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Bizarre McDonalds Coffee Ads From Sweden

Apparently there is a close link between psychedelics and coffee drinking in Sweden.

Posted By madmanintheattic at 2008-06-02 10:44:08 permalink | comments (8)

Snag an old Timothy Leary record

Just in case you haven't heard this yet: Timothy Leary made some pretty weird records back in "the day." One of them has been posted in its entirety for your bemusement over at the Swan Fungus blog. It's called Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out (I know, a stunner); I haven't listened to it years, and this isn't the Leary record that features Jimi Hendrix on bass, but you still might want to check it out, if no other reason that pure bizarre historical curiosity.
Posted By Scotto at 2008-06-01 17:25:16 permalink | comments (7)
Tags: timothy leary


...a different kind of downtempo...somewhat electric / somewhat acoustic...mellowed & tripped out...w

Mixed by Waldemar (aka DJ lp3) in February, 2004

Dedicated to Frankie Painter,
Mycelia Studios, Greenville, Mississippi Delta

Download Now

1.) Radiohead - 'Gen Children'
2.) White Stains - 'Let It Be Thus'
3.) Sigur Ros - '( ).8'
4.) The Flaming Lips - 'In The Morning of the Magicians'
5.) Thievery Corporation - 'Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes'
6.) David Gray - 'Silver Lining'
7.) Jeff Buckley - 'Corpus Christi Carol'
8.) The Flaming Lips - 'Ego Tripping' (Jason Bentley's Ego In Acceleration mix)
9.) Chemical Brothers with Beth Orton - 'Where Do I Begin'
10.) Marvin Gaye - 'What's Happening Brother'
11.) Marvin Gaye - 'Flying High (in the Friendly Sky)'
12.) Johnny Cash - 'The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face'
13.) Coldplay - 'The Scientist'
14.) The Flaming Lips - 'Feeling Yourself Disintegrate'
15.) Suba - 'Pecados Da Madrugada (Sins Before Dawn)'
16.) Howie Day - 'Bunnies' (live)
+ Woob - 'Creek'
17.) Beastie Boys - 'Sabrosa' (instrumental)
18.) The Flaming Lips - 'A Spoonful Weighs a Ton'
19.) Sigur Ros - 'Svefn-g-englar' [Sleep-S-talkers]

Posted By Waldemar at 2008-05-31 21:14:10 permalink | comments
Tags: radiohead sigur ros the flaming lips suba colplay johnny cash marvin gaye beastie boys white stains david greay jeff buckley chemical brothers beth or

Corridors of your mind?

The Virtual 3D Maze is a game with a very simple theme: you just have to find your way in a labyrinth. It can be pretty annoying (you're usually not warned of a danger before you step into it, and then suddently the game is over and you have to recall the way again), but what is especially interesting about this game is a certain aspect of the graphics. In most parts the corridors are boring, painted in three basic colours - and then suddenly you step into a rainbow-coloured room...
Bright colours and fantastic images have always been a part of art and entertainment for children - are they no longer "innocent"? Can it actually be subversive, as I suggested last year in a post titled "Psychedelic family amusement?"? Will children, exposed to such images, later seek them on their own when they read that it's so easy to produce them?
Remember, responsible parents - don't let your kids play video games and under no circumstances keep a copy of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" at home.
Posted By Nowhere Girl at 2008-05-31 21:11:22 permalink | comments (1)
Tags: game maze children

Takashi Murakami will haunt the dreams of an entire generation of overeducated children.

Last weekend at the Brooklyn Museum’s Murakami exhibit, I was stunned by the number of people who brought their very small children to an art exhibit that featured statues of projectile robotic vaginas and ejaculate lassos. Delighted, but stunned. While the majority of the crowd of parents bringing toddlers to the acid nightmares of Mickey Mouse eating their society was just ignorant and didn’t even make it as far as the second floor of the exhibit, I was most interested in the families who were actively trying to explain the works to their kids. A handful of hipper than thou parents would stand their three year old in front of a floating DOB painting vomiting feces into the mouths of ground parasites, and try to explain why it wasn’t scary. I fully admit that I would be that asshole. This is why I don’t have children. However, the highlight for me was seeing that same family’s infant girl, wide-eyed and amazed by the paintings, soaking it all in without any hint of fear. Clearly, she is one of us. Her brother, on the other hand, is a pussy. I guarantee she will spend a large portion of her early childhood spinning and hanging upside down.
Oh yeah, and the art – zowie.
Posted By HellKatonWheelz at 2008-05-30 19:38:24 permalink | comments (2)
Tags: art murakami children

Headz: At the Show

DoseNation is proud to present Headz, a new BitStrip comic from James K.
Posted By jamesk at 2008-05-30 16:50:28 permalink | comments (1)

Undiscovered tribe found in remote Amazon

From Mark Pesce's yeschaton list we learn of a tribe of Amazonian natives living in the rainforest with no previous contact with civilization. From the report at

Brazil's National Indian Foundation has confirmed Brazil's last uncontacted Indian tribes has been spotted in the far western Amazon jungle near the Peruvian border.

The Indians were sighted in an Ethno-Environmental Protected Area along the Envira River in flights over remote Acre state, said the government foundation, known as Funai.

Funai said it photographed "strong and healthy" warriors, six huts and a large planted area. It was not known to which tribe they belonged.


The Daily Mail reported the tribsemen responded with aggression to the aircraft flying overhead:

"Skin painted bright red, heads partially shaved, arrows drawn back in the longbows and aimed square at the aircraft buzzing overhead. The gesture is unmistakable: Stay Away," the report said.

"Behind the two men stands another figure, possibly a woman, her stance also seemingly defiant. Her skin painted dark, nearly black.

"The apparent aggression shown by these people is quite understandable. For they are members of one of Earth's last uncontacted tribes, who live in the Envira region in the thick rainforest along the Brazilian-Peruvian frontier.

"Thought never to have had any contact with the outside world, everything about these people is, and hopefully will remain, a mystery.

Their extraordinary body paint, precisely what they eat (the anthropologists saw evidence of gardens from the air), how they construct their tent-like camp, their language, how their society operates - the life of these Amerindians remains a mystery.

Meirelles said the flight was made for scientific reasons, not to disturb the tribe.

"We did the overflight to show their houses, to show they are there, to show they exist," he said. "This is very important because there are some who doubt their existence."

Meirelles, who despite once being shot in the shoulder by an arrow fired by another tribe campaigns to protect these peoples, believes this group's numbers are increasing, and pointed out how strong and healthy the people seemed.

Whoa. Good to know there are still some wild and woolly places out there.

Posted By jamesk at 2008-05-30 11:56:48 permalink | comments (13)

Rep Conyers asks DEA to justify California medical marijuana raids

US Representative John Conyers, head of the House Judiciary Committee, has sent a letter to the DEA asking them a series of pointed questions about their raids on medical marijuana patients and dispensaries in California, which we all know legalized medical cannabis in 1996.

Slate has it.

Posted By NaFun at 2008-05-30 11:47:16 permalink | comments (2)
Tags: medical marijuana california conyers Representative Judiciary

Speaking of drug enforcement at summer festivals

The Drug War Chronicle has a nice piece this week on stepped up enforcement tactics around summer music festivals across the country, and how to avoid them.

The basics are:

1) don't smoke pot in your vehicle on the way to or from the festival, since you have a higher chance of getting pulled over and the smell is enough for a probable cause search. Also, conceal your stash so it can't be seen casually from outside the vehicle. (bag of pills in the front seat = stupid)

2) don't turn off ahead of advertised drug checkpoints. Such checkpoints are illegal, but are still advertised to catch the paranoids who turn off ahead of time to hide/ditch their stash.

3) don't ever, under any circumstances, consent to a search. Cops will say it will make things easier on you. It won't.

4) keep quantities as small as possible, so if you do get caught you won't have much to get cited for.

5) undercover cops don't have to reveal that they're cops if you ask them, contrary to anything you might have heard.

Posted By NaFun at 2008-05-30 11:39:46 permalink | comments (1)
Tags: festival music enforcement cops

Florida makes salvia illegal

A hallucinogenic herb known as Salvia, which was sold legally in the state of Florida, will soon be illegal.

Governor Charlie Crist has signed the hallucinogenic herb law (HB 1363) which makes Salvia divinorum illegal and puts it in the same class of controlled substances as marijuana and LSD.

Salvia looks like crushed marijuana and users say it creates a high similar to marijuana, PCP, or even LSD. The drug comes from a plant that's commonly grown and used in Central America. Historians date its use by the Mazatecan Indians in Mexico as far back as the 16th Century.

Possessing the herb, often sold on the Internet, will be a felony punishable by up to five years in prison, when the law goes into effect July 1.

Several other states including South Carolina, Virginia and Illinois have also recently passed bills to make salvia illegal.

However, so far, the federal government and the DEA do not consider this drug illegal under federal law.

Video on the website.

Posted By jamesk at 2008-05-29 20:24:22 permalink | comments (46)

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