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Texas teen nearly succeeds in dosing a bunch of cops

Unfortunately, he got busted, which is of course how we know about this.

18yo Christian Phillips of Watauga, TX had a list of 25 Ft. Worth-area police departments and several baskets of homemade cookies and candies made up to look like presents from MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving. The Lake Worth PD wasn't so naive as to eat them (they toss most unsolicitied food gifts), and having been tipped off by another PD, they tested them for drugs and got a postive result for LSD.

On his list of 25 police departments, 12 had been crossed off. Police in another department said that some of the cookies smelled like, and tested positive for, marijuana as well.

He might have been partially successful after all:

No injuries have been reported, authorities said, but Fort Worth police have confirmed that at least three officers ate cookies from a basket delivered to the downtown office.

UPDATE: He's been cleared! Apparently the cookies weren't laced with anything after all. JamesK found the followup and posted it in comments. I'm adding it here.

WISTV-10 has the story via AP:

LAKE WORTH, Texas (AP) - A Texas teen suspected of delivering drug-laced cookies to a dozen police stations has been released from jail.

Tests showed no drugs in the goodies taken to two police departments. Christian Phillips actually delivered the treats to about a dozen police stations, but only two had any of the cookies left over to be tested for drugs.

Phillips was arrested at a Fort Worth suburb when officers smelled marijuana in the basket of treats. Phillips had told detectives his friend may have been smoking pot while he was baking, and he denied contaminating the goodies or trying to harm anyone.

He was delivering the cookies as part of his community service requirement after being charged last year with assault of a public servant.

Posted By NaFun at 2008-07-09 17:10:39 permalink | comments
Tags: LSD police dosing marijuana cookies MADD Texas
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zupakomputer. : 2008-07-12 12:59:57
The condensed version of what I wrote:

the type of mentality that makes drugs illegal, is a mind that is constantly on a bad trip.

So it is like they are dosed all along anyway.


The other part is about how the bans of psychedelics in 60s USA only happened because some of the Intl testing them, did not like how they made people stop going along with all that is wrong - like joining in with narrow minded stupid spy games and being nationalistic to the point of actually feeling threatened by other nations and nationalities, as if borders are anything but arbitrary (except in some cases, like Switzerland has borders so it can remain apart from the EU and remain neutral in wars within a bunch of nations that are stuck in being militaristic).

Tripping woke the trippers up to actual reality (not always, but it had that effect on enough people), so some Intl didn't like that - they spread scare stories and lies, and had the substances banned as being dangerous. And it worked, because the propertion of stupid people to intelligent people has altered dramatically even since then, towards there being more stupid people.

cookie monster. : 2008-07-11 07:27:23
too bad he couldn't have sent them to my house. How rude! He went to all that work, slaving in a hot kitchen, only to have them tossed in the garbage.
jamesk : 2008-07-10 23:18:08
This just in, the cookies were not laced. The teen is innocent.

Story">[link] Here

guest : 2008-07-10 17:33:31
A friend of mine was picked up for something unrelated and he happened had a batch of mushroom chocolates with him. The cops confiscated the chocolates and some ate them without his knowing (of course he did not tell them they were contraband). He noticed some some officers stumbling around the station, apparently shroomin'. Unfortunately the chocolates failed to reveal Christ's heart to the officers and they proceeded to beat my friend very near to death.
whoa. : 2008-07-10 15:31:56
fucking awesome. that's all i have to say. way to go small town texas guy. that's totally amazing.
RustyBucket. : 2008-07-10 10:33:37
What did "a narrowness more specialized than a flea" just say????? I'm dying to know.
travis. : 2008-07-10 09:43:14
tested positive for LSD .. yeah i thought that was a bit suspect too.
a narrowness more specialised than the flea. : 2008-07-10 08:58:00
On the surface it sounds funny and you think tis a pity he didn't entirely succeed; but then you remember, that the sole reason there are anyones with, in, or appointing others to, positions of authority, within such ridiculous structures of law as exist here, is because they are on something like a bum trip all of the time (or at the least, are trapped within the reality tunnel of another far more dangerous loon on a bum trip).

Otherwise, they'd think coherently and know they shouldn't be going along with the ridiculous things that they do, would never act out of low emotions like fear and fevered-ego and spite etc.

Full-blown insanity is exactly the same as being on a bum trip; that is the constant state of mind of those who although they live here on Earth, they are not able to feel or understand that the Earth itself and all of its components is a conscious being.

Remember - why did the scare stories in the media about drugs begin? Because the government Intl tried them, and many of them lost their ability to continue to believe in the evil (or just plain stupid waste-of-life games) they did for a living, because the drugs showed them the truth - that's why they wanted to outlaw the drugs, so they didn't have to absorb the facts about what they had done and how far their consciousness fell in order for them to agree to do the sorts of things they are involved with.

Not that attempted spikes caused any of that; it just reminds it is all.

Nowhere Girl. : 2008-07-10 02:41:06
I loved this fragment: "The Fort Worth department is contacting officers who might have been exposed". I wonder what will they say...
omgoleus : 2008-07-10 00:19:53
I highly doubt that "tested positive for LSD" means anything. I mean, what kind of preliminary test would detect tiny parts per million of LSD in a cookie? They probably did a marquis reagent test and it turned black, and they're saying that means LSD, which is total bullshit. But who knows...

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