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Salvia: Drug du jour

WebMD weighs in on the Salvia craze with it's own three-page look into the magic of Sally D.

The cultural cachet of the "purple drug" has been increased through videos posted to YouTube featuring teen users as they experiment with the mind-altering plant. Experts describe salvia's power in the same breath as LSD, PCP, and hallucinogenic mushrooms.

Its emerging popularity has led several states to ban its sale and purchase, with more likely to follow. Doctors and drug recovery experts, still learning about salvia's effects, are wary about its long- and short-term effects on young adults.

But is salvia, a member of the sage family also known as "Magic Mint" and "Sally-D," a dangerous substance?

Posted By jamesk at 2008-07-01 12:11:58 permalink | comments (6)

Marijuana Medicine

Scientists from Zurich have isolated a compound in marijuana which acts as a non-euphoric pain reliever:
Jürg Gertsch, of ETH Zürich, and his collaborators from three other universities learned that the natural molecule can activate a protein called cannabinoid receptor type 2. When that biological button is pushed, it soothes the immune system, increases bone mass, and blocks pain signals -- without causing euphoria or interfering with the central nervous system.

Why anyone doesn't love marijuana is beyond me.
Posted By cdin at 2008-06-30 03:14:29 permalink | comments (4)
Tags: marijuana amazing pain relief

Alcopops & pole-dancing: two great tastes, etc.

Oh come on, what exactly is wrong with this idea?

A TOP booze executive has apologised for a marketing campaign that supplied free condoms with alcopops.

The promotion for Vodka Cruisers also offered the chance to win a free pole-dancing kit.

Independent Distillers executive chairman Doug McKay told a Senate inquiry he was "extremely embarrassed" by the campaign.

He blamed junior staffers for the idea.

Oh sure, "junior staffers" know how to line up promotional pole-dancing kits. Riiiiight.

Posted By Scotto at 2008-06-29 22:16:31 permalink | comments
Tags: alcohol alcopop pole-dancing

If I were a strawberry, I would...

In case anyone was looking for the weirdest game character, how about this one: a running (and jumping!) strawberry clock? A picture from the intro also suggests some rather strange sources of inspiration...

"Super Strawberry Clock" is a typical "platform" game: you have to jump from platform to platform, avoid obstacles and traps, and get your character to the exit. This time it's not a little guy with a mustache (as in "Super Mario Bros"), not even a blue hedgehog (as in "Sonic"), but this one and only strange character from dreamland. The graphics are very simple, even primitive, the music is fairly captivating and mysterious for a banal platform game.

Yet another interesting aspect is the fact that the title seems an obvious hint to the 60s psychedelic pop/rock band Strawberry Alarm Clock. They were mostly known for a few songs like "Incense and Peppermints", "Rainy Day Mushroom Pillow" and "Good Morning Starshine". So that's the era - and the lifestyle? - the game's author draws inspiration from...

Posted By Nowhere Girl at 2008-06-29 14:25:54 permalink | comments (2)
Tags: games Super Strawberry Clock music

Dutch spliffs threatened by anti-tobacco goons

It's still cool to buy some weed and smoke a joint in one of Amsterdam's fine coffee houses, but the freedom-hating health nuts at the European Union have shoved their anti-tobacco agenda down that fair city's throat! This is a real problem for Amsterdam's stoners, since they enjoy the European tradition of mixing tobacco with their hash and Mary Jane.

"This city's famed marijuana bars have weathered many challenges over the years and are still smoking. But now they face an unwelcome blast of fresh air: On July 1, the Netherlands will be one of the last European countries to ban smoking in bars and restaurants in compliance with EU law.

"The Health Ministry says the ban will apply to cafes that sell marijuana, known as coffee shops. But this being Holland, which for centuries has experimented with social liberalism, there's a loophole: The ban covers tobacco but not marijuana, which is technically illegal anyway.

Posted By jamesk at 2008-06-29 14:24:33 permalink | comments (4)

Countdown to 2012: The Netherlands are sinking!

No shit: according to a Telegraph article headlined "Dutch prepare for Maya apocalypse," thousands of Dutch are apparently convinced the Netherlands is going to sink into the ocean right around December 21, 2012:

Petra Faile and her husband have bought a life raft and other survival equipment in preparation for Armageddon.

"In another four years it will all be over," she said.

"You know maybe it's really not that bad that the Netherlands will be destroyed. I don't like it here any more."

Mrs Faile said she was concerned that immigration was pushing the Netherlands, a low lying country protected by dikes and sea walls, beneath the waves.

"They keep letting people in. And then we have to build more houses, which makes the Netherlands even heavier. The country will sink even lower, which will make the flooding worse," she said.


Posted By Scotto at 2008-06-29 00:27:40 permalink | comments (8)
Tags: 2012

Jimson weed: not your pal

One of the few psychoactive experiences I personally have zero interest in exposing myself to is a full blown datura trip. And when I see (admittedly sensationalistic) news stories like this one, it just confirms my sneaking suspicion that I should continue to steer clear:

Eric Sears and Ben Fogelstrom went on a camping trip to Joshua Tree State Park in California. The two seventeen year olds had recently graduated from Carlsbad High School. Ben reported Eric missing the following day. He told authorities they had both drank a tea made from Jimson weed. Ben also gave conflicting statements about how Eric disappeared, and at one point stated he knew that Eric was dead and that he had disposed of his friend's body. Ben also told investigators that he had difficulty distinguishing hallucinations from reality. He remembered speaking to a bush, an Indian, and possibly to Eric. There was an intensive search and rescue operation, but Eric's body was not found until July 23rd. The cause of death could not be determined on autopsy because Eric's body was too badly decomposed. No obvious trauma was found. However, two chemicals, atropine and scopolamine, toxins found in Jimson weed, were found in his brain tissue. One way or the other, the use of Jimson weed by Sears and Fogelstrom, was a factor in Eric's death.

Crikey! Oh sure, I guess this could have just as easily happened on alcohol, or LSD, or whatever - but somehow, the idea of "speaking to a bush" while your friend is somehow getting himself killed just seems thoroughly unpalatable.

Posted By Scotto at 2008-06-29 00:19:48 permalink | comments (6)
Tags: datura jimson weed

This is your tree. This is your tree on drugs. Any questions?

For your viewing pleasure, a series of clip art showing a variety of stick figures, many on various drugs, hanging out with some trees.

And the comments remind me just how much more articulate dosenation commenters are than so many other sites.

Posted By avicenna at 2008-06-26 13:24:51 permalink | comments (3)
Tags: humor art trees

Buttercup Festival

Another online comic I just discovered, via link from xkcd. This is an archive of a strip from some years back, although there are new ones now too that I haven't made it to yet. I'm finding it extremely compelling... and it's full of drug references, which gives me an excuse to promote it here!

Posted By omgoleus at 2008-06-26 11:35:35 permalink | comments (5)
Tags: buttercup festival internet comic

Video: High Times News Hits

Posted By jamesk at 2008-06-26 11:33:21 permalink | comments (2)

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