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New Trend: Gummy LSD

The Cranbrook RCMP want to alert the public to a new trend in drug trafficking that appeared here this spring. While executing a Search Warrant under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, police located a bag of candy, which had gummie bears in it. The bag and it’s location inside the residence made the police suspicious, and a sample was sent to the Drug Lab for analysis. The gummie bear has been confirmed to be laced with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, commonly known as LSD.

LSD is a psychedelic drug, that affects the brain, often causing psychological problems that alter the thinking process. While it is not necessarily addictive, a person who is under the influence of LSD may become irrational and their behavior can be bizarre. Obviously, if a young child were to consume such a gummie bear, the effects could be very dangerous.

[Thanks Jon! Via LEAP]

Posted By jamesk at 2010-09-15 16:32:45 permalink | comments
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Gillian. : 2010-12-19 00:48:02
I just shat...this is brilliant
guest : 2010-09-23 22:08:40
I heard about a guy who had these in a drawer and his mom walked in and eat some.
Old Leadfoot. : 2010-09-22 16:36:48
How DARE they? Gummies are extremely bad for children...!
Anonymous. : 2010-09-17 12:33:43
" But the simplest explanation may be that the 'confirmation' that the bears are laced with acid is wrong."

If I had to guess -- and this is only a guess -- I'd say the bears probably were laced, but the conclusion you seem be drawing is wrong. The bears weren't laced because someone wanted to give someone else LSD "without consent:" they were laced because that's what people do. Back in the day when it was common for people to deposit liquid LSD on sugar cubes it wasn't because they were planning on getting everyone at Grandma's tea part stoned. They just wanted a convenient (and good tasting) carrier.

If you had a bottle of liquid LSD, putting drops on gummi bears would be a lot easier for travel than traveling with a bottle of hundred of hits. For one thing, it would be a lot less suspicious, legally speaking. Had ther not been other drugs involved, I seriously doubt that the police would have bothered testing
the candy, and the people would not have been caught. On the other hand, a
little bottle of an unidentifed liquid...

One can ask if it's wise to put acid on a carrier that presents an "attractive nuisance" should some unsuspecting person stumble upon it, but that's a different discussion.

I mean, hell, I like storing my razor blades in apples -- I'm much less likely to cut myself as I carry them around. Nothing nefarious in that!

anonymous. : 2010-09-17 11:21:59
If true this is very bizarre, and kinda serious. (There's no contradiction between believing acid is a major tool for enlightenment and should be legal, and believing that people, especially young people, should give their informed consent to using it.

If true this is what folklorists call 'ostention', something making the transit from urban myth to reality. But the simplest explanation may be that the 'confirmation' that the bears are laced with acid is wrong. Updates would be much appreciated.

NaFun. : 2010-09-16 12:50:09
Breaking News: Sometimes drug users put LSD on candy and breathmints. Video at 11.
Anonymous. : 2010-09-16 12:21:55
"... under the influence of LSD may become irrational and their behavior can be bizarre. Obviously, if a young child were to consume such a gummie bear, the effects could be unnoticeable, young children being bizarre pretty much all of the time anyway. And what a waste of magic it would be...."

There. Fixed it for 'em.

guest : 2010-09-16 10:50:02
"LSD is a psychedelic drug, that affects the brain, often causing psychological problems that alter the thinking process. While it is not necessarily addictive, a person who is under the influence of LSD may become irrational and their behavior can be bizarre. Obviously, if a young child were to consume such a gummie bear, the effects could be very dangerous."

Biggest load of crap. If taken in a uncontrolled environment it can be very scary and can scar a person yes. Irrational behavior? Sounds like alcohol. what about LSD used to cure psychological problems like back in the 50's, there was a very high success rate. Currently there is ongoing research with LSD and end of life cancer patients. Psilocybin has already been proven effective in alleviating end of life anxiety.

Anonymous. : 2010-09-16 07:52:06
Obligatory giant gummy bear reference:


Now, if we could only merge the ideas....

guest : 2010-09-15 18:31:55
> "new" trend
Jon. : 2010-09-15 18:01:09
Would be nice if they told us the microgram dose per bear. I mean, do I need to eat the whole bag or would just a couple of gummies do the trick?
slay : 2010-09-15 16:50:52
fuck yes

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