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California makes Salvia illegal for minors

Well here's a new strategy for regulating Salvia divinorum sales:

No longer will children be permitted to buy a hallucinogenic drug that has been readily available in California.

Legislation to ban the sale of Salvia divinorum to minors was signed Tuesday by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Violators can be charged with a misdemeanor when the new law takes effect Jan. 1.

Assemblyman Anthony Adams, R-Hesperia, predicted that his Assembly Bill 259 will save lives and "prevent irreparable havoc on families and society."

"Whenever we can keep a dangerous hallucinogenic drug out of the hands of our children, we're doing something right," he said in a written statement.

See, now wasn't that easier than just flat out banning it? The wonders of common sense never cease to amaze...

Posted By jamesk at 2008-07-23 12:21:57 permalink | comments
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Voice of reason. : 2008-12-26 17:43:07
I think if we were more like Amsterdam we wouldent be in this big of a hole
Canabis I dustry helps them out it brings in big bucks and all can see this but
Our goverment has us straped to a railroad track we realy have no choice and for our governments narowmindednis we are suffering. I under stand that smoking substancis is not everyones cup of tea. But just because you don't like it dusent mean every one can't like it I under staind that not all people will accept this fact but dusent mean it's not a fact never the less some people don't want to under stand this. I real that we could be worring about some thing bigger and more important than teens expirimenting with substancis
They are going to continue expirinenting.expirinentig is part of growing up wether with girls/boys,drinking,smoking, clothing all we are doing is supressing them this can not be the best for them. Moms are not letting teens learn the hard wey which is so verry important for them to grow up.
dood. : 2008-10-30 19:04:12
some sources say it will be illegal in 2009, some say it is already illegal
im talking for minors, can minors buy this as of october 2008??
Ilikeguitaralot. : 2008-10-20 17:15:54
Holy crap... Minors could buy it? Salvia effects totally depend on the intensity or purity of the kind bought ex 10x 20x 30x etc. and also how it is smoked (handpipe vs waterpipe and butal lighter vs torch lighter) Definately not something to joke around with, and essentially being too mature for younger kids to handle.
jon. : 2008-07-26 20:44:56
There are no known deaths, injuries, or addictions to salvia. It produces an unpleasant distortion of reality that is brief (30 seconds to 2 min) and harmless. But it is sought after for experimentation about the subjective experience of reality. It is harmless. I am more concerned with the real dangers.
ur right. : 2008-07-26 15:19:41
yes, most laws are unnecessary. But as long as these idiot losers continue to make up laws and regulations up out of thin air with the blessings of the American sheople we have to look at this pragmatically. Unless there is a revolution and the political cancer is cured, we have to be pragmatic. Too many generations of coddled and sheltered children have led to this epidemic of parents shirking the responsibility of being good parents that have knowledge of the world and traded it in for raising their kids in a fantasy land of no swear words, no crime, no drugs, no sex, and no accountability. Sheltered children= the next generation of sheltering parents. We've got everybody so scared of ruining their childhood that we're willing to lie and hide things from them, all in a vain attempt to wish all the bad stuff away for them. Most laws are bad, but as long as we live within this corrupt and evil system, and are unwilling to change it completely, then we have to at least lower our IQ's for a bit when dealing with these government "officials" and try to negotiate a "better" law with these fools because one way or another they are going to continue to pump out these useless regulations from the deepest depths of their posteriors regardless of what any of us think. Useless swine. They just try to make themselves look busy, because they are too lazy to work real jobs. Most of the country's laws were already laid down a couple hundred years ago with the founding documents. What we've got today is just a malignant conglomeration of uselessness and a complete mockery and twisted interpretation of freedom's meaning.
Not really. : 2008-07-25 23:30:28
I'm sorry, but we don't need regulations like this. We need parents to be aware of what their children are doing, and help them learn in safe comfortable ways. This law, like almost all laws, is unnecessary. Of course, its better than an outright ban, all too many states. But these laws aren't necessary were common sense and judgment exist.
better than a ban, but -. : 2008-07-24 10:21:13
But the statements about salvia are still mentally ill, so although I agree entirely with intelligent regulation and never outright bans on such things, I take it you guys are ok with foaming-at-the-mouth statements like those being allowed to persist? I mean that's rabid - I've taken all sorts and there's no way salvia is anywhere near dangerous. It's very dangerous though when people say those kinds of things: how are you supposed to differentiate between something actually dangerous when they describe it the same way, if you know they lied about something else previously using the same tone and language. That's the reason any kids do stupid things (like take drugs without being prepared for what they are ingesting) to begin with: they don't listen to what adults say because they know adults have lied about a bunch of other stuff.
guest : 2008-07-23 23:16:31
That's pretty cool..
dibbledribble. : 2008-07-23 19:43:59
well you count go into headshops that sold it if you where a minor anyways!
midwest. : 2008-07-23 15:51:37
a good measured law.
Anon. : 2008-07-23 14:29:15
...huh. I just suddenly gained a lot of faith in my state. Weird.
perma. : 2008-07-23 13:50:46
indeed they are
Overreaction sucks. : 2008-07-23 13:17:58
Makes sense to me. I think these are the types of regulations that we've been advocating all along.

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