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'Foxy methoxy' makes surprise appearance

Here's something that you don't see every day: The Edmonton Sun is attempting to implicate "foxy methoxy" in the recent death of an Albertan.

Now we here at DoseNation are hardly equipped with the army of interns required to fact check every single news report that surfaces in our RSS slush piles. Therefore, take this with whatever grain of salt you see fit to take it with; however, the reason I'm bothering to pass it on is simply that it's so rare to see this particular substance in the news. And of course, it's amusing watching local news try to understand the situation.

The lede:

A local medical examiner is trying to determine whether an overdose of foxy methoxy - the latest mind-altering substance tripping into psychedelic subcultures - has killed someone in Alberta.

They're leaning toward this conclusion because "the rare hallucinogen, which has caused only one known death worldwide, appeared in the recent toxicology results of a dead Albertan, medical examiner Dr. Peter Singer told Sun Media." So there you have it: the article doesn't report on any other substances in the toxicology results. Nevertheless, the headline reads "'Foxy' drug killed Albertan?" Awesome!

Later on in the article, Singer notes:

"(Contrary to reports suggesting it is a mild hallucinogen) I suspect it's fairly potent, that the high is short-lived and unpleasant for most people."

Thank goodness Singer is on the scene to offer his suspicions about the drug! Certainly the reason it's turning up in someone's tox report is because that person expected it to be unpleasant. To be absolutely fair, the experience is by no means a slam dunk for all users. That said, it's also not particularly short-lived, and "most people" is an egregious overstatement regardless.

My favorite part, though:

Foxy is a synthetic triptomine, a drug in the same family as LSD and magic mushrooms that causes hallucinations, intensified tactile sensations, and - ever since a high-profile bust in New York City in 1999 - has been reputed to enhance sexual experiences.

They repeat the "triptomine" spelling twice in the article. I have a hard time reading that without pronouncing it "tript-o-MINE!" ala JJ Walker.


Let us know if you go digging around for more facts in this case. In an ideal world, we'd do it ourselves, but the ideal parts of this world are contained in a small metal box that is buried very deep beneath the ocean, and we know not how to reach this box without awakening the Deep Ones who will someday consume us.

Posted By Scotto at 2008-03-14 03:25:22 permalink | comments
Tags: foxy methoxy 5-meo-dipt
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JahJahProvide. : 2008-03-17 05:06:52
Zupak, If LSD and foxy are cross-tolerant, as you say, then that means you WILL have to up your dose. Cross-tolerance is just what it sounds like, you build tolerance to one compound to some extent by taking another, usually related compound. Since they are both tryptamines, it is not surprising there may be a cross-tolerance. People should avoid foxy anyways.
TardNarc : 2008-03-17 00:25:12
Structurally, LSD is also a phenethylamine.
split2k5. : 2008-03-16 13:56:55
bah!! i would take anything that the sun writes with a rather large grain of salt. its only full of media scare pieces seperated by double sided car advertisments.
zupakomputer. : 2008-03-15 14:18:57
If it's in TiHKaL that's good enough for me then. I'm used to seeing it classed apart from the dmt's; it's meant to be cross-tolerant with shrooms (ie you can take one of them the next day after taking the other and not have to up the dose because of tolerance build-up) & now I forget if I ever tried that out to see if it's true.
Scotto : 2008-03-14 23:21:40
No, no, no. LSD is a tript-o-MINE!
jamesk : 2008-03-14 22:17:41
LSD is a "tryptamine" like a Hummer is a "car". Both descriptions are accurate in the most basic technical aspect, but like a Hummer, LSD includes a bunch of other stuff piled on the frame that most "cars" don't have, making it a multi-functioning, slow metabolising, high-affinity offroad tryptamine for the whole family, with four-wheel drive and optional dvd player.
Acme_Rocket. : 2008-03-14 10:50:27
It is a tryptamine, if you follow the carbon backbone along the indole ring you will find the other nitrogen. This feature makes it analogous to other tryptamines. LSD makes an appearance in TiHKaL.
It would be possible to include tryptamine or indole in the molecular name for LSD, but it would be way too long.
zupakomputer. : 2008-03-14 07:48:27
LSD is an indole, but not a tryptamine of the same DMT family. Can't they ever get anything right?

: cause I do check things I went & looked up where this 'LSD is a tryptamine' shows up, and indeed some sites class it that way.

Molecularly it looks different though, plus it's called LSD (lysergic acid di-ethlyamide) so there's no mention of tryptamines in its chemical name.

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