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The Wire writers dis the drug war

Sunday night HBO will air the final episode of The Wire, the gripping and grim tale of the decline of the American city spanning five seasons. It's easily some of the best television ever. The creators of the show have taken advantage of their current moment in the limelight with this piece in Time magazine advocating jury nullification in non-violent drug cases.
"A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right," wrote Thomas Paine when he called for civil disobedience against monarchy - the flawed national policy of his day. In a similar spirit, we offer a small idea that is, perhaps, no small idea. It will not solve the drug problem, nor will it heal all civic wounds. It does not yet address questions of how the resources spent warring with our poor over drug use might be better spent on treatment or education or job training, or anything else that might begin to restore those places in America where the only economic engine remaining is the illegal drug economy. It doesn't resolve the myriad complexities that a retreat from war to sanity will require. All it does is open a range of intricate, paradoxical issues. But this is what we can do - and what we will do.

If asked to serve on a jury deliberating a violation of state or federal drug laws, we will vote to acquit, regardless of the evidence presented. Save for a prosecution in which acts of violence or intended violence are alleged, we will - to borrow Justice Harry Blackmun's manifesto against the death penalty - no longer tinker with the machinery of the drug war. No longer can we collaborate with a government that uses nonviolent drug offenses to fill prisons with its poorest, most damaged and most desperate citizens.

On a lighter note, fans of the show should check out this clip of the beloved character state Senator Clay Davis:

Posted By tonx at 2008-03-07 20:46:18 permalink | comments
Tags: TheWire jurynullification drugwar
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Bestest. : 2008-03-20 04:30:42
The folks at Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) have noticed this news aswell.


Adam L. : 2008-03-12 21:38:49
what the hell was going on in that video clip
zupakomputer. : 2008-03-10 12:36:26
D'you really think that many people can be that stupid though? It doesn't seem right that people could truthfully claim to be in a similar position to say - a sniffer dog. In that, it really isn't the dog's fault if it's trained to find drugs - it has no idea of the reality it's helping out in, and thinks it is playing a game where its rewarded (with a sweet or a chew or whatever) for finding whatever its been trained to find.
I don't think people can in all honesty claim it never occured to them that there is something very wrong with this world - that just maybe what they read in papers for example is a load of bollox for the most part.

omgoleus : 2008-03-09 17:24:57
Ignorance is the root of suffering... for the most part, the people who support the drug war believe in good faith that they're doing the right thing. The few powerful people at the top who profit from it may not be so innocent, but the masses are ignorant, not evil.

zupakomputer. : 2008-03-08 10:15:20
I find it difficult to believe that there can be anyone who is old enough to read about or hear of these issues, yet is not able to put one and one together and see that - save for addictions, which is something outwith and not solely connected to drugs or any other area specifically - all the problems with drugs come solely from their illegal status.

How much easier and less costly would law enforcement be, if drugs were at the least decriminalised & removed out of the equation.

All the money and resources currently wasted in the drug war could easily many times over fund addiction clinics, for those unfortunate enough for whatever reason that they can't enjoy a thing without it affecting the rest of their lifestyle and their health.

And that the above there is so obvious, I can only conclude that those in favor of the drug war cannot possibly be in any way caring at all about the issues they claim to care about.

If drugs are to be disattached from gang crime, street crime, illegal arms trades - both big (like international terrorism) and small, then they must be decriminalised or legalised.

And to those that already know all that, but pretend otherwise so as to further their careers, or worse - are the architects of that very corrupt situation - you had better start to realise that the situations you've created and that you contribute to will come around and they will bite you on the ass, and that's just for starters. You can't hide from what you've done; you can't go live on another planet to escape it much as you'd like it to look like you can. You're stuck here, and what you've made of this world, it's the world that you'll be stuck living in too.

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