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Slate solicits robotripping stories

Jack Shafer of Slate asks:

Whatever happened to robotripping? Send your personal accounts to (E-mail may be quoted by name in "The Fray," Slate's readers' forum, in a future article, or elsewhere unless the writer stipulates otherwise. Permanent disclosure: Slate is owned by the Washington Post Co.)

If anyone wants to share - and we know from the active comment logs that a lot of you do - you know what to do.

Posted By avicenna at 2008-05-10 21:54:33 permalink | comments
Tags: robotripping dxm slate jack shafer
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Luz. : 2008-05-30 14:44:39
I usually saw more than 3 dimensions. I understood that time danced for me and only me cuz only i could understand why. Also the ceiling tore itself apart sorry that it obstructed the universe's communication with me. dogs spoke to me, they dont like being watched gettin busy or pooping and they hope we get pimples in our eyes. The end.
Luz. : 2008-05-30 14:41:18
I usually saw more than 3 dimensions. I understood that time danced for me and only me cuz only i could understand why. Also the ceiling tore itself apart sorry that it obstructed the universe's communication with me. dogs spoke to me, they dont like being watched gettin busy or pooping and they hope we get pimples in our eyes. The end.
guest : 2008-05-18 20:21:38
OTC Cough Syrups with only DXM HBr as medical ingredients are still common, usually sold to treat "Dry Cough". I remember the elevator being a lot of fun.
GVSU. : 2008-05-16 11:10:12
Back in college I took part in the tussin experience. We would drink a bottle of robotussin, have a stomach ache for about 30 minutes and then go crazy for a few hours. One day I accidentally drank two bottles. I say accidentally because it started out as a sip out of the second bottle then another then a gulp until it was gone. After finishing that second bottle I realized I might have made a mistake. Then I proceeded to try and fit under the fridge. In all honesty it looked like the fridge was 3 feet off the ground. After telling everone "I COULD fit under the fridge I just don't have the energy right now" I flopped up the stairs. I went into my ex-girlfriends room and start yelling " Can someone please help that cat at the end of the bed. THere was no cat I was told the next day. Then the freaky stuff started. I don't remember much, but I was told I was shaking and talking giberish but looked like I was having the time of my life, so that is good. Of what I do remember there are many snapshots of the night. THe ceiling being pressed against my nose while laying in a bed 2 feet off the ground, and random flashes of color and motion. All in all I THINK I had fun. I met alot of new people as i found out the next couple of weeks. " Hey you where the guy trying to fit under the fridge" or " hey did you ever catch that cat" .

Unfortunatlly you can not do this anymore. The Robotussen company has stopped making the extra strength cough formula, well they still make it but different ingredients. The DXM was removed from it. I believe you can still buy DXM legally off the internet but not sure on that. From what I understand the DXM pills are different from tru RoboTripping because you don't have those extra ingredients and sugar. Merry trips to all and to all a good trip.

ADAM L. : 2008-05-11 08:16:18
Permanent disclosure: Slate is owned by the Washington Post Co.)

thought I would repeat that bit.

Mraw. : 2008-05-11 05:18:52
So i hear this interesting story about a gentleman taking mucho dramimine and having actual hallucinations (seeing shit that aint there) in a drunk tank. a friend under a bench rolling a blunt, a homie in the corner chopping lines, etc... rediculous believable visualizations with acompanying visuals all in the jail house. ive heard such things akined to DXM tripin. randomness from randomness. i'd laugh y ass off to see any part of this posted.
Alex. : 2008-05-11 01:55:06
It will probably be pretty funny - Slate's drug coverage is usually fairly common-sense and smart.
icemonkey. : 2008-05-10 23:13:30
Let's guess what the tone of the article will be.

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