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Three ways to quit smoking

Still looking for ways to successfully quit smoking? You might try one of these three techniques that came across the wire recently. First off: gradually reducing the amount of nicotine in your cigarettes over the course of several weeks:

In the study, 20 healthy adult smokers smoked their usual brand for a week and then followed a six-week regimen of smoking cigarettes with progressively decreased nicotine content.

At the end of this period, they were free to return to their usual commercial cigarette brand, and most of them did. When tested one month later, they were smoking about 40 percent fewer cigarettes per day, with a comparable reduction in nicotine intake, compared to when the study began. Even more promising, one fourth of the smokers quit smoking entirely while the study was in progress, the researchers found.

“This study supports the idea that if tobacco companies were required to reduce the levels of nicotine in cigarette tobacco, young people who start smoking could avoid becoming addicted, and long-time smokers could reduce or end their smoking, [study leader Neal] Benowitz [MD] said.

Of course, that requires a more patient approach. A more direct approach: take a shot that interrupts the brain's ability to enjoy nicotine.

A shot that robs smokers of the nicotine buzz from cigarettes showed promise in midstage testing and may someday offer a radically new way to kick a dangerous habit. In a study, more than twice as many people given five of the shots stopped smoking than those given fewer or phony shots - about 15 percent versus 6 percent after one year....

The study tested NicVAX, a vaccine designed to "immunize" smokers against the rush fueling their addiction. It's made by Nabi Biopharmaceuticals of Boca Raton, Fla.

The treatment keeps nicotine from reaching the brain, taking the fun out of smoking and hopefully making it easier to give up. Some nicotine still gets in, possibly easing withdrawal, the main reason quitters relapse.

And if that doesn't work? Turn to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints:

Mormons (a nick name) are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They believe in a teaching known as the “Word of Wisdom” which teaches that they should not use coffee, tea, alcohol, or tobacco.

The stop smoking lesson has been extremely successful because it teaches people how to stop the nicotine fit, or longing that often makes it so hard for people to quit. The missionaries use the lesson manual to teach people 15 steps to follow for seven days.

I don't know what the 15 steps are because you have to go to a web site and request a PDF, but you need not be a Mormon missionary to make such a request, so head on over!

Posted By Scotto at 2007-11-14 10:15:14 permalink | comments
Tags: cigarettes nicotine tobacco
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sean : 2007-11-15 22:37:08
I have also noticed this trend with Cannabis vs. Tobacco consumption where I live. More than that, I seem to be meeting quite a few people who have picked up on Vaporization technology for Cannabis consumption (which, incidentally, I HIGHLY recommend). I hope that this is indeed a trend and people are finally waking up and actually resisting the temptation and destruction that is the Tobacco Industry. Let's just stop giving those f*ckers our money. I've thought about growing a Tobacco plant and vaporizing untreated leaves, thereby hopefully establishing a new and healthier relationship with this intriguing plant, but my life long battle with cigarettes and the reality that is the Tobacco Industry has left me supremely jaded, and I think it's insanely unfortunate that so much destruction has been carried out in the name of making money...and once again we witness what happens when a plant is not given the respect it deserves.
charlie25 : 2007-11-14 14:24:38
a friend and I realized the other day that we know far more people who smoke pot (of all ages) these days than we do who smoke cigarettes. Even a few years ago, this wasn't the case at all...

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