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Oxytocin spray as natural aphrodisiac

Over at Hug The Monkey - very likely the only blog out there focused solely on oxytocin - a guest writer offers an experience report with a spray on product that supposedly contains this "love hormone":

I bought some Liquid Trust, which, as you know, claims to have Oxytocin in it - not sure how much - manufacturer says potency is a trade secret. Anyway, it’s a spray to be used on your body or clothing. Instructions say it is odorless and lasts between 2 and 4 hours. Instructions say to use it "whenever you want more trust in the people around you, and when you want more passion"....

My wife and I had a counseling session at noon that day and before I left for it, I re-applied the spray as it had been over 4 hours since the first application. I am normally a bit anxious before these sessions as there have been some sessions where issues were raised that caused a lot of tension. I felt a bit anxious as the session started, but that soon dissipated. When I saw my wife at the beginning of the session, she appeared extra radiant and beautiful. She was in good spirits and no big, heavy issues came up in counseling. By the time the hour was up, I was mesmerized by her - I couldn't stop looking at her and admiring her glow and beauty. Even though I had an important meeting at 1:00, I blew that off and we went to lunch.

Lunch was extra delightful. At the restaurant, I found myself noticing others more and striking up conversations with people spontaneously. I found myself smiling at others and them noticing and smiling back - more than usual. While we were eating, my wife was talking but I was soaking her in - her smile, her laugh, her hair - all were extraordinarily glowing and wonderful. I was smitten big time. Everything she said was interesting. I could hardly remember to eat my lunch. She was the most beautiful, engaging, sensual woman I had ever seen.

The story unfolds from there, stopping short of any NSFW depictions but certainly getting the point across. The author is careful to note that subsequent uses of the spray were not as compelling, and wonders if the placebo effect is at work - but notes as well that "whether a perceived benefit is due to the treatment/drug/therapy or is simply a placebo effect, if it delivers the beneficial effect, that’s great – I’ll take it."

Of course, the Liquid Trust web site is super creepy in a "hey we're packaging MIND CONTROL!" kind of way, but the manufacturers argue that they're just implementing a more practical application of what ScienceTM suggests happens naturally anyway:

On June 1, 2005, researchers from the University of Zurich announced an astonishing discovery: When people inhale oxytocin, they react by becoming more trusting of other people. The oxytocin can easily enter the brain when sniffed, boosting social interactions like trust. In the June 2005 issue of the scientific journal, Nature, the researchers reported:

"Oxytocin specifically affects an individual's willingness to accept social risks arising through interpersonal interactions...We find that intranasal administration of oxytocin causes a substantial increase in trusting behaviour."

So there! And of course, Liquid Trust Enhanced is now available: "This upgraded formula still contains the same great Oxytocin formula, but now includes the powerful pheromones Androstenone and Androsterone." Whew, I'd been wondering when they'd get around to adding powerful pheromones!

Anyway, if anyone else out there has any experiences with this product, be sure to let us (and Hug The Monkey) know.

Posted By Scotto at 2008-03-31 00:25:27 permalink | comments
Tags: liquid trust oxytocin
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galeros. : 2008-03-31 16:20:48
We really like the oxytocin, don't we? :) Do you know if that was one of the levels they measured in the UNM DMT research? Would be interesting to get that information, if so. :)
Susan Kuchinskas. : 2008-03-31 10:28:56
Also see my post on my first experiment with pure oxytocin, inspired and informed by Alcibiades of Chemgasm: [link]
icemonkey. : 2008-03-31 01:39:18
Now if we can combine this with MDMA the world will be set.
tsuga. : 2008-03-31 01:35:33
The now defunct blog "Chemgasm" has an entertaining series of posts on experimenting with Oxytocin, worth checking out.

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