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Ha'aretz 'Researcher: Moses was tripping at Mount Sinai'

From the land that brought us Infected Mushroom. Here's an article about a Jew that says the people in the bible were way high.
[...] Shanon presents a provocative theory in an article published this week in the philosophy journal Time and Mind. The religious ceremonies of the Israelites included the use of psychotropic materials that can found in the Negev and Sinai, he says. "I have no direct proof of this interpretation," and such proof cannot be expected, he says. However, "it seems logical that something was altered in people's consciousness. There are other stories in the Bible that mention the use of plants: for example, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden."
Posted By egnever at 2008-03-04 22:55:43 permalink | comments
Tags: ayahuasca jews israel bible tripping peace in our time
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guest : 2008-03-18 09:45:18
zupakomputer. : 2008-03-06 09:19:26
Well what did your yage ingestions lead you to believe everything was about then, guest?

If the answer's not something like - sustenace of mind and body and soul, then it looks like you'd be wrong to complain about the progress made by others then wouldn't it.

guest : 2008-03-05 12:55:30
Damn ayahuasca heads think everything's about drugs.
yeschaton : 2008-03-05 12:34:16
I think this journal will be worth watching. $48/yr for an individual:

Time">[link] & MInd Journal

Peer-reviewed, lively and highly interdisciplinary, Time & Mind presents new perspectives on landscape, monuments, people and culture. The journal features scholarly work addressing cognitive aspects of cross-related disciplines such as archaeology, anthropology and psychology that can shape our understanding of archaeological sites, landscapes and pre-modern worldviews. It also explores how modern minds create images of the past, and addresses how new findings about prehistory can inspire current research on the brain and consciousness.

Time & Mind explores such diverse yet curiously related topics as:
* Archaeoastronomy
* The prehistory of mind
* Ancient and pre-industrial symbolic
landscapes deriving from
religious/mythological beliefs
* The involvement of light and sound in
monumental structures
* The phenomenology of landscape
* Ritual
* Rock art
* The multi-sensory properties of natural
places from antiquity
* The cognition of memory of place
* Ecopsychology

zupakomputer. : 2008-03-05 10:17:19
Terenece McKenna certainly put a lot of effort into making a case for religion in general coming from entheogenic plant ingestion.

It's not in dispute that shamanism (inasmuch that the same structure of having medicine men and women healers / spiritual heads being the same the world over, is an '-ism') is the oldest known form of religion or spirituality, and it is indeed all derived from one or both of direct contact with what we'd term aliens or angels, and ingesting psychoactive plants.

I've read a bit about the bicameral mind ideas, and in broad terms I'd have to agree - it is very obvious that if people are trained to mostly only use their right hand as their dominant hand, which means their left brain is more developed, that the right brain is going to be comparably underdeveloped. The right brain side is likely to be the one with more control over things like using telepathy correctly and being able to see & percieve more subtle energies; or it could just be a case of having one half more dominant just supresses certain skills and abilities.

Last time I checked it was still the case that where people had better abilities in subjects like maths and architecture, there's a much higher indicence of left-handed folks.

As an aside but still kinda on topic - anyone ever do that thing (like a thought game) where someone asks you to do simple sums in your head and give the answer, then they ask you what's the first fruit or veg that comes to mind? Most people pick orange or carrot - if not then they'll next most likely pick a red or orange coloured fruit or veg. This isn't a technical term for it of course, but it happens because your mind 'becomes' orange / red internally when you are calculating numbers and doing arithmetic.

Ayajoss. : 2008-03-05 09:27:14
Benny Shanon made his works...''the antipodes of the mind '' is a masterpiece
(a lot of people find it too hard to read...) about Ayahuasca. He ''drink'' 100's times and know A LOT about it.
I met him, 2 years ago, in Basel (Switzerland, LSD2006); he is a very interesting guy. A little bit too academic, but, he know very well the topic.
THE reference about Ayahuasca's ''mechanics''...
Slowly but surely...the TRUTH will liberate us all.
Bike Camera. : 2008-03-04 23:28:31
There's also the Julian Jaynes theory of the bicameral mind which supposes that in ancient times the right brain hemisphere had a sort of override function that led people to hear voices and see visions they deemed God.


jamesk : 2008-03-04 23:00:31
This story is all over the nets today. People love them a good people-in-the-bible-tripping story. Moses is the best candidate, after Eve (with the tree of knowledge and all).

For the record, I do not believe Jon the Baptist was tripping, he was just insane.

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