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Ecstasy hits women harder

This doesn't seem too surprising:

Women who take ecstasy get a more euphoric drug high than men and suffer a much harder comedown in the days after, an Australian review has found....

The findings from three lab studies of ecstasy users overseas suggest that women respond more strongly, with more and stronger hallucinations and euphoric feelings, she said.

In the days after they have a lower mood then men, with biological studies suggesting females may also be hit harder by the longer-term negative effects of the drug.

Clearly these women are getting much better ecstasy than I am if they are experiencing hallucinations at all. Regardless, this seems almost common sense at this point, but I suppose it's good to see empirical data backing up widespread anecdotal folk wisdom.

Posted By Scotto at 2008-03-19 20:47:26 permalink | comments
Tags: ecstasy MDMA
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Jane Rose. : 2009-12-10 19:47:07
I've seen hyrogliphics too- trying to see if this is common- i have taken really high doses of mdma before, but this was at home and i was relaxed and comfy unlike normal. I start hallucinating them on the floor.
slum_goddess. : 2008-03-24 15:59:09
dude, regarding hallucinations on Ecstasy: for some wack reason, after the high is almost gone i continue to see hieroglyphics, mostly round the mouldings on the ceilings. and these wondrous visions last for hours and hours... strange but true (this is not a complaint, mind). :-)
zupakomputer. : 2008-03-22 13:58:18
That sounds about right; I've had many an internal visual theatre on E that I never got on LSD at all. And I always need to allow for a good few days off following taking E (moreso than anything else) because it has a weird blanking effect on my moods, way it seemed to me is that it seems to borrow some of your future and crams it into the duration of the pills effect, and in the time following it I'm in a kind of 'deadzone' - able to function but it feels a bit like coming home from a great holiday and immediately having to start work at some nightmare place.

Another very noticeable thing about it for me - with most psychedelics I'm in a state that I'd like it to be safe to be in all the time, but I know this world just isn't built with elevated-consciousness in mind; with E though it puts me in a state I know I should be in all the time for even more efficient functioning in reality as it is. It's like it restores something that is meant to be there without the E being involved.
I only ever also got effect that from an Afghani hash I was told had opium in it.

Drugs should be legalised and classed as required foods.

jamesk : 2008-03-20 11:59:43
I would guess this is due to E hitting the oxytocin button, which is more crucial to women's physiology than men's. Arousal, mating, bonding, reproduction, birth, lactation, menstration, mood and perception, all tied to oxytocin, obviously much more powerful in women, since they carry the bulk of reproductive work for the species (sorry, and thanks!).
Jayster420. : 2008-03-20 04:22:50
Scotto, hallucinations on Ecstasy do happen. I remember a bachelor party me and my friends had about 15 years ago in a cabin out in the woods. We had some many pills that we had them in a little bowl on the table just like others put out chips and M&Ms during a party. As so often with E, you're having such a good time that you don't want to come down and just keep on plopping a pill every couple of hours. That night, i had the most real looking hallucinations i have ever had. I saw a complete Locomotive in all its detail outside up in a tree. all my friends suddenly had glasses on and some of my close friends looked like strangers to me. Very freaky, but at that stage, in a good way ;-) Of course you never really know what was in those pills but i remember this not being the only time i have had hallucinations on E, but usually only in high doses. We estimate that we each took about 4 to 8 pills over a 12 hour period during that party ! The week long hangover was terrible. My frustration tolerance was so low, i would cry (which i usually never did) when even the slightest thing went wrong. We all learned our lesson and never party'd that hard again. Looking back at it now, it was a very irresponsible thing to do and we all learned our lesson ;-) But, damn, did we have a good time !



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