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DMT lab busted in Michigan

I rarely ever see news about DMT labs getting busted, so I found the following local news report to be of interest. Looks mostly like a college kid prone to a little experimentation, as opposed to some kind of major operation:

Authorities told 24 Hour News 8 the suspect admitted to them that he bought some of the substances on the Internet, including a form of a tree bark. While using a homemade lab, the college student said he made the bark into a paste, put it on marijuana and smoked it, giving him an enhanced hallucinogenic experience.

Of course, comments like this crack me up just a little:

Because DMT labs are extremely volatile, the Oshtemo Fire Department was standing by as HAZMAT crews dealt with the lab.

Which just brings to mind the image of HAZMAT crews trying to contain an outbreak of jeweled, self-dribbling basketballs that might come exploding from the kid's apartment. Aaaanyway...

Posted By Scotto at 2008-04-27 11:19:53 permalink | comments
Tags: DMT
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jf301. : 2008-11-24 09:43:53
It is a lot of BS that DMT is natural and harmless because it is found in plants and is naturaly occuring in the human body. When you need to extract it from ground up roots using other chemicals such as dranno and acid it obviously is not safe. It is made in basements by kids who are reading instructions from the internet. Some of the
adverse pscholocial effects lasting for days.

Heroin and cocaine are also from plants.

Heroin come froms a plant, cocaine come form a plant. These are also made

oreogrows. : 2008-04-30 00:45:33
could be acacia bark, you never know.
MileHighIntellect. : 2008-04-29 20:01:34
The basic extraction of DMT is not a volatile process. the only time it becomes volatile is when you wish to recrystallize, but you know, not many people are going to waste their time trying to make a 97% pure product into 99.999% pure.

on the by and by, 5-MEO-DMT is technically legal in all but 2 states. little known fact that won't get nobody out of anything

NaFun. : 2008-04-29 10:08:43
It's getting harder to find the lye needed for the extraction. I guess the paint thinner/acetone fumes could be hazardous if they don't vent properly. Still, it's not like you use ether or something...
guest : 2008-04-27 15:04:38
DMT is described as a synthesized drug but of course this lab was certainly not synthesizing it if he was using root bark.

Regarding the need for HAZMAT crews to do a clean up, there could be acidic or basic solutions kept in unsafe containers, I wouldn't trust a random 20 year old to follow safe handling procedures nor would I trust a cop to follow safe disposal procedures for the supplies or biproducts from an A/B extraction.

jamesk : 2008-04-27 12:03:44
Hmm. Is a blender, some acetone, and some root bark really a "lab"? Sounds like he only got to crude plant extract, rookie chemistry at best. Gotta go with the non-polar solvent to strip those crystals out, or so I'm told.
josep yao. : 2008-04-27 11:55:22
unless i'm mistaken, its no more volatile than having a few containers of paint thinner....

are they watching who buys rootbark these days? the anonymous tip seems... questionable...

and "According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, this is the first lab reported on the west side of the state. Only three such labs were located on the east side of the state last year."

i'm assuming DMT is rare in michigan, and if it is, busting three labs seems "successful"

Waldemar. : 2008-04-27 11:51:10
Thank god you can make this funny, man! Because honestly...Shit like this makes me want to cry. They mentioned 'tree bark'. Oh no...Mimosa suppliers may be targeted now.

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