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Scott Burn's Big Day Out

Scott Burns, drug czar of America, has done the fair people of Arcata the pleasure of granting them a visit. As usual, Mr. Burns is in fine form, and even takes time out for an interview with the Arcata Eye... In which he proceeds to insult and criminilize the entire county:

Eye: Is it realistic to keep marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug, in with cocaine and heroin?

Burns: Yes it is, and I’ll tell you why. … You can’t talk to a counselor in this country, Republican or a Democrat or an independent or a Marxist, and they will tell you, political beliefs aside, everyone that is addicted to drugs in this United States, started with either alcohol and/or marijuana, and they started when they were 13, 12 or 11. That doesn’t mean everyone that used those substances goes on to be a heroin addict, but you don’t have to have an IQ over 120 to figure out that if you can keep young people off marijuana, you can keep them from being addicted for life.

The last thing I’ll say is, we were talking about Nora Volkov, the head of NIDA, National Institute of Drug Abuse, who before said there is no correlation between smoking pot and rewiring and damaging the developing brain of young people, who now will tell you unequivocally that there is. Because of the higher potency, it is the same as cocaine and methamphetamine and heroin. They see it from the MRIs, the PET scans. They also are seeing psychosis and other mental problems from young people smoking this higher potency, which frankly should be called marijuana 2.0, drug. So yeah, it should remain a schedule 1.

Yep, you heard it here first - weed: it's the same as meth and crack.

Posted By cdin at 2008-08-05 12:31:56 permalink | comments
Tags: weed california federal law
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there is no why mister, said helio. : 2008-08-08 12:12:19
"That name again, it's Mr. Burns!"

They should have to outline precisely what they think people are alive for in the first place, before they go claiming that lounging around changing your consciousness is somehow a bad thing.

Oh what's wrong, we not get suckered in to working as part of your slavefarm?

Bleak? Me? mais non - I forsee your passing. As in over, as in you = not here anymore & here = back to normal.

"i had to kill bob morton because he made a mistake" - change that last word to 'boner' and you're almost thar! dearly beloved we are gathered here today to witness the passing of hia shiny wet bones

JM. : 2008-08-06 16:56:26
Actually most people will have started with coffee, tea and most especially sugar, and we all know what a noble history the sugar trade has had in comparison to the hemp industry or marijuana usage.
PC. : 2008-08-06 16:36:19
"That doesn’t mean everyone that used those substances goes on to be a heroin addict, but you don’t have to have an IQ over 120 to figure out that if you can keep young people off marijuana, you can keep them from being addicted for life."

But cant you see how this is an infringement on the rights of the (huge majority) of cannabis users that do not become addicted or experience psychotic problems.

(I have always smoked "skunk" without problem for 12 years , I introduced my cousin to it and he is now diagnosed schizophrenic, taking anti-psychotic drugs for life, so I have seen the issues.)

How do you justify a blanket ban on things which have an adverse affect for a small minority.

Usually with those types of things you have to LEGISLATE, EDUCATE AND REGULATE. (Alcohol, Por**graphy, Gambling)

there's no logic with those morons. : 2008-08-06 12:18:19
Going by that clunker fuckwits reasoning also, that means that drinking spirits will rewire your brain, whereas just drinking beer or wine won't because the potency is lesser.

Also this new obsession those chumps have about higher potency weed - funny, I don't recall their having saner attitudes to pot back in the 70s and 80s either. Yet now they are trying to act like 'oh this pot now is the dangerous stuff' - so why did you make it illegal beforehand then you fucking twats?

gotta be some kind of record there. : 2008-08-06 10:26:56
What a galoot. He absolutely has to have been inbred underground as part of some grey alien Laff-A-Thon.

Phone in and donate, help us bioengineer even stupider people to put in official positions!

Me not You. : 2008-08-05 16:44:21
Abso freaking lutely rediculous. I've never heard of such crap in my life. If everyone is addicted to drugs then we all shoudl just give up and die already.
agntftrth. : 2008-08-05 14:45:40
He said they start with marijuana or alcohol, and then says, remove marijuana, and you can keep them from being addicted for life. But alcohol is still...

I'm going to smoke this one off.

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