a bit, and i thought i would throw in a little humor,
reading all the posts, are funny, and interesting, and u guys, really funnee,
jamesk : 2008-06-11 11:24:50
Hey, Eat My Fishing Hat and all you other malcontents out there, this is an OPEN BLOG. If you don't like the content you are free to post something interesting! Bitching and griping about it will only get you more celebrity snark gossip and posts about how wacky the Japanese are.
Eat my fishing hat!. : 2008-06-11 09:25:35
Hey come on now, this site in no way speaks for the real heads out there, not even one iota.
Look at the logo for fux sake; it's just The Usual from 'The Man' to march all the dum-dums down pre-determined paths to the NWO niche-box that's been carved out for them. Or haven't you caught on to the particular religion you are meant to be a believer in around these parts, man.
Oh yeah. Have you come to kill the Colonel.

Interesting anyone can find out a person's details from their dial-up IP address; so Nothing has a static IP, and their ISP also gave out their details? Cause that can't happen - the website here would have to have some kind of malware-cookies and monitoring stats to be able to get anything more than a session IP address. Oh yeah they all do it - some'll even passive-active sniff your TCP connection, and send ICMP spies down the line if they can get away with it; but none of that comes from an IP address.
The IP just gives an ISP (or equiv. if it's some internal un-proxied .mil address/domain for example), and what country/ part of the country their ISP service is in. Fr'instance, mine always shows up as being in Manchester UK, but I don't actually live near there.

But if I did I'd be down the Hacienda in the late 80s/early 90s.

everything. : 2008-06-11 00:22:24
ugh, chill pills
nothing. : 2008-06-10 22:15:30
wow, just for posting a comment,
interesting, shall i say more?
roaldgold. : 2008-06-10 21:37:47
now this is some good drug blog camaraderie
jamesk : 2008-06-10 17:32:37
Nothing is just sad that he/she is not bright enough to run a website, or spell. I have nothing's IP address and can track him to a dial-up location in LA via Anyone want the address? Loser.
midwest. : 2008-06-10 15:45:48
if you agree with this then you must identify with and see something
in yourself that if it were allowed to go unchecked would proceed on a similar path. i feel alienation. i carry it with me. it builds up and subsides. the outside world is very automatic and i see my self dancing to the tune of the machine.
if one tree falls does it make a sound? no. but if you cut down many trees on someones sacred ground then you will be heard. or at least you think you will.

this is why i've always thought buddhism is so brilliant. it's all dukha and there is no way out, even if you kill yourself, you will be reborn.

with 7 billion people in the world and counting, weird stuff is just going to expand exponentially.
it's "too bright" nothing....just an fyi

roaldgold. : 2008-06-10 14:58:41
go eat a dick, nothing
nothing. : 2008-06-10 13:59:13
anyone who runs a dosenation site
and blog on drugs, isn't to bright in my book either.
HellKatonWheelz. : 2008-06-10 13:15:17
heheheh, excellent timing. I'm working on a show about serial killers right now.

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