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Green Dragon whaaaa?

In an upcoming episode of the new NOFX reality show, members of the band go to Singapore and buy some nefarious lime green powder called "Green Dragon." They then proceed to snort gigantic lines of it and go on to talk about how they feel like they're being hit by marshmallows, are on another dimension, and can see photosynthesis. Between that and all the hugging that goes on, my guess is that it's a combo of ketamine and MDMA with some sort of food coloring mixed in. Anybody have any other ideas or firsthand experience?
Posted By HellKatonWheelz at 2008-04-02 09:32:36 permalink | comments
Tags: green dragon punk rock singapore
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keylow75. : 2008-05-02 14:17:48
you're a freakin jerk-off. you don't belong here.
punkisdead. : 2008-04-30 11:57:42
God bless all of you hop heads.Drugs will eventually kill you,and nobody will care.Praise God and his glory,put down the crackpipe and pick up a bible.

Praise the Lord you heathens!

keylow75. : 2008-04-30 02:18:36
wow, after my last comment all these people came out to claim how punk they were. dude, i'm 33, was a freshman punker listening to d.i., circle jerks, misfits, black flag, etc. then especially social d. and pennywise when "punk was dead." its like someone pointed out- this is a forum about drugs, not "punker than though." fat mike owns the record label that his band (and many others), are on. it has to be a corporation, bro, or you'll get sued for some of the type of escapades depicted on this show, and lose everthing. i was in the scene when, as mike ness has put it "when you went out looking like you were in the scene, you went out to fight!" so don't give anyone any bullshit. and that stuff they're snorting has nothing to do with pot by the way: thc can't be absorbed in such a manner- iv'e studied pharmacology quite a bit. anyway, everyone stop being such a f*king queen. i haven't listened to a nofx album in at least ten years, but its still fun to watch their antics. salud- to the old schoolers.
damageINC. : 2008-04-30 00:29:51
there is nothing less punk than a bunch of people pissing and moaning about what is or isn't punk.
It'sMusic. . : 2008-04-29 22:22:18
sorry. i came on here to find out what the hell they snorted. and wow was there drama. my only comment is for mr 'punkisdead' about this oh so 'manly mr punk' mentality.
Punk music to me is all about chaos,pissing people off and not giving two shits about it.

If people dont agree with me,thata fine.I was there in the 80's,and I watched the demise of my favorite music.

okay so its about chaos etc...1-i cant really see a true 'punk' getting on a comment board about finding out a drug and talking about the true punk. BUT you did say what punk music is TO YOU. and 2-the reason i say that is because you also said that 'punk music' is about not giving 'two shits about it' why the fuck did you comment more than once and obviously get a lil riled up...looks like ya gave 'two shits about it' there bud.

oh and guess what. i was also there for 'punk music'. and it doesnt matter! music wasnt made for just THAT time. it's for everyone. and if you happen to be born in the 90's or even if my future kids decide they love the original punk music then great! oh and music evoooolves. modern day fans and well...laws...have changed the sound of punk. 'green day' can be whatever label you give it. and they play the music they want no matter how much shit they get for their lyrics etc. and punk music is that. and they dont give a shit as you say punk music you.
like it's been said on here: ITS MUSIC. and NOFX are still doing this after decades. they have families and they used their own money for this. watch the interview w/fat mike with steven smith on FUSE.
and really--my opinion doesnt matter-noones opinion does. advice: also go watch the movie SLC Punk. all the way thru.

sorry. ignorance and arrogance-especially together-piss me off.

back to nofx and topic at hand. i love what they did--they just wanted to have fun and give us a glimpse into what happened--ive read the 'salvia' comments and yea it does sound like that but i havent snorted it. so im just gonna research out of curiosity lol

punkisdead. : 2008-04-29 17:04:14
Ben,get off the ritalin bro.

Drugs are bad for you.Jesus loves you all.Rejoyce in all things holy.Don't ride the snake.


Ben . : 2008-04-29 16:29:55
punkisdead. : 2008-04-29 13:00:56
jamesk,"pop punk" is not punk.Im sorry but back in the day there was no radio play(except for the Rodney on the Roq show in LA),there were no tour busses,no hotels.It was and is about kids doing things their own way.No corporate infiltration.

All of the sub-genres of punk mean nothing to me.Im a purist if you will.
I will not bow down to the crap the major labels are calling punk these days.I think its sad that alot of these kids think bands like Green Day,and The Used are punk bands...when in all reality they are not.

Punk music to me is all about chaos,pissing people off and not giving two shits about it.

If people dont agree with me,thata fine.I was there in the 80's,and I watched the demise of my favorite music.

jamesk : 2008-04-29 12:04:52
I think it is pretty obvious you cannot be punk rock and corporate at the same time. That is what the term "pop-punk" is for. Made green day bazillionaires for writing songs about smoking weed and wanking off. What's so bad about that?
punkisdead. : 2008-04-29 11:35:55
PND,you are the clueless one.Why dont you go listen to your Green Day albums and shut up.

rob. : 2008-04-28 22:18:10
that shit is Benzylpiperazine. google it. its retarded to do i wouldnt. but hey its your body so do wat u want. this stuff is called green dragon in some places. but theres other common names.
PND. : 2008-04-28 22:17:09
If you are dissing NOFX you obviously don't have a clue as to what it's all about! These guys are still rockin out after 20 years of raising hell! Long after your Minor Threat, Descendants, Rancid and Misfits died off, only one band still stands, NOFX. True punk rock, if you don't know, you must not be old enough!
punkisdead. : 2008-04-28 11:13:30
People!! Punk is dead.It died a long time ago,probably before most of you posers were born.Punk is about anarchy,and chaos,pissing people off,and doing it your own way.No corporate infiltration.

kat. : 2008-04-27 22:47:12
dude wassup you need to stop talking until you know what you our talking about punk is not all about the drugs and the drinking it is about the music and you need to gert a life if you think you can get high from rubbing it in your eye that is just a waste of money and drugs
Shelby. : 2008-04-27 18:00:09
Jake was right. It's a mix of THC extract and liquor. It's really strong. Most people don't even snort it like they did. They mix it with drinks.

There's tons of recipes but most involve Sprite or Mountain Dew.

wassup. : 2008-04-27 14:08:37
who uses the words gay and homo anymore? but true, anyone who snorts green dragon on cable TV is definitely not punk rock anymore... gotta rub it right into the eye... bro.
whocares. : 2008-04-27 11:25:29
Who the fuck cares what it was?Its not like you little homo's are going to get some of it.

Go die,NOFX is gay for doing a reality show,and for being on a late night talk show.....thats not punk.losers!

half&half. : 2008-04-26 23:40:22
i want to find out what that shit is soon!!!
keylow75. : 2008-04-26 17:20:12
dude, its gotta be k (or some other dissociative, like pcp or dmx) and some sort of phenylphalamine (like mdma any of the bees-2c, 2ct-7,etc.), cut with some bllsht and coloring. i've studied pharm in books and in my body, and i'd put my money on what so many others have said.
ninofx. : 2008-04-26 11:03:38
im a big absinthe fan, but that stuff looks awesome to try! where can i get some?
Rob the specialist. : 2008-04-24 01:54:23
In order for alcohol to extract thc from weed it has to be 90% or higher. Thats why most people use isopropl alcohol to make hash oil. Even 100 proof over the counter shit like vodka wont work as its only 50% alcohol. Even 151 would bearly work. All it will do is pull out the chloraphyl and turn ur drink green. And if anyone knows about thc you know you will not metabolize it(get stoned) unless it is mixed with fat IE oil/butter so forth.. so even if you drink somethin with thc in it you wont get high unless there are fats in it. thats why poeple bake with it, cookies, brownies, hash oil, canibutter cause it need fats.

They do exhibit mdma and k attributes like the fact dude hugs his homie hella times and the needing someone to "pull him back to reality" that sounds like what people refer to as being in a "k-hole".. hallucinations also occur on K and enough MDMA. But remember to they are in another country and could have shit you have never even seen before.

Majinterry. : 2008-04-23 23:23:54
If anyone here thinks that Nofx would fake anything then they definetly know absolutely nothing about Nofx. They are one of the few bands in the world that really does keep it real.
poopster. : 2008-04-23 22:29:30
LSD has been referred to as green dragon...

but uh....

junkdrumz. : 2008-04-23 16:53:44
Has nobody commenting in this ever tried 2cB? The rave scene kids referred to it as Nexxus!
It is a powder fom drug not to be taken lightly. Can be put in caplets and ingested, snorted or smoked...I would not advise smoking it! The amount they did would definitely have them reacting the way they were, but that stuff hits everybody a little bit differently. It was definitely either Nexxus or Rolls with some coloring.
King Kushky. : 2008-04-23 13:47:38
The Drug NOFX ingests is illegal here, (vastly illegal in Singapore) and Legal in parts of New Zealand, Australia, and alot of asian countries. It can be red (dragon), Green (dragon or (white). The drug is called Benzylpiperazine...and yes many of you are correct, this drug mimics MDMA(E,X) , and is often found in fake forms of MDMA and Ketamine, usually sold in pill form and crushed to snort. Like the "Super Energy Pill" you wished 7-11 had!
Jake. : 2008-04-23 13:40:46
The show is AWESOME, and yeah they totally snorted whatever the hell that was - BTW this "reality" show is 100% REAL - NOFX is NOT a band that would fake anything, they are and have always been 100% anti-MTV/sponsorships of any corporate kind - they've had/been on only their own label for their whole existence (never any majors) so I think it's completely real. Yeah they called it "riding the green dragon" and I would have guessed MDMA/K but the THC/liquor thing sounds pretty accurate actually - at least 2 of those guys are ex heroin users and probably wouldn't touch hard stuff of any kind - THC/liquor sounds like a good insane time. It looked extremely intense but remember THC extract is STRONG and so is liquor - especially when the THC is pure like that. It was probably like hash (8x marijuana feeling etc.)
guest : 2008-04-23 01:45:57
Not sure what that stuff was but Fat Mike called everyone bro.....Sounds like mdma. Trust me i call everyone bro when I roll!
adam form LA. : 2008-04-23 01:41:24
bungle ur close but wrong too.. the kind ur talking about is drinking the liquor once the thc is extracted into the liquor..this was a power which FUSE did censor on the show they say "green" but 2 weeks ago on fuse they called it "green dragon" wasnt weed that they snorted it was a asia theres different shit that we dont have like in some chinese places have a pill called "happy pill" which is NOT mdma but close too it yu can find it here but by a different name which im not going to say ....
adam form LA. : 2008-04-23 01:30:42
larry ur fucking retarded have yu ever done k theres no way i hell yu could do that big of a line of k and seem normal shutup and get ur facts together stop saying dumbshit thats not true
guest. : 2008-04-22 22:17:51
its fake. but if it were real it would be e. i think its supposed to be crushed up incredible hulk
ZCH. : 2008-04-22 22:08:26
I just saw the episode and they did do it. In Singapore, with all the hallucinations and hugging. But my bro wants to know what it is and it is something i'd like to know, too. The hallucinations sounded Weird O.o
larryb. : 2008-04-22 22:06:15
it has to be ketamine and mdma, i just watched it and they resemble people on k and ex
Dillon. : 2008-04-21 05:19:25
Perhaps it is like the green powder in the movie Adaptation?
bungle. : 2008-04-16 21:38:01
""Green dragon" is made by putting weed in liquor and letting the THC get extracted. No heating required."

Found that here:


Kiki. : 2008-04-16 20:31:12
There's no way that's for real.. FUSE would never allow drug abuse to be glamorized like that considering the massive amount of young kids that makes up their demographic. It's got to be a bunch of bull for entertainment. Everything on reality TV is fake now.
BROCSTARR LIVE !. : 2008-04-16 19:53:26
beyondlsd. : 2008-04-05 09:49:53
Yopo snuff, dude. Anadenanthera Columbrina var. cebil. :) Think yopo snuffing tube blown up your nose, green snot coming out, and falling into a tryptamine trance. :)
HellKatonWheelz. : 2008-04-03 07:40:38
I really think y'all are overcomplicating this. They were disassociating, had the regular ketamine mush mouth speaking patterns and kept hugging each other. I still think it's ketamine and MDMA. I was just hoping someone had the scoop on green dragon. The show starts airing later this month on fuse. this episode, probably the first week of may.
icemonkey. : 2008-04-02 21:27:55
Psilo, I think that works if it's pure Salvinorin-A.
Of course then you would have to be really careful with the dosage to the point where you'd probably have to cut it with something, especially given the description of gigantic lines.

I'm going to guess crushed pills of some sort (possibly rolls).

Psilo. : 2008-04-02 20:48:28
Snorting Salvia? That would just give you a nice headache.
guest : 2008-04-02 20:18:03
Singapore!? They have the harshest drugs laws eva!
roaldgold. : 2008-04-02 13:50:01
I'm doubting their credibility just by looking at that picture.
icemonkey. : 2008-04-02 12:22:06
NOFX...I mean seriously.
jamesk : 2008-04-02 12:00:39
If they had smoked it I would say it is probably salvia extract on powdered leaf material, but they snorted it. Still could be salvia, but they would have to snort a bunch (gigantic lines may fit the description though). I don't know anyone who has ever snorted salvia, it may be less intense and last longer, much like being in another dimension and seeing photosynthesis (while being pelted by marshmallows).
no. : 2008-04-02 11:01:49
no but where is this show?

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