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Man on PCP eats son's eyes

A Bakersfield father is accused of biting out one of the eyes of his small child and similarly mutilating the other eye, leaving the child blind.


A search warrant report said the father "was displaying symptoms of being under the influence of PCP."

What's the deal with PCP and cannibalism?

Posted By schepard at 2009-05-18 14:19:06 permalink | comments
Tags: PCP cannibalism
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TAYLOR. : 2010-03-24 12:06:02
PCP does not make you do stuff like this... i was doing it and all i did was sit on the couch withmy friends and laugh... and i DID ALOT... maybe on the come down or something you get a little crazy.. but not like this.. i believe that the man was just insane not the drug.. although the drug is also insane it doesnt make people eat other peoples eyes... You do have somewhat control of your body when you do PCP its not like you have no idea whats going on.. it does make you really stupid though haha... its fun.. probably the best drug
lolol. : 2009-07-04 19:17:01
Yo "Yo"

lrn2read nigga. Nugz said it does it more than alcohol and marijuana, not that alcohol and marijuana don't change the way we act.

yo. : 2009-06-06 13:14:34
Hey Nugz, you think alcohol doesn't make you do things you wouldn't normally do? Hah! It's the most common source of stupid violent behavior in the world!
Nugz. : 2009-06-06 01:39:50
"whatever." you're retarded. PCP is not weed or wine. It's a psychotropic drug. It will make you do things you wouldn't normally do, far beyond the scope of alcohol or marijuana.
whatever. : 2009-05-27 21:43:28
I think this story is more about a very disturbed human than it is about PCP. If he had consumed a glass of wine before doing this would the headline read, "Man on alcohol eats son's eyes"? No. It would have portrayed him as insane and not under the influence of a drug. If you implied alcohol made someone commit grisly acts the industry lobby would be on you like a pit bull. The article headline should read, "Crazy fuck goes to jail".
missing the point. : 2009-05-26 22:58:02
This is aweful, and all you seem to want to write about is that PCP might get a bad rap, who is the sicko?

What kind of society do we live in when we defend the use of a drug instead of feeling some sense of responsibility for this child.

Glad none of you are raising my children. If you are more concerned that PCP is getting a "bad wrap" you are not worth the oxygen you consume.

guest : 2009-05-21 22:34:56
done pcp tons of times an never bothered to leave my couch let alone get the urge to attack anyone.
factlover. : 2009-05-19 17:52:34
Barring toxicology results, this is groundless scaremongering. Examinations of the causal link between PCP and violence have consistently shown that it is non-existent. I can bury you in references if you like, or you can save yourself the embarassment and accept that I'm right. (I prefer the former.)
guest2. : 2009-05-19 11:47:53
PCP was used in veterinary offices but never was approved for human consumption during clinical studies the side effects were,
delirium and extreme agitation. I have read about people that thought they could fly off buildings, thought they had super powers, so this story doesn't surprise me in the least. Its a very sad situation. We should think about the little boy & pray for him!
Doug. : 2009-05-19 09:21:44
Oh come on. Isn't it remotely possible that there's an ever so slim chance that maybe, just maybe, SOME "drugs" actually DO make you go fucking nuts and eatt body parts when ingested?

Stick with plants and fungus.

Victoria. : 2009-05-18 22:46:03
Symptoms of PCP?

I'd like to see a little more proof than that.

PoisonedV. : 2009-05-18 19:39:27
I don't think so, Gwyllm. It's the PSP that triggers it- maybe some people go insane because of some tick that only so many people have, or maybe they just used much, but a recurrence of an action on a drug leads me to believe that it's either because of the drug or because of some subconscious memetic about PCP, and I'm still leaning towards the first one. This probably could have been avoided by set, set, and setting, but this isn't someone whos just flat out sick and crazy, this is someone being irresponsible with drugs. Drugs DO have harmful effects like everything else in life, as much as drugs users and drug legalization campaigners (myself included) don't seem to want to admit
ack. : 2009-05-18 18:13:50
yeah, great job Dad. blind your kid and provide a big talking point example for all the twats that want to go on about the dangers. all the people who did it safely, not news.
Gwyllm. : 2009-05-18 17:50:36
Still it is a tragedy. Good finds though Schepard. Something though has to be amiss for any drug to have this kind of effect I would think.

G : 2009-05-18 17:33:50
PCP induced psychosis is a great animal paradigm for Schizophrenia...
schepard : 2009-05-18 16:27:36
HellKatonWheelz. : 2009-05-18 16:13:37
Ok, I know this is tragic and everything, but what kind of asshat reporter puts in a quote from a child saying, "my daddy ate my eyes" and expects people not to laugh?

yeah. still giggling. sorry.

schepard : 2009-05-18 16:12:19

I know PCP isn't always harmful. Just noticing stuff is all.

Gwyllm. : 2009-05-18 15:05:38
I can think that there have probably been a million or more users of PCP who never did anything violent, dangerous or cannibalistic. What you have here is flat out sick and crazy with or without usage.
guest : 2009-05-18 14:49:28
This was just posted over at BoingBoing too.

It wasn't good there. It's not much better here. I'm all for education and awareness, but there may be things we just don't need to know.

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