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Study: Ecstasy causes brain damage like a blow to the head

Here's an interesting report on MDMA, linking the effects of amphetamine-related drug abuse to trauma-induced brain damage:

Researchers at the University of Florida (UF) suggest that drugs and traumatic brain injury release a similar chemical chain reaction in the brain which can cause cell death, memory loss and the possibility of irreversible brain damage

The drug ecstasy, also known as MDMA in its purer form, as well as other forms of methamphetamine, were the main focus of the study. Researchers found that abuse of these substances can lead to the same types of changes in the brain caused by a sharp blow to the head.

This is welcome news for all of us who prefer sharp blows to the head over trendy drugs. Now we can get all the fun of a 4+ head walloping with a single dose of MDMA. Cool! Discuss...

Posted By jamesk at 2007-12-01 13:33:05 permalink | comments
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benzyme : 2007-12-06 16:05:56
what a stupid metaphor. it's probably more like autoerotic asphyxiation

Perseus : 2007-12-06 07:03:08
Having never tried Ecstacy or Methamphetamine, but I have suffered a blow to the head, I can say that it is known as Angel Dust and presumed to resemble PCP, or Delirium Tremens. It is like PTSD or trauma. Check Critical Stress Management if you are into this. It must be a heavy blow. Professional hits have a special technique of rendering people incapable for the rest of their life, without causing much visible injury. This is used by extreme right wing terror groups in England and other places. They are presumed to be ex-military. The damage can be measured at the hospital. Symptoms are elevated blood pressure and visual hallucinations. These hoits are often supplemented by "gaslighting".
dreamdust : 2007-12-03 11:38:18
FUD article. No sources, no study I can find.
DadeMurphy : 2007-12-01 20:22:50
Can someone point me in the direction of the actual study being referred to here, or is it not published yet?

The articles I have seen about this study/report generally seem to open with comments about MDMA and methamphetamine, grouping them together under the title of "club drugs"...but then go on to discuss only how methamphetamine is neurotoxic in "recreational" (ie. high) doses...something that has been known for a LONG time.

MDMA is clearly NOT methamphetamine, and while MDMA is also a potential neurotoxin, I don't think it is fair to take results from methamphetamine studies and generalize them to MDMA. MDMA neurotoxicity is its own issue, and it has not (AFAIK) been conclusively demonstrated to occur in humans with occasional recreational doses.

squid leader : 2007-12-01 19:21:31
I believe it. The dose recommended in PHIKAL is so small compared to what people take on the street. Plus one thing most people don't know about Exstacy is that when you take a supplement you need only take a half or third of your original dose to achieve prolonged effects, not two or three more pills!
My good friend died not too long ago, and it may have been related to the pills she consumed. Be careful when doing E. I think the reason there is so much use and abuse of X is because it acts on the PEA system which is responsible for love and feeling loved. I think there is a lack of love and understanding in our world, along with a lack of mescaline or gentle analogues like 2C-B. I think E is perfect for healing emotional wounds, or strengthening relationship bonds, dealing with trauma etc. It should definitely be available as a legal medicine used in therapy. I think to make a recreational psychedelic user permit available for adults is the answer to decrim. I mean hey, if people can have guns as long as they have a permit...
amazingdrx : 2007-12-01 16:45:26

[link] name="wmode" value="transparent">[link] type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">

Suddenly seems more accurate than ever before.

silas : 2007-12-01 16:39:50
I love how the media uses these ridiculous metaphors for drug use fried eggs/blow to the back of the head, etc. I think it's important to note that yeah, any drug is going to cause some degree of long term changes (that includes cannabinoids, psychedelics, etc) But so does every pharmaceutical psychoactive drug I'm aware of: opioids, amphetamines, SSRIs, benzodiazapines, etc.

This is similar in my mind to articles that claim smoking pot increases (actually, is correlated to) risk of psychosis by 2x or whatever, without mentioning that alcohol use is correlated to an 8x increased likelihood of psychosis.

psychedelic_warior : 2007-12-01 14:36:35
not surprising.....I've seen drugs like that make friends of mine visibly more stupid in a matter of months...



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