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We Win!!!!

Well, it's been a long hard race folks - but the results are officially in, just tallied by our boys down at the World Health Organization. Once again, we kick ass at everything, including taking drugs. Give a high five to any hard working consumer of marijuana and cocaine you know, those paychecks every two weeks have helped make America number one again!!!

The numbers are startling. In the United States, 42.4 percent admitted having used marijuana. The only other nation that came close was New Zealand, another bastion of get-tough policies, at 41.9 percent. No one else was even close. The results for cocaine use were similar, with the United States leading the world by a large margin.
Posted By cdin at 2008-07-03 13:41:17 permalink | comments
Tags: war on drugs america the best
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the woodman. : 2008-07-07 00:00:04
well done america, i shall smoke a fat one in honour of this great achievement! i cant believe britain wasnt in the running, cos every fucker here is as depressed as shit. maybe its because theyre all on ritulin and prozac.. shit and thats just the teenagers.
guest : 2008-07-06 23:57:35
well done america!! i smoke one in honour of your triumph
jamesk : 2008-07-05 01:29:39
It's weird to be on the winning side of anything, but you can't beat the USA in consumption, that includes pot!

The thing I find interesting is that according to these numbers, pot has a higher favorability rating than either Bush or congress. Pot wins!

Adam L. : 2008-07-04 09:49:59
Well if you consider the opinions on drugs and morality at the time most North America settlers set sail from Europe, the kind of people they were (in response to the bottom comment) would dictate that they misunderstand their own global history. Puritans were not in support of activities which basically the whole world accepts, like hashish and bhang, opium or whatever every other part of the world had been cultivating for several thousands of years.

So they set sail to America where they could raise their young in a vacuum with one single deity, and a unilateral world-view of morality. Away from all knowledge and tradition, in a new, arbitrary society. This is probably why the puritans moved out of Europe; they knew their views of morality were wrong and could not be fought for without being a world away from everyone who knows you're wrong.

Of course, all they found in North America was a bunch of drug-taking traditional societies, so they had to savagely kill them all before they could found a society that could go as long as we have while swallowing their moralistic bullshit.

Well it has taken time but with time, and the internet, we their ancestors, the forebears of their perverted beliefs and dogma have re-learned history and we will never have to listen to them again!
This attitude probably explains why America is #1 in drug use, because of the place the puritans have given them in our society. I guess it just proves that prohibition only makes you want something more... while in other parts of the world, there are still countries that don't even think of their sacraments of "drugs" and haven't even before this whole "drugs" thing began.

Palolo lolo. : 2008-07-04 08:10:02
Proudly doing my part to keep us #1!!! USA no ka oi
Sam. : 2008-07-03 17:24:47
StoneyMcPot. : 2008-07-03 14:03:57
Drugs win Drug War!
actual magic potions = illegal!. : 2008-07-03 14:00:15
Imagine if it turned out that the whole phoney War on Drugs was really a put-on all along, in that the US govt was just worried that the rest of the world would come and kill them if they just lagalised everything and openly sold it.

That might be the case, if you consider some (sombunall of course, cf. religious puritans) of the examples of why people left Europe to begin with to go live in the 'new world'.

It's probably something that comes from dodgy English folk to be honest - the whole idea behind stopping anyone taking inebriants; but then, there's the Inquisition as well as the English (and some other areas of the UK) witch-burnings (the latter was likely the first example in human history when people were outlawed from ingesting magical plants, closely followed by the massacres of the Indian peoples of the Americas for much the same kind of thing, by Euro-invaders).

When was it that Islam decided that alcohol was prohibited? I might be missing some bits out of that 'when people began to stop other people using drugs' timeline.

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