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'Should I start taking modafinil, too?'

With all the recent hubbub about scientists and their stimulant predilections, it only makes sense that eventually the advantages of "performance-enhancing substances" will start to trickle into all walks of life. Witness this recent question for an advice columnist over at Wired:

One of my coworkers, a rising star at the firm, is using unprescribed modafinil to work crazy hours. Our boss has started getting on my case for not being as productive. Should I tell him about my coworker's pharmaceutical enhancement? Or should I start taking modafinil, too?

Who cares what Wired's answer was - what do you, the readers of DoseNation, have to offer this hapless wage slave for advice?

Posted By Scotto at 2008-04-11 00:28:00 permalink | comments
Tags: modafinil performance-enhancing drugs
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zupakomputer. : 2008-04-16 11:57:28
It's funnier if they haven't tripped before, otherwise they'll recognise it and just go home on a sickie, or take some vals to cancel it out. Or, maybe in some rare cases, stay at work and use it in a superman comedian way to further mark out territory.
galeros. : 2008-04-15 13:42:56
/me imagines the boss on 500 mics. :)
zupakomputer. : 2008-04-14 13:04:20
Take steroids and yaba; beat him up in the car park and take all his work, then stay up for a few days making it all your own.

Spike your rival with all kinds of performance-removing drugs. Spike your boss' drink with ~500mics of LSD at the beginning of an important day; that'll teach him.

lazarus. : 2008-04-13 17:03:04
If you're going to take modafinil, use the extra energy to get out of that shit job.
amazingdrx. : 2008-04-12 22:59:24
You can't just use modafinil indefinitely. You can definitely use it, for relatively short durations - a day or two, when needed. And although there is no immediate body load, there is no indication that persistent long-term use is going to be healthy. I suspect that you'll simply burn out, that the circuits stimulated by modafinil will a) develop tolerance or b) die from exhaustion.

There is no free lunch, ever, anywhere. The brain is basically duct-tape and chewing gum, a succession of evolutionary compromises which manages to work imperfectly when it works at all. There ain't no drug that's going to change that long term. At least, not yet.

So chill out. If you find yourself competing against a chemically-addled co-worker, just sit back, do your job, and wait. It won't last. And you'll be there - stone-cold-sober - to pick up the pieces, when they implode.

nobody. : 2008-04-12 15:04:13
Personally, I'd rather take l-selegiline, and/or do a few bumps of coke. Some drugs are just better than others. It's how you apply them that counts, I guess.
guest : 2008-04-11 13:29:58
Don't start taking modafinil to get ahead. They call it the rat race for a reason. Press a lever, get a reward, but you're still in a cage. Quit your job and grow weed for christsakes.
Gastronomicon. : 2008-04-11 08:09:05
I think it started over a century ago with the advent and introduction of coffee into our offices. Some co-workers started pounding cup after cup of coffee and their productivity went through the roof, while others choosing to avoid the black water started falling behind.
Now, those who didn't drink coffee could have pointed out to their bosses that they were less likely to engage in impulsive behavior or yell at their co-workers, but a boss who only sees things in dollars and cents probably waved his hand dismissively as if to say "I don't care. Just find a way to turn up the juice and crank out more budget reports faster."
Thus, the whole country started drinking tea, coffee, and cola just to keep up with the other 'feine fiends. Then nicotine came into vogue, and before we knew it, we had a whole country of ww2 vets and their wives slamming coffee, smoking cigarettes, and reproducing faster than a bunch of drunkin' Micks.
Now, the whole country's dipping into the harder shit. This can only get bad.
Waldemar. : 2008-04-11 02:42:34
Wait...Is this that bizarre military-tested drug that doesn't work like other stimulants and you can successfully stay up for days?

*Googles* wasn't the one I was thinking of, but it is similar. I was afraid of this shit starting to happen; The pressure by employers for their slaves to work more hours in conjunction with advances in technology just might turn us into something that more resembles robots than us cubicle-jockeys already do now. Eeek!

I recommend a VERY light diet, plenty of water, some excercise and some way to blow off steam if you want to work more hours and get less sleep.

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