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Ahh the miracles of science!


Scientists are moving closer to developing a pill which could deliver some of the benefits of exercise - even for those who do not move a muscle.

The journal Cell reports US researchers now have two possible pills which appear able to build muscle, increase stamina and even burn fat.

In tests, mice were able to run 44% further - suggesting humans may be able to do the same without prior training.

Posted By perma at 2008-08-01 11:44:07 permalink | comments
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oh for fecks sake. : 2008-08-08 09:35:04
That's total bs, mere pathos of a particular type of male psyche with Jewish Mother Syndrome.

You're genetically tampered with by aliens; get over it already! It's only been hidden (badly) for the last 50 years!

Explain your head hair growing longer than your body hair. That's a psycho aliens dolly design.

jamesk : 2008-08-07 21:56:23
Darwin is right. The human colon and intestines are omnivore parts, built over many generations of hunting and gathering for "whatever" to eat. Primal man was probably mostly vegetarian, but tools and fire changed that pacifist eden into a barbecue in probably a handful of generations. This is when the women of our tribe decided that "smart men who walk upright and use tools" were more dominant and attractive than "strong men who fight with fists and walk on their knuckles". Thus the branch between gorillas and men began. It is a mating choice that rules which traits become most dominant in any species. If we wanted to be like gorillas we could breed ourselves that way in maybe ten generations by simply having women mate only with the most powerful hairy men with big jaws and squat muscular frames from now on. But this would only work if it was voluntary choice made by the females, otherwise the tall skinny guys would always be sneaking action on the side. Psyche!
yes but no but yes but no but just shuuuup. : 2008-08-07 14:35:31
Even the hare krishnas know humans are meant not to eat meat. They have molars and moreover their colons are waaay longer than meat eaters colons.

Animals that are predatory have means to kill their food raw - and here I'm going to be sneaky as well as nail my final one in - cause the thing is, for you to argue that people don't have that genetic make up that gives them innate strength and so forth, you cannot then argue that they are built to eat meat. How are they meant to catch it? Genetics doesn't code for 'oh hang on, they have guns and spears and shit, so take all their strength and agility away cause they don't need it anymore'.

Darwin himself had been kinda clear that natural selection doesn't exactly explain people - it works with animals though.
I mean with people - it can't even explain why we have head (and beard, for some races of mainly blokes) hair that keeps on growing, where is that supposed to come from???

To explain why humans are the way they are, then you need to go read Sitchin or the Bible.

darwin. : 2008-08-06 15:27:19
ease up people, this is a silly discussion. Humans are *meant* to be omnivores, we have all sorts of gear for digesting crap that we shouldn't eat, eating healthy just makes the gear last longer before it gives out.

Gorillas are powerful because of *genetics*, not a raw food diet. You feed a gorilla mcdonalds and hershey bars and let him play video games all day -- from birth -- and he is still going to be huge and rip the arms off of any human any day. The diet and jungle lifestyle can only condition what is innate, and that is powerful muscles and huge skeletal structure, which is (say it everybody) genetic.

Beyond that, the whole fitness/yoga/exercise/meditation thing is packaged to help people *feel better* without addressing the root of what is making people feel bad and unhealthy in the first place. Everyone fears death, these things are like band-aids for those fears: live a clean life! Forget that. You only get one go around. Live it up and have fun! Today may be your last!

speaking of energy theiving. : 2008-08-06 13:35:34
and and and ! - strength can't be measured in real situations very well (ie - when would it actually matter? - being able to fight off an attacker for example) because most sane people tend to not want to face legal matters or get into bother that will make their daily lives worse; hence their minds hold them back from their full physical potential.

as for running far - again, in real life, as long as you can run away from an attacker that's the only time you'd actually need to be able to do that.

so you know, try being realistic when you get on that 'fitness' kick, cause it's just another of your dumbass fake societies big lies about what's the best way to do anything.
Plus I can tell psychically from here that you get your fake strength from wrongly interpreting what people like me think about you. That's not fitness that's called being a vampire.

removing limitations imposed by thinking. : 2008-08-06 13:25:24
look I ain't saying don't exercise, just realise that strength and stamina have f-all to do with training artificially. it's a state of mind, which is why a caged animal fed rubbish remains much stronger than its captors. rage controls strength and stamina, being able to access anger and hate is what enables you to be able to rip someones head off with your bare hands and teeth, and run away and never get caught.
see also conscience and murder thread comment.
ahrimanically overcoming huge inertia. : 2008-08-06 13:15:10
Ah yes, the old it ain't worth it unless you made a huge massive effort.


the tree. grows effortlessly, providing the soil has minerals and there's rainfall and sunlight.

however, in order to be able to kill a tree, it takes many people a long time toiling, developing various metalworks, mining, forging, and blacksmithing and so forth.

Big efforts are always ahrimanic, ie - going the wrong way. You must find the lightning path the salmon takes up the waterfall, and all that.

"no wait - coping with senility"

the heart, is a pump, and though slower beats (per 10 seconds/whatever measure) tend to suggest a longer lifetime, that cannot be the case if you have been exercising using means that make the heart rate run much faster than it ought to - then you are wearing it out more. it's 'officially' good for x amount of beats, fool. sure you can overcome that - but that leads us back to not having to make an effort to begin with. plus it should be pumping blood to all your body parts anyway, idle or not.

and then there's always the "but you die too" response. will it really matter when you're dead that you got your heart to beat a bit less a minute. all those extra minutes in that nursing home were so worth it.

oh, the genius pill. : 2008-08-06 12:26:37
163, you waiting for the easy-pill intelligence increaser then? Sure sounds like it; I think you should just try growing your own intelligence by reading thousands of books and doing maths every night. I mean, being clever can't be biological or down to how you think. It must have to be worked at really hard and artificially.
shut your hole. : 2008-08-06 12:12:49
How is it untrue you fucking moron? That's what they do. What do you think gorillas do? Go to the gym? And check your facts; humans are built to be vegetarians.

You take your blatant need to have anyone do un-necessary work elsewhere, wanker. You're one of those fools that thinks a one-press instant-outcome is something to be derided. There's not an animal alive that works out or anything of the kind and they're all way stronger than people are and can jump way higher - even the ones that are pets and get fed total cooked shit.

163. : 2008-08-04 12:31:15
raw food diet and muscles piling without little activity, yea right, take your fairytales somewhere else mate, by the way those animals are herbavores,(that is before they go apeshit and kill eachother on rare occation for their own meat), chimpanzees I think are omnivores like us.
training? isn't it about breathing right. : 2008-08-03 13:25:43
Or just copy a gorilla and related vegetarian animals, go on a raw food diet, and watch the muscles pile on with little activity ever. Just pick your own fruit and leaves and sit about eating it.

Yes, it has to be raw food.

163. : 2008-08-02 06:34:05
Good thing your circulation is still going to suck ass and you are going to have the heart of a common fieldmouse, yay for inacticity=I

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