For those of you interested in sacred geometry and physics, a new holy grail is being presented. Meet E8, a symmetrical 248-dimensional object comprised of over 205.2 trillion polynomials, a complex shape discovered in the 19th century that some feel may be the underlying pattern of the universe. And recently, an unemployed physicist (who also surfs) named Garrett Lisi has proposed how the fundamental forces of physics (including gravity) are all represented in this structure, making it an elaborate mathematical unified-field theory. The theory is not widely accepted yet, but some think Lisi may actually be onto something here. With the help of a supercollider the missing pieces can be tested and filled in, so we'll have to wait and see on this one. But can we all say 21st century physics people? Pretty n-dimensional mandalas... Yum...
Update: I just found a blog post reviewing this paper and claiming it is junk science.
You can check it here. This guy is obviously a high-energy physics geek and goes off on giving Lisi a lashing, calling him an outright crackpot.
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