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Seeing how far down the K-hole goes

The Guardian prints a first person account of a man's ketamine use. The piece reminds me of the movie Trainspotting in the way that it both vividly portrays the experiences that lead people to become obsessed with the drug
Space, time and language either have no meaning or become ridiculously distorted. It can seem as if you are travelling through time or seeing into the future, as if you are living multiple lives or not living at all. And you feel something coming, something huge with you at the centre, because there is a massive messiah complex in there as well.

The article portrays just as graphically the sordid depths to which someone with such an obsession can sink.

One evening, about a year ago, when I was supposed to be watching a friend's band play at our local, I found myself naked, writhing on my kitchen floor, racked with abdominal cramps and self-loathing, and praying.

Posted By avicenna at 2008-04-21 19:42:49 permalink | comments
Tags: ketamine experience dealing addiction
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omgoleus : 2008-04-22 20:40:31
And don't forget the classic Ketamine: Dreams and Realities, which has some excellent trip reports and life stories.

zupakomputer. : 2008-04-22 14:00:40
That's probably the point with what any disassociatives show you - you're going to die at some point, is what you are doing with your life actually taking that reality into account? Which I think Trainspotting hit right on the head too, with the sequence when Renton is trying to be clean and is in the pub drinking with his family, being "normal".

It's a pity so much of the 'new age' isn't more intergrated with the drugs, because really they're both aiming for the same thing: a point, that coheres, and a way of living that is bearable and pays attention to the truths of it all.

This world (what human society has become, in particular), punishes those who Seek, and it doesn't like those who just want to Be either. And woebetitde you if your idea of fun and exploration is a quiet night in tripping out at the marvels going on inside and around you. How dare you want to make your own, much better, movies inside your head. We can't market those! No-one else can see them!

guest : 2008-04-22 09:44:37
PCP works too
guest : 2008-04-22 09:13:42
For a fascinating read (along the same lines), see Marcia Moore's "Journey into the Bright Worlds." Ms. Moore (an heiress to a Hotel fortune) was a popular astrologer who began experimenting with ketamine and chronicled her obsession in the book.

It's a bit hard to find; within a year of its publication she was dead and it was pulled from the shelves, but I've seen scans of it in the 'net.

It's good reading, in a morbidly curious/watching a train wreck kind-of-way.

hey la la. : 2008-04-22 09:05:42
well, i have certainly been to places on K where i truly saw the futility of life, and understood how little anything truly does "matter". all choices belong to the same set of the possible. you want to go down the path to destruction? whatever. you want to come back and try to manage in "reality"? well then good for you. but it's nobody's business which you choose.
Dervish Mad Whirler. : 2008-04-22 07:53:56
What is so wrong about writhing on the floor and praying?
Is that a very low depth? I do not think so; having to shoot up on heroin everyday is, but, occasionally taking Ketamine is not bad. Thing is it is not such a good teacher, is K; it is more of a 'totally away from this reality'-trip.
I happen to think that a person's mind is his or her responsibility; and if a person wants to become totally disengaged from boring consensus reality it is this person's good right. Of course I also find that when a person takes him- or herself totally away from being able to take care of his or her health, we should just as easily allow a person to fucking croak. This is not cruel or unfeeling, this is allowing a person to fully make choices. Of course, also, we should totally educate people as to the effects and possible effects ofall these and other drugs and plants. Only then can we consciously make choices for or against participating in any form of reality. Be it consensus or otherwise.
jamesk : 2008-04-21 21:48:45
Every mainstream article has to portray the downside of drugs in the last few paragraphs, no matter how pro or kind or open mined the author may be. For every angels and messiahs trip there is a writhing naked on the floor trip. Maybe even the same trip, the great thing about drugs is who fucking cares.

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