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Musical taste a predictor of drug use

In what may come as a shock to approximately no one, researchers in a recent study were apparently able to "get fairly accurate predictors of lifestyle choices based solely on musical factors," where lifestyle choices includes propensity for drug use. OK, maybe there are one or two surprises - for instance, if you've got some mistaken impression of classical music lovers as being too stuffy to get high, think again, as "more than a quarter of classical music fans have tried cannabis."

A blogger for the Minneapolis / St. Paul City Pages helps summarize the research, adding these details:

  • People who liked musicals took the least amount of drugs and committed the fewest criminal acts. Also, they drink less and are near the top in charity work performed. Note to self: listen to more showtunes to embrace the better angels of one's nature.
  • Fans of hip hop and dance music are likely to have had multiple sex partners and were top-ranked in terms of drugs taken. Or bottom-ranked, depending on one's perspective. Point being: "It comes out in the study that, in these types of music, fans score worse in various behaviours, such as criminality, sexual promiscuity and drug use," said Dr. North.

All I will say is that I have listened to my fair share of show tunes in my day, and that didn't seem to have any impact on anything other than my ability to attract friends.

Of course, the City Pages blogger goes a little off the track toward the end of his post:

If they had only broken down more specifically what kind of drugs were taken by fans of what music genre, we might have had some interesting results. Pure speculation: metal = meth. Techno? Ecstacy. Radiohead? Nyquil and ketamine.

I can see the ketamine / Radiohead connection, but please, can we not sully that combination with even the implication that Nyquil would be welcome to that party? In the meantime, any show tunes lovers out there feeling the pain of being singled out as "the most mild-mannered group, with the lowest level of drug-taking and criminal acts"?

Posted By Scotto at 2008-01-13 03:49:12 permalink | comments
Tags: music
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kidame. : 2013-08-10 02:12:04

You obviously never listened to Kid A/to a lesser extent Ok Computer

leo. : 2013-03-13 22:48:01
the connection with ketamine results from the following. Look at Thom Yorke, he is quite a weird dude. What does ketamine do? It antagonizes the NMDA receptor. Thom Yorke most likely does not do ketamine, but it is very likely from the content of his lyrics and his disposition that he was just born with less NMDA receptors than most people. That means his normal sober disposition and thoughts would be similar to that of someone on ketamine, but probably not as extreme, but enough to make him a weird dude.
Glen Flime. : 2009-03-08 15:12:16
Dis profilin is out of orda
Dis beast only comes out when it is 25 degrees below zero
dean. : 2008-11-22 19:24:31
to the comment above.... what are you taking about- ketamine and radiohead don't go together????? they go together with such precision, i suggest a good half a gram line- lying down in a darkened room with either radiohead -kid a (especially 'everything in it's right place') lemon jelly, granddaddy, boards of canada etc etc and see what happens.
if you just doing bumps and attempting conversation with people then yeah- synth is the way to go, but k-holing is a much better use. i recon you need to try it, you obviously havn't explored the possibilities and are definitely missing out!!!
benzo. : 2008-07-15 15:53:07
e-tard = noise rock
Nowhere Girl : 2008-01-17 05:50:58
For me, my favorite type of music is definitely psychedelic rock - all that 60s stuff, but also modern continuations. I also enjoy ethnic music very much. As for a drug of choice... my life has gone such a way that I have - sometimes deliberately, sometimes due to no opportunity - never tried almost any psychoactives so far (no illicit drugs, never drunk, no coffee, tea - yes, and I also took a sedative before having my "wisdom tooth" removed ;)), so I couldn't honestly speak from personal experience. But I know too well that - since I was about 13 years old - I have been hopelessly fascinated with psychedelics.
jamesk : 2008-01-14 11:56:30
Hip-Hop => Forties and Weed
Rock => Liquor and Weed
Country => Budweiser and Meth
Techno => Acid and Weed
Metal => Speed and Weed
Opera => Wine and Weed
Folk => Weed
Emo => Estrogen
House => MDMA and Weed
New Wave = > Coke and Booze
Muzak => GHB
benzyme : 2008-01-13 19:34:05
>>radiohead = i dunno, what's the most pretentious drug around??

haha.. no shit.

cdin : 2008-01-13 13:38:13
These people have obviously never been around music listeners OR drug users.

metal = BOOZE
acid house = ACID
gabber = SPEED
radiohead = i dunno, what's the most pretentious drug around??

HellKatonWheelz : 2008-01-13 11:44:54
*cough* Excuse me? Personally, from my um, random, sampling of drug users, musical lovers seem to be the most likely to go on a three day multi-psychedelic bender. My brain could kick their brain's dub-listening ass. And seriously? Busby Berkeley? COME ON.
benzyme : 2008-01-13 11:37:45
I always figured showtunes fans to be either female, or gay. the mild-mannered group would be my type of crowd.. the lounge scene (i spin downtempo). my d.o.c.? mushrooms.
benzyme : 2008-01-13 11:27:02
>>>Pure speculation: metal = meth. Techno? Ecstacy. Radiohead? Nyquil and ketamine.

techno = mdma?? always figured it was more of a acid-type music. trance = mdma.

radiohead = ketamine? LOL.. nah. repetitive loops with envelope filtered/phased and flanged synth stabs (like the stickmen) is more ket-friendly.

this seems like another stupid attempt at profiling.

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