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Excellent psytrance review

DJ Goa Constrictor has been a fixture of the northwest psytrance scene for many many years, and hosts a show every Friday morning for Portland State's college radio station KPSU called FABULOUS! Fridays. He occasionally writes a review of new music, and sometimes he even likes some of the stuff he hears. Recently he got ahold of a CD called Golden Vibes 3 by Israeli team Old is Gold, and his review of that release is stellar. Here's a sample:

So. Golden Vibes 3. It is an extremely stupid title. It makes me think of a Wall-Mart "techno" section in their CD aisle. However, the disk is right. It is perfect. It is old Total Eclipse and Shakta lead lines and melodies, but it is not. It has the energy and the love and drive from long ago, but with the wisdom of today. It is old, but new. It is the tummy ache from eating too much ice cream before bed. It is what we need today.

You can download the album for free as mp3 or WAV here.

Posted By NaFun at 2008-04-16 12:16:25 permalink | comments
Tags: goa psytrance mp3 download music
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Basilisk. : 2008-04-19 14:40:39
Zupa, all of free releases on Ektoplazm are available for direct and immediate download... and we are starting to provide the option of buying CDs "on demand" for certain free releases.
A'damn. : 2008-04-17 12:09:58
"comparing trance to ayahuasca is pretty funny. i'd more compare it to Zima, or diet koolaid, or those little yellow marshmallow birds they make around easter. saccharine, empty, devoid of any nourishment or depth of flavor, just a crappy stand in for the real thing. nyaaaaaaaah."

That is why I include this statement in the review:
"It is the tummy ache from eating too much ice cream before bed. It is what we need today."


verlon. : 2008-04-17 12:02:27
comparing trance to ayahuasca is pretty funny. i'd more compare it to Zima, or diet koolaid, or those little yellow marshmallow birds they make around easter. saccharine, empty, devoid of any nourishment or depth of flavor, just a crappy stand in for the real thing. nyaaaaaaaah.
zupakomputer. : 2008-04-17 11:59:18
Oh sure there's plenty of "free" music at ektoplasm and much from quality artists - so why is it all on torrent only?

How about making it actually free, for everyone yeah? Put it up as separate mp3's and wav's per track, so people can actually download it without compromising their computers with dodgy torrent shares (which means your machine is open to being used as a proxy), or paying for ridiculous rip-off broadband, or how about selling CDs and just paying towards the postage and blank CD cost?

jamesk : 2008-04-17 11:51:20
Now play nice people. Psytrance is an acquired taste, like that bileous flavor of fresh hoasca brew. That said, it all sounds pretty much the same to me.

Isreal has been big into Psytrance because of the spillover from Goa, I think. Goa is (was?) the Israeli version of Burning Man. Young Israeli kids would go to Goa and party before joining the army (which they are forced to do), and then come back and party once they got out (to try and forget the horror). Also, since they are constantly in the middle of low-level ethnic warfare the whole transcendent "peace love" depersonalization of the trance meme seems much more urgent there. At least from what I've been told from people who live there.

NaFun : 2008-04-17 09:06:11
Thanks for the tips, Basilisk. I love me some ManMadeMan!!
Basilisk. : 2008-04-16 23:40:25
If you're interested in more like this, I've got a ton of psytrance available for free + legal download at my site, [link]
I personally recommend checking out the full albums by ManMadeMan and Jikkenteki--they're more varied, conceptual, and forward-thinking than the OiG compilations.
hoo hah. : 2008-04-16 18:12:18
please stop taking up blogspace with your pisspoor taste in music
NaFun. : 2008-04-16 17:22:28
No, it's pretty clearly psychedelic trance. And A'damn's review is spot-on.
hoo hah. : 2008-04-16 15:56:08
ok, gave you the benefit of the doubt and downloaded it. nothing here to distinguish it from every other cheesy generic trance record out there. and y'all have a lot of balls calling this weak bullshit "psychedelic", it's just fluff.

and "It is what we need today"? LAUGHABLE
exactly wrong

Waldemar. : 2008-04-16 12:21:51
Though I'm not the biggest fan of psy, I just may try this one out. Btw, what is the deal with Israel and sooooooo much psy coming from there?

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