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Grow Buddy: magic mushroom growing software

Regardless of the fact that they are illegal to cultivate in the United States of America Joshua K, whose last name has not been revealed to conceal his identity, fires up his stove and prepares for a long day of magic mushroom cultivating. It is an exceedingly more common activity as the Internet brings information into our homes in a way that has never occurred. In fact you can read about a wide variety of different methods to cultivate many different drugs. Some websites specialize in selling equipment and others sell how-to guides and videos. The distribution of this information has become a business and people are ever more willing to put their money where their mouth is and invest in shortcuts to reach it.

Joshua says he simply began cultivating mushrooms when he was 16, after using an online search engine to do a research project. He came across a wide variety of websites that contained all sorts of information on the anatomy of hallucinogenic mushrooms, where they grew naturally outdoors and even how to cultivate them. "I was just so amazed this information was out there and available." Joshua said. Information that is surprisingly scarce in retrospect since present day online searches reveal a trove of other websites with even more resources for cultivating the psychedelic mushrooms.

"It is pretty amazing how easy it is these days," Joshua explained, "You've got Grow Buddy, countless mushroom cultivating communities and just tons of websites out there to help you." The product he mentioned, Grow Buddy (, is a software application that actually makes the cultivation of magic mushrooms easier by eliminating repetitive calculations involved in the growing process. "This company just sells this low cost software program and eBooks and you can be growing by the end of the day." Joshua explains, "It's just gotten easier."

Joshua concedes the Internet is definitely a censor-free arena similar to the Wild West analogies many people have made, "but isn't that just awesome?" he asks. Opinions on the ethical stance towards magic mushroom cultivation aside, this shows us the beauty and magnificent power of the Internet. The sharing and distribution of ideas has never been more open, free and rewarding. Although some people like Joshua may use the internet to make use of new age drug cultivating products like Grow Buddy, you must still stop to appreciate the fact that he is able to.

Posted By mrsleep at 2008-03-28 12:50:34 permalink | comments
Tags: magic mushrooms psilocybin shrooms grow cultivation how-to
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g. : 2009-07-10 14:12:11
zupakomputer. : 2008-04-01 11:26:08
I agree, even though I get my fair share of 'the keyboards stop tapping / the server NICs stop blinking / the piano stops playing' when I post comments at some forums and the like.

The washing machines stop turning

John. : 2008-03-31 02:27:43
"Joshua concedes the Internet is definitely a censor-free arena similar to the Wild West"

That makes it sound like a bad thing. If had originally come up with the Internet, that would have been my goal from day one!

zupakomputer. : 2008-03-29 13:26:25
The internet structure is like a shroom itself - decentralised, and when two links reference one another a further, sometimes temporary, node is created.

Lots of different underground webs of connections, linking to other underground networks.

ps - an even easier way to grow shrooms, if you can get spawn readymade, is to use organic methods like injecting them into the right kind of materials, and leaving them in the right conditions.

Otherwise you have to get them to spawn, which means you need a spore print.

As long as spores and spawn are availble, mushrooms will always be grown, cause loads of varieties are grown for food anyways and the growing methods are the same.

pps - when you pick shrooms in the wild, don't pull them out as it damages the underground structures that the shrooms grow from - pinch the stems (with your fingernails) above ground or use a knife (or similar) to cut them, and give the caps some light taps before you pick them, as that dispenses more spores - which means it's way more likely there'll be more shrooms to come.

Waldemar : 2008-03-28 16:40:40
I will always appreciate the unbelievable power that the Internet has put in all of our hands. LONG LIVE 'NET NEUTRALITY!!!!!

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