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PCP in the news

You know, I never would have guessed that gallons of PCP were being smuggled all over the country in this day and age, but apparently it's true. For instance, here's the sad tale of a guy who's going to spend 27 years in jail for just an offense:

Parker was arrested on March 30, 2006, after Missouri State Highway Patrol commercial motor vehicle inspectors stopped a 2000 Peterbilt tractor driven by Parker, which was pulling a 1994 Boyd car-hauler trailer containing three vehicles, for a commercial motor vehicle compliance inspection at the D-4 East Weigh Station on Interstate 44 in Newton County.

During the inspection, which revealed several administrative and mechanical deficiencies, the officer became suspicious about the purpose of the travel. During a search of the tractor-trailer and vehicles, officers found 40 one-gallon-sized tin cans containing phencyclidine (PCP). Those cans were placed in two cardboard boxes, which were in a 2001 Ford Excursion located on the trailer. Officers also found 12 kilogram-sized packages of cocaine in the dash of a 1995 Nissan Quest van, which was also located on the trailer.

See, 12 kilos of cocaine - sure, I get it. But I had zero idea whatsoever that 40 gallons of PCP still had street value. Who is out there pushing their dealers for that kind of crazy juice? Apparently it's more widespread than I thought, as another story points out:

A 32-year-old Maryland man convicted of running a drug distribution ring that smuggled PCP into the region by the gallon was sentenced yesterday by a federal judge in Washington to life in prison without the possibility of release.... Assistant U.S. Attorney Elisa Poteat said in court yesterday that Hopkins ran the drug ring and was responsible for smuggling nearly 90 kilograms of PCP into the Washington area. "It's an astronomical amount of PCP that is coming here and being dumped into the community," she said.

90 freakin' kilograms of PCP? Seriously? Even the son of a Connecticut state representative was recently busted for intent to distribute some part of 18.5 grams - you would think a politician's son could get himself involved in something a lot more high brow than PCP, but apparently not. I'm so behind the times. How do you seriously market a drug to people when the effects produce news stories like this one:

A Jersey City man high on PCP Sunday night screamed at police "You're gonna die tonight" as he grabbed for the guns of two officers before they pummeled him into submission with punches, kicks and baton strokes, officials said.

Wow, screw MDMA - let's get high and attack the cops! Because, you know, it's important to make sure that the police remember how PCP makes you invincible. Or something.

Posted By Scotto at 2008-08-07 20:57:28 permalink | comments
Tags: PCP
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the flash config file must have it. : 2008-08-10 11:17:45
it appears to be named '' in Help -> About plugins.

But as yet I can't find the damn file to be able to view what is says!

ont heir ve hav some windows...ont some more windows. : 2008-08-10 10:53:05
Apparently it can be over-ridden on Firefox with a flash player blocker. No use to me because I use SeaMonkey, the only one that comes close to Netscape for me!
jamesk : 2008-08-09 12:56:45
The embedded YouTube video thing is known bug with the flash player for Linux/Firefox 1.8. Anyone know if the newer versions are better (firefox 2.0 or 3.0 for instance?), or maybe Opera or Konq can handle YouTube? Or is this a recurring problem with the Linux x86 flash/swf player for all browsers? Any help for our poor linux-enabled pals?
what an elegant molecular shape. : 2008-08-09 07:06:39
Great, another embedded video that can't be stopped or paused, that alters your browser settings and forces you to have to open up the command line and =kill -TERM= whatever process number the browser was running under. CHEEERS.

PCP, never had the pleasure as far as I know. I have been passed what were meant to be joints and I could tell there was something else in them - but nobody ever admitted it wasn't just grass, and the thing was - they all made me feel much more like me. I always have that experience the few times I've taken any of those 'hard' drugs (and also when I knew what they were I mean, purposely) - they always make me more capable almost superhumanly able to control all reality, it's like driving a perfectly tuned engineered marvel all of a sudden and everything is really easy and there's no friction no inertia. It's difficult to explain, but it's as if without taking them the world is all wrong and split into two, but say if I smoked a joint with heroin in it my head joins back together again and all the evil archons die.
ps - whatever I got passed, wasn't H! I don't know what it was, but it happened about three different times and it was always the same weird tasting stuff.
It's not exactly like the H joints, but they both had that effect of everything going back to normal for a change.

So there's two kinds of people - ones that are part of the lies, and if they take drugs it messes them up because they're evil (though granted, some people are so stupid they don't realise it's messed them up); and other folks that if they take (some kinds of) drugs it sets things back to how they ought to be and the evils don't have any power and they can't operate.
Maybe it's called 'angel dust' because it exposes the actual reality going on here - angles and demons. I'm sure many folks know exactly what I mean and have had similar things happen. Hell Erowid is full of interesting trip reports.

Now I got nothing against psychedelics, I do find that they give these mystical glowing experiences but they also seem to let really evil (interdimensional parasites for example) things get in; those 'hard' drugs keep the evil out.
Example: I've taken (entirely plant based, not pharms) entheogens, and found that they undo these stupid patches other people put on reality, to try to make it seem like things happened in a order when they did not. Magically they seem to be for that function, undoing, taking apart.
Overall, that is me in a really long-winded comment saying, 'it's a pity that people that know so many lies circulate about drugs themselves seem to fall into the trap of saying 'this drug is always bad' when it comes to some of them. They are tools, you just need to know what they are for - it's no different to body nutrition.
Fair enough, maybe PCP is the key to the hellgate - but that doesn't make it bad, it's just not being used properly.

jamesk : 2008-08-08 12:19:38
[link] name="allowFullScreen" value="true">[link] type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">
NaFun. : 2008-08-08 11:26:48
PCP is in the same class as nitrous and Ketamine, and I know a few fans of K that think PCP is pretty cool, too. It's not as easy to find, in their experiences.
Anonymous. : 2008-08-08 10:57:25
Well, I can't comment on the merits (or detriments) of PCP, as I've never had it and I don't know how much of the information out there is fact-based and how much is media hyperbole (what? the media isn't always accurate in their reporting on drugs?), but...

"A 32-year-old Maryland man convicted of running a drug distribution ring that smuggled PCP into the region by the gallon was sentenced yesterday by a federal judge in Washington to life in prison without the possibility of release."

... pretty much sums up what's wrong with the society on a much deeper level than what crappy drugs people choose.

evan m.. : 2008-08-08 10:33:24
some people involved in the nyc rave scene still do it: they're called dust bunnies.

in fact, some guy on a rave email list recently tried to argue he'd rather have dust bunnies than candykids at his party. precious few were in agreement.

guest : 2008-08-08 09:50:23
In my area, they sell the shit to high school kids cut with lactose and call it 'mescaline'. They sniff it, eat it or smoke, until they read about Olney's lesions. That's how they still sell it en masse; the uninformed.
joe. : 2008-08-08 08:51:00
a gallon of pcp? Science.


whoa. : 2008-08-08 00:21:04
PCP makes you feel craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy!
roaldgold. : 2008-08-07 23:14:22
I personally have never seen or even known where to find any PCP. From all the info there is out there on the drug, I don't know why anyone would ever be interested. All references to it that I've seen in the media have been negative too. Lol at chris tucker in friday.
PK. : 2008-08-07 22:16:03
Sad that a junk drug like PCP is still this widespread. Education fails again. I guess a gasoline huffing trend is next.
jamesk : 2008-08-07 21:43:40
mmm.... pummeled to submission on PCP... kinda tickles...

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