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Music: The Department of Sound and Leisure

Every summer I get the urge to make music, and each time I try to put together a musical project it fails because I set goals that are too complex for my short attention span. But this time I set some limits and came up with a concept that I can stick with. I call it "The Department of Sound and Leisure" (The DSL).

The DSL was created as an art experiment to see if I could make decent downtempo music on very tight restrictions. The main restrictions are:

  1. Songs must have no more than four parts, instruments, or samples per arrangement.
  2. Songs must be completed in under three hours.
  3. Songs must be under 3 minutes in length and conform to standard pop format.
  4. Songs must be well produced, relaxing, and easy for anyone to enjoy.

I've been at it for about a week now and it is going pretty well, there are four completed tracks and many others awaiting final arrangement. I've included the first track below, the rest can be downloaded on MySpace with more to come as I complete them. Take a listen at your leisure.

Posted By jamesk at 2008-07-29 12:38:37 permalink | comments
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if people could see soundwaves......... : 2008-07-30 09:03:12
but unless you actually feel like listening to a specific track, why put it on 'in the background' type of thing - it just drowns out nature / 'enjoy the silence'.
I hate that trend for going into what nature is left too, and playing sound systems and that kind of thing.......the problem is you're always going to be annoying someone because you can't just expect anyone else to want to hear a) some sound just because you feel like it & b) the same sounds as you.
I ain't saying that is what you are doing - but you never specified if the goofing off idea means quiet headphones, or if it's one of those Gitmo torture styles of forcing some noise or sound to be heard by other than who is making the noise or sounds.

I love playing what I like, very loud. but I won't do that if it means anyone other than me is going to hear it. I hate that situation and yes I'd prefer my own house away from where anyone else lives, & I'd play it loud all the fucking time (well not always and not outside - but in the house when it suits me). But the facts are what the facts are, and being a nuisance does not a utopia make, it just makes things worse.

Additionally, any time I am tripping - anything other thsn well-played acoustic live music (ie actual instruments, no electronics) sounds like total shit! It's all flat and artificial. Mind you anytime I hear actual (not powered electrically / not via anything electrical) instruments (or vocals) well played it always reminds me of how shit anything else musical sounds by comparison.

(and I like electronic music & have a really (not even analogue valves) decent stereo, and way too many CDs etc)

Chris. : 2008-07-30 07:28:46
Hey there, I really like the idea, and the music.

When you've got a number of tracks you should trying mixing them together into a whole piece...

jamesk : 2008-07-29 23:57:56
I really got into the idea of music as candy or wallpaper. Nothing important, nothing too complicated, just something that satisfies a craving for sweetness and makes a nice atmosphere. Plus I really like the idea of a government agency that produces benign muzak as a public health service for chilling and getting into all the things that leisure brings. Instead of pictures of the President on the wall they have motivational posters that say, "Relax and Goof Off a Little! It's Good For You!"
HPX. : 2008-07-29 14:39:15
i made a dosed video for your song-have to get it to you soon-
it actually is WAy more dosed if it's viewed on this: Link">[link]

perma. : 2008-07-29 13:50:32
indeed...but some restrictions that you place on yourself can always be modified if you so choose
Nowhere Girl. : 2008-07-29 13:34:51
It's cool to try making music with very tight restrictions as a kind of challenge, but it's very uncool when tight restrictions are forced on musicians by their companies. In the 60s the whole "genre" of psychedelic jam was invented, but still young bands without a strong position could have real problems with their managers who were taught that "pop songs" should last no longer than 3,5 minutes because they should. Many obscure albums of that time could have been yet better if the musicians were allowed to experiment.
perma. : 2008-07-29 13:06:32
haha or you could call it the Leisure Sound Department...hehe...and damn dude....sweet fucking music!
perma. : 2008-07-29 13:04:09
dude...what a genius idea...i can never stay focused on making music for too long...and your format is very nice...and adaptable...i think i will try my hand at something similar...thanks for the wonderful idea!!

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