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Meth in the sippy cup

Again? Sadly, this story comes around about twice a year.

Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Department detectives went to the 29-year-old man's home and allegedly found cocaine and methamphetamine in various locations, all accessible to his three children.

Sergeant Erik Raney says "a Baggie of suspected methamphetamine was hidden inside of a child's sippy cup found on the floor."

Come on people, let's be more creative. How about carving out a Bible or getting a hollow fake leg for your drugs. There's got to be a better place than the sippy cup! The police always look there first.

Posted By jamesk at 2007-10-23 12:26:17 permalink | comments

Wired on Nyquil

Wired checks in on everyone's favorite OTC reality aide to see what's really inside the green monster. DXM, alcohol, antihistamines, pain-killers... truly the Mad Dog of all syrups. Check it out.
Posted By jamesk at 2007-10-23 12:00:21 permalink | comments (3)

Duran Duran's ode to the strung out, rich and famous

The New Duran Duran is freakin' hot!!! Cocaine is NOT! Right? Check out the recent and upcoming new Duran Duran album, it's awesome! Produced by Timbaland! Justin Timberlake also appears.

The new song "Falling Down" seems to be targeted at all the coke-heads . Especially all the girls in public eye getting strung out, and going nowhere.

Yo Famous Bitches, Drop some LSD in a healthy setting free of coke/alcohol/speed/ecstasy, and your chances of quiting drugs are much higher than going to "rehab". Then after you're clean go to the media and explain how LSD saved your life, you'd be doing the world a service, and could possibly turn some of your bad karma around.

Wouldn't that be cool?

LSD girls, LSD. Britney alone could make LSD a viable medicine in the public eye, but she's just too dumb. Where's our modern day Cary Grant? Come on strung out famous people, use the force, and get psychedelic-free yourself of the bullshit. Then go public!!!

Reach out for the Sunshine!

Duran Duran used to be strung out, and then a couple years ago came out with their Astronaut album, and the single "Reach out for the Sunshine". My guess is they sobered up, and forged ahead on the psychedelic path. Plus, you know, Timbaland is getting his trip on too.

Posted By squid leader at 2007-10-23 11:51:00 permalink | comments (2)
Tags: music cocaine rehab drugs psychedelics celebrities

Insecticide Huffing the Disney Way

Here's a great idea for a cartoon, have Mickey Mouse inhale some pesticide and trip out on some bugs. That's the plot from this 1935 Disney gem, "Mickey's Garden." If you just want the fireworks, skip to about 3:45 (-5:25) on the playback. Thanks Phyllis!

Posted By jamesk at 2007-10-22 18:17:49 permalink | comments (3)

Video: High As Fuck

An ode that dares ask the musical question, have you have ever been...

Posted By jamesk at 2007-10-22 11:45:43 permalink | comments (2)

Whiplash the cowboy monkey

As scotto mentioned, I was married yesterday. It was a pretty impressively awesome day, and I'm sure at some point I'll be posting some of my projection reels that never made it to the final setup for last night. But in the meantime, please to enjoy something that I was cackling about in the wee hours of the morning. I give you Whiplash, the Cowboy Monkey.

Posted By HellKatonWheelz at 2007-10-21 17:04:02 permalink | comments
Tags: monkey whiplash rodeo

Gaza officially out of laughing gas

You know when you can't find enough nitrous oxide to fill a party balloon? For you it may be a bummer, but for surgical patients in Gaza it's a life-threatening emergency.

Gaza's main hospital said Sunday it has run out of anesthetic for surgeries and canceled all but the most critical procedures, due to an Israeli blockade of its borders.

The Shifa hospital had been using emergency reserves of nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, for the past two weeks, and placed an order for fresh supplies, but stocks ran out Sunday morning, hospital spokesman Walid Mahalawi said.


Mahmoud Daher, of the World Health Organization in Gaza said the cause of the nitrous oxide shortage was that Israeli suppliers would not ship fresh gas cylinders without receiving the empties in exchange.

Because of repeated attacks by Palestinian militants on the crossings, the Israel Defense Forces [are] hesitant to allow the depleted canisters to approach for fear they might be rigged as bombs.

Dude, talk about a harsh catch-22. Perhaps a disinterested third party can make the nitrous swap for the nice people of Gaza, in exchange for an extra canister or two...

Posted By jamesk at 2007-10-21 13:54:37 permalink | comments (1)

Who stole the fly agaric mushrooms?

In a funny story from the UK, a batch of fly agaric mushrooms disappeared from a church lawn the day after they were featured in a colorful photo spread for a local newspaper:

A colourful crop of mushrooms which pack a potentially deadly hallucinogenic kick has disappeared overnight from a Shropshire churchyard.

Police say it is not a criminal offence to pick or possess the red and white toadstools but warn that anyone who uses them for an LSD-style “trip” will be risking their lives.

Dozens of the fly agaric fungi had sprouted up around the graves at Rodington Church, near Telford. Officially listed as poisonous, the fly agaric is known for its hallucinogenic properties.

Shropshire Star chief photographer Bob Greaves captured the colourful scene at Rodington and his pictures were published yesterday - you can see them here.

Telford police spokesman Chris Ammonds said today: “We’ve had a call to say every single mushroom has been picked overnight from the churchyard.

“We urge anyone thinking of eating them not to take the risk.”

Now who would do such a thing?

Posted By jamesk at 2007-10-20 12:14:58 permalink | comments

Pot muffin for the teacher

Tired of giving your professors apples and sexual favors? Well don't follow the example of two senior-class jokers who thought it would be funny to give muffins laced with pot to their teachers:

Two men accused of baking and delivering marijuana-laced muffins to a high school teachers lounge in suburban Dallas have been sentenced to probation as part of a plea agreement.


Officials said 18 employees at Lake Highlands High School were hospitalized in May 2006 after eating the drugged snacks, but no one was seriously injured.

Walker, who delivered the muffins to the school, later apologized and said he had participated in a senior prank gone wrong. Both were 18 at the time of the incident.

Everyone knows that if you're going to lace your teachers, you lace them with acid. You hear that kids? Get it right next time.

Posted By jamesk at 2007-10-20 12:05:26 permalink | comments (1)

SF considers legal shooting gallery

That's right, people are actually considering legal injection rooms in the USA; it's those crazy hippies in San Francisco. And this is news. From the AP story circulating today:

City health officials took steps Thursday toward opening the nation's first legal safe-injection room, where addicts could shoot up heroin, cocaine and other drugs under the supervision of nurses.

Hoping to reduce San Francisco's high rate of fatal drug overdoses, the public health department co-sponsored a symposium on the only such facility in North America, a 4-year-old Vancouver site where an estimated 700 intravenous users a day self-administer narcotics under the supervision of nurses.


Bertha Madras, deputy director of demand reduction for the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, called San Francisco's consideration of such a facility 'disconcerting' and 'poor public policy.'

'The underlying philosophy is, 'We accept drug addiction, we accept the state of affairs as acceptable,'' Madras said. 'This is a form of giving up.'

I prefer to think of it as giving in and growing up, but whatever. I say we hold a symposium on other things Canadians do well, like smoking weed and drinking beer. We can learn much from our enlightened neighbors to the North.

Posted By jamesk at 2007-10-19 16:58:44 permalink | comments

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