A guide to drugs on Koh Phangan
 | Reader Jim sent us a link to this crazy guide to Thailand's notorious island paradise, Koh Phangan. Here you can get shrooms, LSD, MDMA, whatever you want.
Weed is widely available on Koh Phangan from just every bar decorated with Bob Marley posters and playing reggae music. Sometimes the owner will sport healthy rastas. A lot of times, especially late into the night, the owner will smoke weed and will treat you to it. The guidebooks warn against weed sellers snitching on you to the police for additional profit, however I haven't heard about such cases. Surely, those bar owners pay a cut to the police for some protection...
Mushrooms. This is the main illicit plant attraction of the island. Out of respect, I will not use the D word for them. Mushroom shakes are openly advertised in those mellow mountain bars in Haad Rin. The price of the "happy shake" is 500 baht, and it's a good dose. I wouldn't recommend to take it during a party, as the trip can get quite personal and introspective. Of course it won't hurt to smoke some weed at the onset of trip, as the weed relaxed you and enhances the journey...
MDMA, LSD and ya baa (meth) are widely available at parties of the Half moon, Black moon and Jungle experience variety. I've seen a stall that openly sold MDMA (800 baht) and space cookies (200 baht) at the Jungle experience. Otherwise, just ask around. An LSD tab costs 300 baht.
Excellent article. As an aside, the Thai baht is currently trading against US dollars at 33 to 1.
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Recently @ DoseNation
After hearing alot of people talking about the shroom shakes and their "mellow" effect, me and my friend decided to share 1 shake just to get the idea. fyi it was noon and the day of the full moon party.
anyway, after that we went to our hotel and chilled a bit, waiting for the unknown. After some time laying on the bed and staring at the wooden ceiling which was covered with moving light stripes from the light that was moving because of the wind, I could notice that the ceiling was starting to breath, deep breathing..up and down, while I was enjoying that, my friend also started to see some stuff. out of that breathing buddha appeared, the one with the pointy hat. It was very interesting..we had a 6 hour trip I believe, with colors and everything. when we arrived to the party it just couldnt compare to our experience that we just had. Since than Im telling everybody that ask me about the party that its crappy..btw the half moon party rocks.
dont buy anything outside of the connected bars! And dont take anything with you! once I bought some weed from some guy on the street on some alley, suddenly some other dude came out of nowhere and grabbed my arm, luckily I managed to get out of his grip and run to my hotel, where I hided a few hours..not cool
anyway the shake was very excellent. I recommend it. If u do it, be calm, be ready for surprises and just enjoy what youre seeing instead of thinking about it, dont worry it will go away :)
and most important do it with the right people. Enjoy
Stay calm and put yourself in a happy calm state of mind and you will have something that you will never forget!
Unless you want to be in some Thai prison for years while loosing money anywhere from 500-100,000 USD.
Thailand is one of the most strict places in the world on drugs, in fact anyone that lived in Thailand can tell you dont ever buy or sell drugs in Thailand.
As for this editor that wrote this article, he needs to get his face split for offfering such advice. Also I wouldnt be surprised if he is a Thai cop or a stranded junkie "Farang" stuck on the island waiting for some suckers.
Anyway, surprising when compared with Thai drug policy in general...
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