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CDC Reports over 1000 Fentanyl overdoses

This is the largest drug story making the rounds today, the case of the Fentanyl epidemic. A large Mexican manufacturing operation is the supposed source of the string of fatal Fentanyl ODs that hit the US in 2005 and 2006, and authorities say that since that operation has been shut down the number of Fentanyl related problems has dropped. This is the first time the CDC has had to release street statistics on this drug, so it is kind of a rare appearance.

On another note, Fentanyl would make a good lethal injection 2.0 candidate. Ya think?

BTW - The "Fentanyl Lollipop" is from I haven't quite figured this site out yet, but it is a trip.

Posted By jamesk at 2008-07-25 14:08:06 permalink | comments
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looks like we got us a convoy. : 2008-07-28 13:33:45
the new drug bandwagon - sounds like every tour bus there is.

"excuse me, but i seem to have fallen off the wagon" - could you get my stash kind sir / madam, as i have dropped it off the bus

"circle those wagons!" - the Dead are here and we need a private stage space

"no need to paint this wagon!" - it's quite colourful to me already old chap, plus the trees all agree with me on that one

"hey there, pilgrim" - I say, are you also on a vision quest in the desert

=this post has been brought to you in association with ~the multicoloured cowpat appreciation society~, isn't that right Mr.Ed=

killing patients?. : 2008-07-28 13:23:18
Interestingly, capital punishment tends to not be legal in most (lets call them) first-world places. Neither do they tend to allow mercy-killings even if the patients want to die.
But! - they all insist their methods of killing animals, 'put them down' - are humane and painless.....and also they insist their methods of killing animals for food and clothing, when they don't even need them for that, are equally humane and painless.
They also put animals in cages and keep them there much of the time - but to do that to humans is called jail, and is a punishment.

Not that any other than 'first world' nations are better - I'm just meaning that it's pointless to condemn things like capital punishment as inhumane when there's the animal killing and the lack of euthanasia.

(so Republicans deal with that by having as much capital punishment as possible, so they don't look like hypocrites)

jamesk : 2008-07-26 14:42:15
What is the new drug bandwagon? Sounds like something I might jump on, or maybe buy a ticket to? Anyone else on board the new drug bandwagon? Anyone?
amazindrx. : 2008-07-26 07:23:11
wtf is up with Is that the truth, a joke, a joke that's passing itself off as the truth, or the truth that's passing itself off as a joke?

Wait. Wait. Wait. Oh damn. My brain just assploded.

guest : 2008-07-25 20:50:04
The problem is not the drug cocktail used; an underdose of Fentanyl that caused severe respiratory depression but not unconsciousness would be pretty miserable, I'd imagine. The 3 drug cocktail used is more than adequate, the problem is quality control regarding the administrators. For some reason, you can't attract a lot of doctors or nurses to a job where they execute people for a living, even though they're the best qualified to do it. Consequently, the bottom-of-the-barrel "talent" they find to take jobs like these is undertrained, underqualified, underpaid, and apathetic.

For a group of people who are so willing to look at the "big picture" regarding drug legislation, I'm surprised y'all jumped so quickly on the new drug bandwagon.

no, this is more like utopia!:. : 2008-07-25 14:31:41
Another online pharm list that when you actually find something worth buying - the links don't work. Just like all the spam mails I get. Note to online pharms: sell to the UK and include the following - librium, valium, ketamine, dexedrine, morphine, dental cocaine, liquid hydergine, ALL VEGECAPS IF CAPS: NO GELATINE NO SHELLAC, and 'research chemicals' too.

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