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Recent New Zealand Anti-Smoking ad

I just got this from a friend. I looked around a bit, it seems that the ad agency responsible was DDB Auckland, and that it is pretty recent, like maybe the last week or so, but I could be wrong about that. The text reads:

Terrorism-related deaths since 2001: 11,337 ยท Tobacco-related deaths since 2001: 30,000,000
For help, call 0800 ASH INFO

Kind of makes me want to smoke a cigarette, like maybe this is outrageous enough to make smoking cool again...

Click the link for a higher-resolution version.

Posted By omgoleus at 2008-03-01 16:25:16 permalink | comments
Tags: anti-smoking twin towers
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zupakomputer. : 2008-03-04 09:31:33
I used to smoke Camels, they were alright. That was more than a decade ago; I'm not sure if I'd be into them now.

re: baccy toxicity - I hadn't meant to spread lies about the fact it can kill, as a poison. Yep it can, just like alcohol, in high enough doses*. In fact, it's used as a pesticide (boiled or infused tobacco) - obviously a more natural pesticide, but it still kills all insect life and more, not just the pests.

It's still true however what I'd pointed out; more to the point - I'm trying to get across here that to go around citing that tobacco can be used to poison, and using that to claim it always leads to cancers etc, is completely untrue - because it leaves out other facts such as:

non-organic agricultural and horticultural pesticides, herbicides (any -icides), and even the chemical fertilisers, are also easily able to kill you if you actually drink them or ingest them -

yet, they are sprayed all over just about every crop that isn't certified organic in some way, and they are poured into the water that waters those crops too.

So - the point being, they can't say "smoking causes cancer" without also saying "all the food you buy, and the clothes (plant-fibre fabrics) you buy, and the cosmetics and cleaning products you buy, also all cause cancer" - because they do, they're all unhealthy.
Unless you only ever buy & use products listed in the likes of the Good Shopping Guide, then you are ingesting and exposed to cancer-causing toxic poisons all the time. Every bite you eat, no joke.

*ironically, it's drugs like cannabis and LSD that are extremely non-toxic. Their LD-50 tests either have no limits, or the toxic limits are so high that it's either pracitcally impossible to take that much, or (in LSDs case for example) it's only if you actually manufactured or distributed it that'd you ever come into contact with that much acid that it could be biologically toxic.

phillip marshall. : 2008-03-02 22:42:27
Can I get a hells yea?

Hey ya'll!

What up cuz?

I just bought some Camels.

squidlung. : 2008-03-02 13:01:11
Tobacco is toxic regardless of the additives. For some reason the carcinogens are there no matter what, unlike marijuana. It just happens to be the side effect of tobacco regardless of how natural it is. Chewing it still gives you mouth and throat cancer. Drop a cigarette butt in a glass of water, drink it, and you'll die. That's how toxic tobacco is. I have a friend who likes to roll his herb in home-grown tobacco leaves. He seems to think it's so "kind". He was never a cigarette smoker. I can't even hit that joint with a "natural-organic" tobacco leaf around it without getting a bloody nose. Same thing with blunts. Tobacco is whack yo.
zupakomputer. : 2008-03-02 09:14:48
It's not tobacco-related deaths though, it's 'additives we permit to be added to tobacco, pesticides etc sprayed on the tobacco, and toxic tree-paper we let the abused ruined tobacco be rolled in' related deaths.

Natural tobacco is far less harmful. That's just more badly-researched moronic lies that the anti-druggies use to promote their mentally deficient views.

Anyone that's smoked natural tobacco (including the cigarettes), and compared them to smoking the other kind of cigs with the additives, that's grown with toxic chemicals etc, would be able to tell the difference right away.
Some tobacco manufacturers claim the additives make the leaves burn better and taste better, um NO you just add them to make people get sick and unhealthy.

jamesk : 2008-03-01 18:40:54
I think comparing anything to terrorism is cool. All you drug bloggers are worse than terrorists! See, doesn't that sound cool?

Carlos the Jackal was onto something...

omgoleus : 2008-03-01 18:37:49
Heh, someone needs to smoke a cigarette and chill out! ;)

It's part of the smartass-ness that DoseNation editors often suffer as a result of drug-induced brain damage. Consider it a primitive form of "humor" or something like that.

Phil. : 2008-03-01 17:46:53
That makes smoking "cool" or causes someone to want to smoke?!

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