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Phamily (multi-genre EDM mix...Tasty!)

[Dedicated to Freebass Society / Disco Productions, New Orleans]

I painstakingly edited this mix back in 2003. In addition to a BUNCH of layering and a few self-made mashups, I also included movie samples from Scratch, Animatrix, Lord of the Rings, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Star Wars, Up in Smoke, Blade Runner & Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I know it's not a live vinyl mix, but as y'all may have figured out by now I don't make mixes as demos for future gigs...I mostly make mixes for you to dig in your CD/MP3 player...and in some cases for those looooooooong road trips. I'm quite proud of this one. Most of you are fresh sets of ears for my stuff, and I hope you likey. :)

Encoded in glorious 320kbps:

Download Now

1.) Welcome to Phurphda
Mixmaster Mike scratches Robert Johnson
2.) Giant Leap feat. Robbie Williams & Maxi Jazz - 'My Culture' (album version)
3.) Finkelstein Shit Kid
4.) Freaky Chakra - 'Glimmer of Dope' (rare unreleased opening track)
5.) Outkast - 'Da Art of Storytelling' (Scott Vlahan's Tadow remix)
6.) Dizzy Gillespie - 'Manteca' (Funky Lowlives remix)
7.) Natives of The New Dawn - '1000 Times'
8.) Nappy Roots - 'Country Boyz'
Kaotic Chemistry / 2 Bad Mice - 'Illegal Subs'
9.) Pole feat. Fat Jon - 'Slow Motion'
10.) Drums...drums in the deep...
11.) Kosheen - 'Pride'
12.) DJ Abstract - 'Confidence'
13.) Decoder - 'Hard 39'
14.) Psi Dream - 'Solar Waves'
15.) Kernal & Rob Data - 'Hostile'
16.) Stakka, Skynet & Friction - 'Altitude'
17.) Intermission
18.) 2019
19.) Prefuse 73 - 'Nuno'
20.) Thievery Corporation - 'All That We Perceive'
21.) Yee-King - 'Arp'
Beck - 'High Five'
Peter Haley - 'Urban Decay'
22.) Frou Frou - 'Breathe In' (Aphrodite remix)
The Karminsky Experience, Inc. - 'Exploration'
23.) Beck - 'Where It's At'
24.) Off-World
25.) Tsunami One - 'Hip Hop Phenomenon'
26.) Uberzone - 'Bounce'
27.) Kosheen - 'Hungry'
28.) Arthur Baker feat. DJ Plus One - 'Do It Like This!!!'
29.) Adam Freeland with Josh Wink & Tom Middleton - 'Rise Above'
30.) G Club presents Banda Sonora - 'Guitarra G' (Afterlife remix)
31.) Lisa Shaw - 'Always' (Lovetronic vocal)
32.) Royskopp - 'In Space'
The Postal Service - 'Suddenly Everything Has Changed' (Flaming Lips cover)
33.) Bobby Rutledge - 'Green River Blues' (Charley Patton cover)
34.) Phurphegnugen

Posted By Waldemar at 2008-03-27 12:43:09 permalink | comments (5)
Tags: edm downtempo down tempo triphop trip hop breaks house hip jungle drum and bass dnb thievery corporation zero 7 seven

The World Psychedelic Forum, another review

Ivar writes with news of another Psychedelic Forum review over at There is also a psychonaut channel on YouTube with some interesting video.
Posted By jamesk at 2008-03-27 11:24:59 permalink | comments

Luc Sala reports from the World Psychedelic Forum

My friend, Luc Sala, has been sending out email reports of his impressions of the World Psychedelic Forum, going on right now in Basel, Switzerland. I'm sure he won't mind if I repost one of his letters:
Dear Friends,

The tribe has met again, the tribe of those who know that our normal view of reality isn’t all there is, and that there are ways and means to get in touch with the otherworlds without and within. As I have done before I will give my personal and sometimes critical comments here, based on what I experienced and the obviously limited number of sessions I attended. Please understand this is not meant to be an attack on the organisation, I think they did a great job and with 1500 participants they can be proud of establishing the WPF as a real global and important forum. But leaving it at that, they and we would not really learn anything to improve the WPF, stimulate the wider psychedelic community or those involved in similar events.

It was, for me and I believe for many, another meeting of great minds and of hearts, this Psychedelic World Forum. Ambitious name, as a moniker more future-proof than the LSD conference two years ago, but then that was Albert’s event. He wasn’t there, in Basel, to my disappointment, as he was and is such an inspiration. In fact it was a little inconsiderate of those speakers and luminaries to rush off to Rittimatte in Burg in the days before the conference, it was too much for him. He is 102 years old now and his wife passed away recently. I hope the group energy that Nana Nauwald and Alex Grey focussed on his behalf helped him, to do whatever. He is, for me, an example of where humans can go, if they accept, embrace and integrate their inner child. I don’t know if it was the LSD that helped him, or that it came to him because he was already there, but the man is a role model, a signpost of what humans can be; more than that, he appears in my dreams with great lessons.

The conference, organisationally, was Swiss and “gründlich”, a bit stiff and efficient, clear, but I admit I kept my badgeholder, it’s probably very ecological and penny-wise to ask those back, but what about a little memento? Dieter looked tired, Lucius a bit stressed, but they did a good job. May they take what follows as positive feedback. I like the setup with panorama sessions, this allows an overview of what the various speakers are going to present, it’s an efficient way to help attendees to pick and choose from among the parallel sessions.

Posted By amazingdrx at 2008-03-27 00:47:12 permalink | comments (8)
Tags: Psychedelics conference Basel Hoffman McKenna Gilmore Doblin

Salvia dissed on Morning Show with Mike and Juliet

Here's an interesting note from a reader who has witnessed Salvia slowly seeping into the mainstream, now turning up on stupid talk shows.


Saw on TV this morning a story on the "new" hallucinogen Salvia divinorum (watch the video here). There was a modicum of intelligent discussion but by and large there was that same old tired drug hysteria and the obligatory semi-hostile studio audience. The token "once alcoholic but now has seen the light doctor/crusader" was there as well, spouting non-facts and crack cocaine comparisons from his high and mighty pedestal. The defenders were pretty well spoken but rarely allowed to complete a thought. And finally they carted out the cousin of a young man who committed the cardinal sin of suicide whilst on Salvia [Editor's note: The suicide in question was not while on salvia, it was after some period of extended Salvia experimentation and depression lasting moths to weeks]. Same old same old. I have noticed the ramping up media coverage of Salvia, I fear its only a matter of time before this amazing herb will be shoved through the FDA and scheduled alongside LSD, psilocybin, DMT, etc.

I always wish I could share my own experiences as a responsible and respectful user of hallucinogens. I'm a fairly successful business owner and artist and I know many who are similar to myself. I love this country (generally for its potential), pay my taxes, and am concerned about my friends, family and fellow citizens. Why is it that "these" people just don't get it and maybe never will? Why do a few crusaders and a few adverse reactions have to ruin it for the rest of us.

I find that the paradox is this: Certain drugs / mind states allow you the perspective that everything is not quite what it seems on the surface, there are no absolute black and whites. Unfortunately you have to risk legal consequences and break crusty taboos to get these glimpses into the wonder, beauty, mystery and murkiness of this world we are born into. This is the source of my own frustration. What I do may not be for everyone, but why try and take away the tools for someone who has the calling to look for something else , experience something else? I have seen with my own two eyes and my own beating heart the potential for something greater for humanity.

I'm sure you've heard this before, but it's hopefully more incentive to keep doing what you do here at DoseNation, to keep reporting that there are millions of people like me out there who are not misinformed fuck-ups and want to facilitate and advocate responsible use for those who are interested. There is a place in our society for these substances and it needs to be a safe, legal, well thought-out place.


The art in this post is by the author. More at his site.

Posted By jamesk at 2008-03-25 14:17:44 permalink | comments (13)

Kansas bill hits Salvia, Datura

A recent note from Mike C. warns us of a bill in the Kansas state legislature:

Salvia ban bills are nothing new, but the one currently running rampant through the halls of the Kansas legislature includes listing Datura as a Schedule 1 substance as well.

Link to PDF

This is a Kansas Senate bill that has already passed the Senate, and now the House Judiciary Committee. It will have to be voted on by the House, and then probably re-voted by the Senate because of House Committee amendment, before going to the Governor with unanimous Committee approval in both branches, it is probably a slam-dunk deal to pass as amended.

Fluke, or the tip of the iceberg in a new wave of cracking down previously legal entheogens...?

This is probably a Kansas fluke. I don't know any law enforcement officials clamoring to make another plant that grows all over the place illegal, but you never know. It is interesting to look at the list of controlled substances in the PDF though -- page after page of drugs I've never even tried... Well, okay, I've done half of page 4 and most of page 5. Does that make me a bad person?

Posted By jamesk at 2008-03-25 11:23:56 permalink | comments (5)

Steve-O: Drug history of a Jackass

For those of you who haven't heard, Steve-O, the death-defying prankster and co-star of the "Jackass" TV show and films, was involuntarily hospitalized this month by his bromo buddies for being busted for cocaine possession; being unable to quit acting like an out-of-control spaz; and being an insufferable crazy drugged up motherf*cker. According to his MySpace blog, he is in the "insane asylum" where he continues to post news of his drug history for those who are interested.

Stephen Glover, also known as Steve-O, who is currently hospitalized at Los Angeles’ Cedar-Sinai Medical Center, opened up about his drug and alcohol problems and also about his mother’s alcoholism, on his MySpace blog. The “Jackass” star revealed in his new post that his parents used to give him alcohol as a child.

Steve-O recalls: “Mom was very alcoholic, and I think that is a gross understatement. I’d love to say that I first took to alcohol out of affection for my mother, but I think the truth is that I was always powerless over it.”


On his post, the “Jackass” star also revealed the fact that he started consuming drugs while being a teenager. He smoked marijuana, took LSD, consumed large quantities of nitrous oxide, amphetamines, ketamine and cocaine...

For anyone who's seen the Jackass antics, it no surprise to hear that Steve-O is a mess. But imagine how much of a mess you have to be before Johnny Knoxville leans over and says, "Dude, you're a mess."

Posted By jamesk at 2008-03-24 17:49:12 permalink | comments (5)

Tim Leary's Mind Mirror

This classic DOS app was brought to our attention by Joonas, and to give you a basic idea of what it's all about, here's the summary from the download page:

The one and only computer simulation designed by Timothy Leary, one of the world's leading psychologists, is an interesting program that lets you rate any person, then map the results and evaluate them. Part game, part tool, and part philosopher on a disk, Mind Mirror is a fun party game similar to Scruples! that will reveal some surprising conclusions about your family and acquaintances. The "Life Simulation" mode is interesting, albeit giving you only a passive role.

True to Leary's character, Mind Mirror is one of the most unique games/programs you'll ever come across. While it doesn't offer much adrenaline rush, its emphasis on real-life issues gives great insight -- for both your life and the philosophy of Leary himself. Two thumbs up!

Posted By jamesk at 2008-03-24 17:35:36 permalink | comments (2)

Minnesota's drug-addled Senate race

Those of you following U.S. politics should know that comedian Al Franken is running for Senate against incumbent republican Norm Coleman in Minnesota, and it seems that both of them have some drug skeletons in the closet. Franken, a former writer for SNL, has admitted to doing coke, pot, and possibly acid in his past. But how about Coleman?

It seems that Coleman, who favors harsh drug laws, has also done his share of drugs:

Norm Kent, a former classmate of U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman at Hofstra University, posted a letter on a marijuana website about Coleman's marijuana use in the 1960s. Kent, whom Coleman defeated in a student government race at the university, recalled an instance when the New York-born Coleman stood atop a building during a protest and smoked marijuana.

And while this news is many months old, Kent expands on this statement in a short article in this month's Radar magazine, claiming Coleman "smoked and tripped his way through college" and that pot was the least of drugs he may have gotten into, including "Acid! LSD!", according to Kent.

Coleman is, of course, keeping very quiet about this. In contrast Franken has been quite open about his drug use in the past:

"There'd be cocaine around the show (SNL) and if it was [mid-week] at 3 in the morning and I wanted to finish something I was writing I'd do some."

Cocaine at 3 am while trying to stay awake and write sketch comedy? Indefensible. Also, as a side note, Al Franken once suggested (on live radio) that in order to solve the world's conflicts the entire UN should be shuttled to the international space station and forced to eat LSD while looking down at the Earth. Now that's someone I could vote for.

Posted By jamesk at 2008-03-24 12:09:12 permalink | comments

36 Birds: Drug of choice for The Bundu Dia Kongo

A reader writes: Thought you may be interested in a short article in the quicktakes section of the Taipei Times, March Monday 24th:


CONGO - The government said on Saturday it has banned a religious sect after clashes between its members and police left at least 68 people dead. The Bundu Dia Kongo - meaning "Kongo People," a group urging a return to traditional African values - clashed with security forces from late last month after its leader accused police of bombing its temples.

"The government has decided to remove the Bundu Dia Kongo's authorization to function," Minister of Information Emile Bongeli said. Bongeli said the government has ordered security forces to destroy "36 Birds" the name of a hallucinogenic drug plant used by the sect's followers. Nsemi Ne Mwanda, the spiritual leader of the sect and a member of the National Assembly, has refused to comment.

Any ideas on this 36 birds plant?

My personal guess is that it is Iboga, what other hallucinogenic African plants are there?

Posted By jamesk at 2008-03-24 11:38:24 permalink | comments (8)

Rep. Barney Frank calls for decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana

Rep. Barney Frank will soon introduce legislation to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana, the Massachusetts Democrat said during an appearance on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher."

Frank offered no details on his legislation, and it's not at all clear that he could ever get it to the House floor for a vote. A Frank aide was unaware of his plans other than his statement on HBO.

Frank has introduced legislation in previous years to allow the use of "medical marijuana," although the bills never made it out of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

Asked by Maher as to why he would push a pot decriminalization bill now, Frank said the American public has already decided that personal use of marijuana is not a problem.

"I now think it's time for the politicians to catch up to the public," Frank said. "The notion that you lock people up for smoking marijuana is pretty silly. I'm going to call it the 'Make Room for Serious Criminals' bill."

Posted By Psychotrophic at 2008-03-24 11:29:56 permalink | comments (4)
Tags: marijuana decriminalization politics congress

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