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77 ways to say No to weed

(and still be cool)

[Thanks Danny!]

Posted By jamesk at 2010-03-25 11:45:14 permalink | comments
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Haley. : 2013-05-20 07:31:21
dumb .
Kris. : 2011-07-23 05:54:10
Haha only a non-stoner would make such a long list of utterly rude ways to say merely 'no, thank you' :/
jack. : 2011-03-21 13:11:33
weed is awsome!!!!!!!
Horseman666. : 2011-02-27 13:10:30
How bout, "na, I'm cool. I'm late for my appt in the bathroom to do some hot rails and bang H in my armpit". If I heard someone say that I would think they were pretty cool.
Mathlete. : 2011-02-27 13:09:01
Yeah, right? I might get kicked off my math team? Yeah, that will ensure that you stay cool.
Jon. : 2010-08-27 15:53:52
Should be titled "77 Ways to Say No to Weed and Be a Complete Asshole." None of these are polite. I've never known anyone to try and "push" marijuana on someone, or be judgmental about it when someone doesn't want to smoke, and almost all of these are downright hostile. The easiest way to say no to weed and still be cool? Just pass the bowl to the next person without hitting it. Maybe a "Eh, no thanks." Or an "It's not my thing" if you want a more permanent answer. It's not that hard, people.
Dekeeg. : 2010-06-05 19:19:27
Legalize it!
Lols. : 2010-04-11 11:37:04
I understand wanting to give kids ideas on how to say no, but why are most of them so fucking rude? Jesus. Stoners aren't that pushy. XD
llama. : 2010-04-10 23:26:29
@thizizcoo, it can technically kill you if you smoke like either half or twice your body weight (I don't remember). But I'm pretty sure even the most hardened smoker wouldn't be able to continue smoking after, say, 3/4 of a pound (and that's stretching it). As long as you're not being a fucking dumbass and lacing it with anything, you should be alright.
avicenna : 2010-04-05 00:24:47
@thizizcoo: Although we have heard reports of smoked sausage, we here at DoseNation generally prefer to ingest them. Except for that period where Scotto insufflated them because he had stopped eating meat.
thizizcoo. : 2010-04-03 18:26:55
guys. the one about smoking sausages. haven't you ever heard of smoked sausage? just like there's smoked ham and whatnot. just to clarify. and what's the worst thing weed can do to you? (that's not a rhetorical question.)
lizzy. : 2010-03-30 09:21:03
@slay: only if we can smoke weed every moment of everyday throughout our marriage.
DannyChaoflux(.com). : 2010-03-30 05:51:28
yay I was posted :D

I knew you'd like that one ^_^

Martin. : 2010-03-28 07:19:23
@ hungrygirl: yeah, it's just that D.A.R.E. et al.are running around telling other people that it's not okay to say Yes - let's harass and make fun of these pathetic assholes even more :-)
Hungrygirl. : 2010-03-27 16:41:48
I was thinking about this some more and holy shit, people, can you hear yourselves? It sounds like a lot of you feel that it is not ok for people to chose NOT do drugs? I'm fine with co-existing with sober people. I don't harass them or make fun of them like you all are doing. It IS ok to say 'no.'
Si. : 2010-03-27 10:20:57
Perhaps one or two of these serve their supposed purpose but frankly most of them sound either ill informed, ridiculous (excluding the intentionally tongue in cheek ones) or worst of all flippant. Reminds me of what Tim Leary said about the 'Just Say No' campaign. He said (I'm roughly paraphrasing) we could go one better on those uncouth, ungrateful souls and say "No thank you".
Scotto : 2010-03-26 21:54:19
slay. : 2010-03-26 12:57:21
hey lizzy, wanna get married?
loosenut. : 2010-03-26 10:22:50
"No, I've got a date with your mom."
lizzy. : 2010-03-26 09:05:28
none of these are cool. so that's 0 ways to be cool and 77 ways to miss out on smoking weed and be a loser for having repeated a tacky line.
Satyarupa. : 2010-03-26 00:59:28
.. I can also have no fun without drugs.. ;)
Oscar. : 2010-03-25 22:22:43
"(27) No, I only smoke sausage"


Hungrygirl. : 2010-03-25 20:11:00
I'm a D.A.R.E. graduate. I had to learn a song about saying no. I know how to say no to 'Ludes. Sadly no one has ever offered me any, so I haven't gotten to use that line yet.

It's hard to remember a time when it WOULDN'T seem ok to say no to whatever someone was offering you, but I guess when you're 11 it is.

When I had to take D.A.R.E. at a High School level, it was pretty much study hall with a cop and he would bring in this amazing breifcase with all these samples of different drugs inside. Which was pretty practical information for me to study in my spare time!

I wish they'd teach more PRACTICAL drug taking information, like, not to combine methadone and alcohol, because then you might end up in some shocker news story about how a minor third drug is killing teenagers.

Ryan. : 2010-03-25 18:10:42
The 'influence' in these add campaigns is so ironic. The psychology to adolescents of saying "NO" is exactly the complete opposite of what they are trying to achieve. They are achieving 'generate interest in grass'. Does anyone disagree?
Seeker : 2010-03-25 16:23:30
How recent is this? One hopes they're focusing their attention on methamphetamine now, but you don't need a poster listing stupid and contrived reasons to say "no" to that shite.
roaldgold. : 2010-03-25 15:50:43
I might get kicked off the math team lol
dononamous. : 2010-03-25 14:31:20
why would people spend time developing this shit instead of helping the other side of the coin society directly imprisoning its own children
Lift : 2010-03-25 13:16:14
No, I've got shit to do.

I think the rest of these are going to make you look gay. Especially, "no I only smoke sausages." (apologies to the girls out there)

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