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How Freedom Dies: Salvia Divinorum

The above story of Salvia divinorum demonstrates how anecdotal evidence is bizarrely abused to create and foster the war on drugs. In modern America’s narcophobic climate one death out of millions of users can cause all adult users to be deemed criminals worthy of prosecution and incarceration.
Posted By oldpigeon at 2009-10-06 18:28:19 permalink | comments
Tags: salvia divinorum
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Andy-OC. : 2013-03-29 20:20:02
I hear there is a movie coming out about salvia. It's a feature documentary. I found this website, it's says it's coming out this year. salviamovie (dot) com I really want to see a salvia film that tells everyone whats going on with salvia.
guest : 2010-07-01 20:53:42
People who blabber that salvia shouldntbe legal because of its power are fucking morons.

Should you be kept from owning sharp objects because if they are powerful weapons? No, and especially the idiots saying this or that drug should be illegal - you should be given sharp objects and instructed to bludgeon yourselves.

Blindman87. : 2010-01-31 23:06:06
Just for the record I've watched Esoteric Agenda, Kymatica, Endgame, Zietgiest and food inc, flow. etc. So I can say I'm on par with the more heavy users in this thread.

My first experience with Salvia was an endless void of emptiness, I thought I died and it was only 10 minutes but the trip felt like hours or so. It was very Disturbing, mildly exiting although it left me speechless for another good 10 minutes afterwords. The second time It was intensely euphoric when I took it at a party with 8 other trippers, and it felt like a 5 minute roller coaster threw strange geometric patterns, fractals laughing uncontrollably the whole way threw. So the effects vary greatly from Hell to Euphoria and everywhere in between.

All in all - plants grow freely throwout the Earth, people come about in the same way threw a much longer process, and to make any gift this Earth has given birth too illegal is going down the path of lunacy and disconnection with not only the planet but all life in itself. All of nature and its plants should be legal, those who are foolish enough to misuse them deserve the negative drawbacks ( evolution ). I'm one of those people, I just got lucky I broke even in the long run messing around with it. I would only recommend it to those inclined to trip balls in an unpredictable chaotic dimension.

Bluemeanie. : 2010-01-04 23:05:07
Salvia is NOT to be played with. I am a frequent user and have learned how to find it beneficial through PROPER means of use. Bottom line, EDUCATE YOUR DAMN KIDS or are we to continuously give away our rights to personal choice just because were getting lazy as a society and don't care to teach kids about drugs through education rather then expecting them to listen when you say no and not expect them to become curious and do something stupid.
Mike. : 2009-12-29 16:17:41
To those who refer to this drug as" more powerful than LSD," that is complete bullshit. Salvia is not that intense as you all make it seem, at least not as intense as LSD, and lasts nowhere near as long as LSD does. As with any hallucinogenics, if you go into the trip having a bad time, and with a bad state of mind, you will have a bad trip. Salvia is not what everyone makes it seem, it was a mild trip, that only lasts a few minutes.

If people think we should outlaw it because it impares your driving, then we must make alcohol illegal, as well as anti-depressants and muscle relaxers, amongst many other pharmaceuticals. Take a Xanax or two, and you won't be using your motor skills very well.

There are a lot more legal "drugs" out there that are more harmful than Salvia, or even Cannabis, and yet these natural plants are still illegal, while pills that can cause brain damage are easily accessible from going to your doctor and getting a prescription. As for me, the only medicine I ever took was Cannabis, and I stayed happy and healthy for many years.

Anonymous. : 2009-12-03 13:38:51
Proven medically? As far as I know there have been no human studies of its effects, so I don't know how that could be. From a medical or scientific view, one can't say anything, one way or the other. There have been a few case studies published in the journals, and some research done with salvinorin and salvinorin-like substances in laboratory models, but nothing to back up your claim.

(But this is the Internet, so we shouldn't let facts get in the way of our opinion.)

sjjsa. : 2009-12-03 11:48:26
dont try salvia, its really bad for your health. it is proven medically.
evil1dwk. : 2009-11-12 00:13:16
I don't smoke anything anymore. I could give a crap about hallucinating. That's what college was for. If I have to rip any plants out of my flower beds because some moron offed himself, I'm going to be pissed. Salvia is a very beautiful and common garden flower. It occasionally blooms very nice purple flowers.

Brett there wasn't smoking salvia when he killed himself in the tent. [link] Seems to me he was smoking charcoal. Maybe we should outlaw charcoal and tents, and sue coleman and kingsford? How about we check into a mother that allows her 17 year old son to buy a drug online? I mean yeah it's legal, so is alcohol. I'm not giving either to my 17 year old, nor is he going to order that shit on the internet. He'll have to pay a homeless man to buy it and hide that shit from me, only to one night call me from jail. Like I did to my father dammit.

If past drug laws are any indication of how laws prohibiting the use of salvia are going to be handled, we're better off with no law at all. The war on drugs is an utter failure costing us trillions of dollars, doing more harm than good. Sure we should study the long term effects of salvia on humans. Sure we should prohibit its use while driving or for people under the age of 18 or 21. Salvia grows in the wild in parts of Mexico and South America. Do we really want to put more money into the hands of Mexican and South American drug cartels and gangs or the CIA (j/k sort of)?

forreal?. : 2009-11-11 15:52:00
You guys should all listen to dbg13, after all, he's watched the Obama Deception, Zeitgeist, Endgame, every Jordan Maxwell, and Michael Tsarion documentary ever made. Clearly, he has the facts, and everyone who doesn't have the facts are mere sheeple. You should consider yourselves lucky to have such a scholar present.
Echo. : 2009-11-06 11:39:45
People saying that Salvia should be made illegal due to the fact that it's dangerous to drive while under its influence have obviously never smoked it. All of my experiences with Saliva have immobilized me, so there was no danger whatsoever of me getting behind the wheel of a car. I think that Salvia shouldn't be taken lightly and treated as a "legal way to get high".
Jane Doe. : 2009-11-01 15:50:41
Salvia terrified me. I smoked it at a party, without knowing what it was. I assumed it was pot and it just looked like dirt weed to me. And, no one bother to informed me of what it was until after the fact. I've done other hallucinations before, but nothing has ever had this effect on me and I've never had what I would call a "bad trip". It's a little scary to me that it is legal, (although I'm not promoting it should be made illegal.) It seemed much more potent to me than any other drugs I've tried. I literally felt like I was insane. While everybody else seemed to have a pleasant experience with it, I don't think I've ever felt that scared in my life. Not a religious or mystical person, but the experience felt very evil to me. I want ever do it again and I wouldn't recommend it to anybody.
guest : 2009-10-25 23:45:10
Joe Smith. : 2009-10-24 21:00:58
Having just tried salvia for the first time this weekend I think salvia is insanely powerful is honestly terrifying. Had the trip lasted more then 5 minutes I think I may have lost my mind. Ive done acid shrooms x and dxm and nothing made me trip like salvia. And it was not pleasent at all it scared the shit out of me And I will never do it again. Nothing pleasent about feeling like your arms are made out of lead and feeling like you entered another hostile dimension where you have zero control. Its hard to desribe not like any other high there is and not to be toyed with. Should it be regulated? I dont think so if it is then kids will want it more and will still be able to get it. I agree with whoever said Salvia is its own anti drug. Screw that crap
12inchfallacy : 2009-10-19 18:00:55
Good day, gentlemen. Let's stop all the caustic rebuttals and just get our facts right. Getting offended over what some jerk says on the internet is terribly amateur, and I'd like the drug culture to be better informed than the common populace.

Salvia does, in fact, have a downside. As with any hallucinogen, it will create new neuronal pathways in the brain, and strengthen these pathways each successive time the drug is taken. This can lead to triggered flashbacks. Moreover, as Nahbman said, "psychoactive drugs can often exacerbate mental pathologies." People who have schizophrenia in the family may have a triggered psychotic break on hallucinogens.

Please, people. Don't just listen to the facts that support your argument. When all is tallied up, I'm sure the importance of having the liberty of using hallucinogens will outweigh the negative effects it has on small portions of the population.

jamesk : 2009-10-12 21:27:11
Salvia cannot be both a powerful hallucinogen and trash at the same time. Yes, it is not for everyone, but some people find it the most intense (therefore most interesting) psychedelic of all. If Salvia is so dangerous where are the reports of people driving on Salvia and crashing and jumping off balconies and such? They don't exist. Salvia is intense and temporarily disorienting, but the majority of Salvia use does not present significant health or social problems. If kids today are experimenting with Salvia as their gateway drug then they are cutting their teeth on the weirdest stuff imaginable; the craziest designer drug will not phase them by comparison. I think this is a good thing.
dbg13 : 2009-10-12 17:24:23
im just sayin it dosnt make sense that drugs like mushrooms and marijuana are illegal and salvia isnt, because its so much more powerful, and ya paramour im sayin when you do enough K it makes you trip becuase i did, look it up, i know alot about drugs dude. and hobo obviously i agree you have the choice to decide what to put in your body if i smoked salvia! alcohol and cigerettes kill more people than all illegal drugs combined so why are they legal? population control, there too many stupid people, pregnant teenagers, uhhhgg who cares salvia sucks
ParamourSheek : 2009-10-11 21:47:09
Salvia isn't a great high, I know more people who haven't enjoyed it than who have.
However, because it's easy to get hold of and try, so many more kids my age know not to try salvia than any other drugs which may be illegal and hard to get hold of. Ease of access and word of mouth matters.

Also, dgb13, I don't even understand half of what you're saying.
"{but ketamine in high doses is a vary strong hallucinogen...vary})"
.... are you saying that doses vary? Because I agree with you on that point, experiences with salvia and ketamine and marijuana and any other drug vary from person to person. It's a valid point.

Apart from that though, sentences and paragraphs help.

somerandomhobo : 2009-10-11 21:16:06
In my opinion, salvia isn't worth taking. It's a short trip and not very pleasant. But honestly, dbg13, making something illegal because it's "intense"? bullshit. People should have the right to decide what they put in their bodies, regardless of the intensity.
dbg13 : 2009-10-11 20:25:26
phillydrifter what are you talking about, you make no sense and didnt explain why you think i am "as bad as the suits who wrote these laws" i would like to know why you say this? and what laws are you talking about?? you have no facts, and sound pretty close minded and arrogant for your little comment directed twards me, i have watched the obama dececption and endgame and zeitgeist, have you? SALVIA is LEGAL, and it SHOULD NOT BE because it is intense drug. PERIOD.
devilzrejkt : 2009-10-11 14:33:19
Nahbman your a fuckin idiot. I wouldnt suggest driving on salvia either. But i also wouldnt suggest driving while drunk. You cant base whether something should be legal off of whether you can drive while on it. Because alcohol makes this nation the biggest hypocrite. Any negative comment out there about any drug can also be said about alcohol. Yet the use of it is hypocritically justified simply based on an legality. This world is pathetically blind.
nahbman : 2009-10-11 12:47:34
I have to disagree with the cartoonists position. A hallucinogen that powerful should not be legal and readily available. I tried it and could not believe it was legal. Extremely powerful. It would be very dangerous to try to drive on Salvia. I wouldn't go as far as to blame somebody's suicide on the drug but it is known that psychoactive drugs can often exacerbate mental pathologies (eg. commonly prescribed anti-depressants) I am definitely ok with allowing people to experiment on their own with drugs but it is the government's job to protect its people. A drug that intense just shouldn't be sold over the counter. Freedom is not dying because you can't be Salvia over the counter in Delaware. That's obnoxious. Freedom is is not being able to buy anything you want from wherever you want.
phillydrifter : 2009-10-11 08:27:55
F*ck. CIA not DIA.
phillydrifter : 2009-10-11 08:27:16
dbg13: you're just as bad as the suits who wrote these laws in the first place.

The DIA uses illegal drugs to covertly fund their military campaign. Have you noticed that Obama & Co have just awarded some $770 BILLION dollars to corporations 'too big to fail'?


Instead of 'OMGGZZERS MAKE IT ILLEGAL' why not legalize and regulate it like alcohol and tobacco, and (OMGGZZ0RZ) TRY EDUCATING THE PUBLIC to it's effects, THEN they can make EDUCATED decisions about it and whether or not they want to try it!

I ordered a copy of this book offered at suburra dot com and just started reading it this morning so I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled across this page.

dbg13 : 2009-10-10 17:55:42
I have done many hallucinogens, and salvia is the most powerful. (i have not done DMT, {but ketamine in high doses is a vary strong hallucinogen...vary}) Salvia is weird first time i did it i was on acid and when i hit it everything i saw turned colors and peoples faces were in cartoon, i have not had that same type of hallucination, the other times were vary scary, like out of body experience, feeling like you are dead and in heaven and always with a disturbing feeling of being fused with inanimate objects. yah! crazy
I WAS SOOOOO AMAZED THIS STUFF IS LEGAL IT SHOULD NOT BE LEGAL!!!! AT ALL, compared to mushrooms and acid it is much stronger and more mind altering, you really have to be mentally stable and prepared, its really a spiritual experience that i DO NOT recommend to anyone unless you have a long history of RESPONIBLE drug use. LEGALIZE MARIJUANA AND STOP POLICE BRUTALITY
Synchronium : 2009-10-07 06:51:33
A similar thing just happened with a girl and GBL in the UK.

The mother kicked off big time about the current drug laws, despite her daughter being totally drunk at the time.

GK-OR : 2009-10-06 20:04:01
Luckily, police will likely rarely be qualified to identify the plant when planted amongst other common forest vegetation, or even as an ornamental houseplant in the presence of a few philodendrons. I'm afraid fund-raiser is a far cry from botanist.

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