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A story about entities from Tibetan buddhism

In a forum like this, partly thanks to the DMT/ketamine axis of evil, there is generally an awareness of "entities" or whatever you want to call it. There is also usually a wide range of different beliefs about what's "really" going on. There are the die-hard materialists, who will talk about the parietal lobe and projected identity, and there are the die-hard spiritualists, who will take every entity at the same face value they take their taxi driver. My feelings and thoughts about this have been heavily informed by a story I heard from Tibetan buddhism last year.

I was at a weekend of talks by Robin Kornman, a senior student of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, who was one of the first of the Tibetan buddhist masters to come teach in the West. (Robin died a few months ago of cancer, I feel really sad I didn't get more of a chance to get to know him.) Robin was talking about "drala" or "the dralas", which is similar to Japanese Shinto "kami" or Native American totem spirits. Think spirits of a place or of an animal, a guardian or some such thing. Not gods, but, you know, entities. At first Robin was talking about drala in a metaphorical way, as if it were just the particular self-consistent feeling of a place, or the tendencies of something. But he would also talk about "the dralas" and how they would come sometimes. Sort of wavering back and forth between whether they were metaphorical or real, and we were getting confused, and eventually someone asked him "Wait a minute, are the dralas supposed to be real, or is this just a metaphor??"

He laughed and said he asked Rinpoche that question once, and learned that you can't ask a Buddhist master whether something is real and expect to get a straight answer.

"Rinpoche, are the dralas real?" he asked. "They're as real as you are", said Rinpoche.

"Then, how real am I?"

"Not real at all."

So that's how I think about entities...

Posted By omgoleus at 2008-01-02 12:27:40 permalink | comments
Tags: entities tibetan buddhism
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agent_of_truth : 2008-01-08 10:23:28
Please Do
omgoleus : 2008-01-08 09:04:46
Ha ha, sorry, I guess I needed more "emoticons" to show I was joking. Damn internet emotional ambiguity! I didn't mean to kill your buzz. ;)

I still don't have an answer to your question, though... if you figure it out let me know!

I will say I think that even though it sounds good, Philip K. Dick is way off base with "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away" because it doesn't adequately account for what "belief" actually is. If you believe that something coming towards you might hurt you, you might choose to raise your arms to block it. If you practice martial arts until you're at the point you can block faster than you can think, is there still a belief involved? But you wouldn't have had that reflex if you hadn't programmed it into yourself as a result of conscious intentions, which are based on beliefs (simple beliefs, but still beliefs, and not universal either because only a few people practice like that.) So then, what about the similar reflexes that people are born with? Those are evolved into us in a process where the "blind watchmaker" optimizes behavioral strategies on a fitness landscape based on our environment, so the presence of an evolved reflex (or any evolved physical trait) is representative of a model of external reality, just like a conscious belief is a piece of a model of reality.

Anyway, maybe I'll write more on that later.

agent_of_truth : 2008-01-06 22:49:41
'Real' is just a word.
stonedphilosophr : 2008-01-04 23:00:26
that's messed up. can u be a bit more mature and try to answer my question? whatever happened to being compliant, positive, complimentary and nice? wutever man, that do what you do, just letting you know that kind of killed my spirit, thanks.
omgoleus : 2008-01-04 17:30:08
I don't answer questions from stoned philosophers.
stonedphilosophr : 2008-01-03 16:14:02
ok, so let me get this straight...if YOU aren't real, what then IS real?
squid leader : 2008-01-02 13:01:56
Bill Hicks said the same thing in his quote, " Life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves." This is supportive of holographic theories of the universe. We think we know the truth, but we're still bound by the limits of our imagination. I think they're as real as i want them to be, and who's to tell me that it is any different?
agent_of_truth : 2008-01-02 12:48:16
This article made me think of a novel,
An Unlikely Prophet By Alvin Schwartz.
It mentions an entity known as a tulpa.
Suggests that perhaps Superman saved
Hawaii several thousand years ago.
Pretty interesting story, especially when it
mentioned a little known area of New Brunswick
that I call home.(Delusion of reference much?)

Good food for thought for sure.

jamesk : 2008-01-02 12:31:35
Hmm. I suppose if Rinpoche told him he was a hermaprhoditic avatar of the 4th bardo he'd believe that too. Phooey.

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