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Psytrance Animation: Dr. Spook

So some people have been asking me what this whole psytrance thing is about. I try to tell them it's like the Matrix without the cheesy plot, but here's some music and video from Dr. Spook to get the message across. Dr. Spook also happens to be playing at the Infected Mushroom event in SF July 18th. Drop somefin' and go get your trance on.

Posted By jamesk at 2008-07-09 12:39:16 permalink | comments
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soyouth. : 2008-07-18 14:52:58
Hello guys, glad to see everybody trippin on psytrance ! It can actually be cheesy sometimes ;-) But actually the matrix metaphor is nice, add a little bit of event horizon and jodorowsky as well as a fluoro buddha and back to the future and you're done !

For a synched audio video experience, have a look at this clip : [link] also syncrosect has really heavy stuff.

Psychedelically yours, Alex aka Soyouth

BLACK!. : 2008-07-13 14:12:37
it's all black! black, black the colour of death, that drains the rainbowed hues from my being and furthers away from me my social companions making them lurch away from my blackened doom, as I snap at them again, able to communicate but in my narky bleak tones, again I say 'curse be upon the white hetero race' and their wretched attempts to gloss over the long dark nights of the soul that torment me & taunt me with their music to dance to electronically, 'HIPPIES!' I exclaim in the twlight hours, blasted hippies and their care for nature
shroomy bee. : 2008-07-12 13:30:53
btw that's exactly why I use different names - cause I know there's your kind lurking around, always waiting to turn any thread or comment that's anonymous into a haven for your lurid leanings
other guy. : 2008-07-12 13:27:16
get it off yer chest son, ahm too heavy to manage to move it meesel' ye'll haf tae do it fir me. Oh ah love ya son, who's mah big boy
zupakomputer. : 2008-07-12 13:24:30
I must say, being an actual Scot and also female, I'm really enjoying how you think you've cornered me into looking like your about-to-be-homo-bitch to the readers here. So, whenever you're ready to state what your favourite music is.....
zupakomputer. : 2008-07-12 13:16:55
Or was your gender bending outburst here really the product of a slow-boiling tantrum at having read the comments to another recent post here about Phil Collins music being sucky?
zupakomputer. : 2008-07-12 13:12:21
You still trolling and not answering the question? How about answering why that is, and why you are now obsessed with also making it seem as if you've bettered me in some way? I'm always verbose scumbag, don't bother trying to twist things so you can steal my verbosity as though it's only been triggered by your inability to get any cock action.
other guy . : 2008-07-12 13:05:50
go get it off yer chest son
other guy . : 2008-07-12 08:42:26
Touched a nerve there didn't I ! God you sound like you actually Scared of gay folks.Back under yer bridge wee man.
who let 'the curse of greyface' in. : 2008-07-11 16:00:40
The video should synch to the music, I'd have to agree. I can't watch it, so I'm at a loss to figure what may be wrong there.......I have some Dr.Spook vids on DVD and those all synch.
Considering you can synch audio-visual without even being able to hear, using sw like Premiere for example..

other guy - look there's a track about you on this psytrance album,


the other guy. : 2008-07-11 06:18:55
psytrance / goatrance its all dance music for white hetro hippies
Tim. : 2008-07-11 01:25:55
The video is great, but wouldn't it be better if it was actually synced to the music? Call me crazy...
sheldon. : 2008-07-10 19:19:26
how many samples are playing at a time has nothing to do with the presence of the music. plenty of monstrously huge techno tracks could be played with three or five fingers, but an intense amount of attention went into shaping those waveforms, far more attention than it takes to buzz a bunch of cloying/epic/striving arpeggios. I'm guessing you just need to hear better techhouse and electrohouse, which is what people keep telling me about trance, but so far it's seriously just so much cliche fluff to me.
precursors being the likes of SpaceTimeContinuum. : 2008-07-10 10:00:14
Psytrance is like Jupiter & The Infinite mixed in with the Monolith worship. Dark and apocalyptic variants or branches of psytrance are like The Shining.
Whit?!. : 2008-07-10 09:13:30
techhouse and electrohouse?! You have to be kidding, they're only one step away from being as shit as happy hardcore. How can you endorse a music style that plays so minimalist that it's like the shorn down version of hitting the 'demo' button on any hundred quid synth keyboard? Do you go clubbing to get stuck in the elevator with muzak?
Don't get me wrong, there's loads of other electronic dance styles besides psy and variants that is all creative and good.

You're saying a style that uses about 4 tracks at a time maximum, and plays the same little blips and bloops over and over again, can be compared to say something from the Wirikuta distro?! You're talking pish there.

The other guy: I think you're mistaking psytrance and goatrance, like what Geomagnetic does, with that other kind of 'trance' which sounds nothing at all like it in any way shape or form.
Psy or goa trance and variants can be best thought of as like tribal drumming music, and tribal ceremonial style of music, except with spacey sound effects and using various electronic patches and having spoken samples.

col mcg. : 2008-07-10 06:27:19
I gotta agree with Sheldon,Godawful hippie brainwash cult crap.Rich kids on gap year getting all spiritual for a few months before becoming fund managers in the city Bleeach.....
Josep Yao. : 2008-07-09 22:34:30
sheldon what do you mean? dislike trance?
if anyone has see the documentary "entheogens", its short segment on psytrance makes some great points. How when many people give themselves over to the music, it becomes a shared experience. It compared that to ecstatic tribal dancing and shamanic drumming. (if i understood correctly)

dammit the show is 21+

NaFun. : 2008-07-09 16:05:17
Thing is, psytrance is so much better than any of the music that's actually IN The Matrix.
sheldon. : 2008-07-09 15:21:44
oof, no, this is like the worst elements of electronic music, all wound up together. if people ask you about trance tell them don't bother, go find some techhouse or electrohouse or something. they'll never know what a bullet they dodged.
geomagnetics dvds are great!. : 2008-07-09 12:57:11
Fractal sets, knot plot, Drave's electric sheep, Latham's organic art, SUSE and other linux screensavers & media player visuals, XBox 360 Visualisation, and that PS3 interactive one, all need to be put together for the ultimate kind of psytrance visuals.

You could also tell them it's like all the best bits of The Animatrix edited together.

See also this kinda thing: [link]

City Spirits - just about every computer watercooling block is also such a spirit!

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