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NIDA to open 'Center on Cannabis Addiction'

AlterNet's DrugReporter calls attention to some new extreme silliness on the marijuana front:

Earlier this month, the U.S. National Institute on Drug Abuse announced plans to spend $4 million to establish the nation's first-ever "Center on Cannabis Addiction," which will be based in La Jolla, Calif. The goal of the center, according to NIDA's press release, is to "develop novel approaches to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of marijuana addiction."

Not familiar with the notion of "marijuana addiction"? You're not alone. In fact, aside from the handful of researchers who have discovered that there are gobs of federal grant money to be had hunting for the government's latest pot boogeyman, there's little consensus that such a syndrome is clinically relevant -- if it even exists at all.

Just to be very clear, if you were even temporarily hood-winked by recent media claiming that marijuana withdrawal is worse for you than nicotine withdrawal, AlterNet shines its typical bright ray of common sense all over the issue:

And what does the science say? Well, according to the nonpartisan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine -- which published a multiyear, million-dollar federal study assessing marijuana and health in 1999 -- "millions of Americans have tried marijuana, but most are not regular users [and] few marijuana users become dependent on it." The investigator added, "[A]though [some] marijuana users develop dependence, they appear to be less likely to do so than users of other drugs (including alcohol and nicotine), and marijuana dependence appears to be less severe than dependence on other drugs."

Just how less likely? According to the Institute of Medicine's 267-page report, fewer than 10 percent of those who try cannabis ever meet the clinical criteria for a diagnosis of "drug dependence" (based on DSM-III-R criteria). By contrast, the IOM reported that 32 percent of tobacco users, 23 percent of heroin users, 17 percent of cocaine users and 15 percent of alcohol users meet the criteria for "drug dependence."

But honestly, I'm sure the government really, truly, honestly did not have anything better to do with that $4 million - and the additional taxpayer-funded expense of keeping the center open on an ongoing basis.


Posted By Scotto at 2008-03-31 00:25:02 permalink | comments
Tags: cannabis NIDA extreme stupidity
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agrus. : 2008-10-19 13:54:12
Why would only young users become addicted to cannabis ? If it actually causes addiction (physical dependance) the age factor is irrelevant. Once addicted, why should you kick the habit without treatment simply because you aged a few years? Logically, addiction should become more and more severe with the years adding up. Yet, since 40 years all the gossip over the so-called addiction always refer to youngsters.
zupakomputer. : 2008-04-01 09:34:18
As usual, the fact that no-one (no-one in the 'to blame for yet more irresponsible spreading of lies and wastage of monies' category) has the decency to own up and just tell the truth, that cannabis shouldn't be illegal, proves that they're so out of it themselves that normal thinking and reasoning is completely beyond their capability.

I think they honestly believe their own lies, they must think that the only folks who know what liars they are are somehow going to stay quiet about it, because they are likely to be marijuana users - that or they think their lies will somehow become true to the minds of those they spread their lies about, and marijuana users will doubt themselves and all actual facts on the topic, in some bout of deluded paranoia brain-meltdown.

I bet they hypnotise themselves something like this: "I have the power to convince marijuana users that they are damaging their brains, merely by repeating such statements over and over again."

3-2-1, you're back in the room....

emudouche163. : 2008-03-31 23:54:05
and yes it does state in the article that marijuana users are "Less likely to become addicted than users of other drugs"
emudouche163. : 2008-03-31 23:52:06
Yeah because not having any discipline is addictive in its own right NGNGNGN!
Nicotine is the worst thing I have ever been through and Ive binged on coke for a week, snorted 2 grams of meth in 1 sitting and all kinds of unwholesome crap, Im really sick of the fact that people buy into this narco-non esque bullshit, cannabis is one the only substances wich I feel has actually added to my life in any way, Not that there arent apathic stoners with substance abuse problems everywhere, Because I used to be one of those guys, But the mechanism for substance abuse has nothing to do with the substance in this issue, how utterly fucking typical
Smoke Leader. : 2008-03-31 14:55:33
A massive protest smoke out on their doorstep would be nice and ironic.

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